
Friday, April 15, 2011

Home Gardens Mid-April....A Pictorial

Everything here at the house is moving along slowly but surely. Boy what a difference from last year!

Left Cold Frame, overwintered carrots are finally growing and some spinach & pak choi has been sown

Right Cold Frame, the arugula is about finished, some spinach has been sown here too. I will sow more when I pull the arugula plants

The peas are finally coming up

I planted some pak choi in empty spaces in the garlic bed

Some color in the perennial beds & herb garden

Carrots have been sown in between the cloches. More carrots will be sown today in 4 large pots.

There are some good brussels sprouts on this plant. I will cut them off today and finally pull the plant. This year I started them earlier.

Lilacs are filling out. Last year they were in bloom at this time, a month earlier then normal.

Oregano is coming up nicely

The chives are also pretty big and we have been using them for cooking

Spring flowers are blooming in the perennial beds

Four flats of cold crops & some herbs have been hardening off under the bench on the back porch and most will be planted at the plots this weekend

The early tomatoes at 8 weeks old. They have been spending most of the time outside and will be planted in the cloches this weekend. Last year they were in the cloches about 10 days earlier.


  1. Looking good! I might have to try brussel sprouts next year...that looks interesting....

  2. Everything looks so nice and careful with the Oregano, I planted some 10 years ago and it traveled so much, that now I can't tell if it's weeds or not...the one in the box I know is, so I'll treat it differently...

  3. My mouth is watering over your Brussel Sprouts! Yummy!

  4. Looking good! Everything looks nice and healthy.

  5. Nice looking tomato plants! They're ready for the garden, it looks like...

  6. Deb, Last year was the first year that I planted Brussels Sprouts and they didn't get big enough to harvest. This year I started them earlier in hopes of harvesting them in the fall.

    Ginny, That oregano has been there for 7 years now. I just pull a lot of it out as it travels. I dry quite a bit of it since "The Italian" uses a lot in cooking.

    Lynda, Those were a long time coming!

    Thanks Mac, my husband says that the plants do well because I love them so much.

    EG, Yep they are going in the cloches this weekend. There are three of yours in there! I will post on them when they are planted.

    Sue, I think that they are happy and want to be planted :)

  7. Your garden is beautiful, rich and full. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I would love to have those brussel sprouts. Mine never do as well as I would like them to. And the ones I started this year are growing like molasses. I can't believe you have so many flowers blooming. For being in the same zone, we are so much behind you. I must be in the twilight zone.

  9. It's all looking really good! My indeterminate tomatoes are ready to be planted out, but the weather isn't cooperating. The other tomatoes seem to be taking their own sweet time, probably because I've been putting them out in the cool weather every day I can. I planted my oregano i a pot, I hope it grows, and I hope it stays put!

  10. Last year was such and early year and this one has been a bit late. The contrast between the two is just amazing to me though. I feel like my peas are so late, but they really aren't that far behind last year.

  11. Thanks Jody....things are progressing.

    Jane, Those darn brussels sprouts were started at the end of last April and only one plant survived the winter and actually gave me a few sprouts. This year I started them much earlier.

    Granny, Thank goodness I started the regular tomatoes much later or I would be in trouble with a capital T!! I never have problems with the oregano it's not like mint. I just rip out any that gets too big and it's fine.

    Daphne, I think that we all got spoiled last year with everything being so early. I am hoping that the cooler temps will make for better broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower this year!

  12. Everything looks great! I think everything in my greenhouse will be planted out this weekend. I will need to cover the beds at night as it is still only in the mid 40's. But he day time temps are in the mis 60's and low 70's

  13. Fantastic! Looks terrific and it's so funny to think that we're planting exactly the same things although I'm heading into Winter and you're in Spring! :)

  14. Liisa, I haven't started to put any warm weather crops in the greenhouse yet. Maybe I'll go out there today and clean-up the toys and put the shelves up. I can't believe that your night time temps are that low right now.

    Mrs.Bok, The internet really makes us aware of the different seasons around the globe.

  15. This is going to be such a great gardening year for you. Beautiful and healthy seedlings, and new garden plot compete with new gardening friends.

    I bet you are happy to be finished digging the beds. Now on to more planting and growing.

  16. Rachel, I am so glad to be finished with digging!! Now I can play :)

  17. Anyway, it's still miserably wet and cold here and our garden looks not much different than it did when we built our beds. Our pea plants are doing well and like the cold weather and our blueberry bushes are covered in little leaf-buds that make me sooooo hungry for warm, ripe blueberries right off the bush!


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