
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Little Garden Helper sowing carrots & garden art

My "Little Garden Helper" is finally home from visiting with his other grandparents in Florida. He was very excited to see that the greenhouse was up and wanted to plant seeds. It has been raining for the last two days. So I decided to get out some carrot seed mats and take him in the greenhouse to plant some carrots. It was much warmer and dry in there.

I gave him a gardening tool and he started loosening the soil. He always amazes me with how he knows just what to do in the garden. I really think that farming must just run in the blood.

He wanted to know where the seeds were. I showed him how they were glued to the paper. I told him that they had to be covered with the dirt and he did it. Then we went in to the garage to get some boards to lay on top of the carrots. While we were in there we found some great toys!

Since he could walk, I would always let him play in the dirt of an empty bed. What little boy doesn't love playing in dirt??

We had a great time!

Now we have some great garden art in the greenhouse!
Please note, no onions were hurt during the process.


  1. He is darling...and so serious about what he is doing! Good that you have pictures...they grow up too fast.

  2. Beautiful mud ducks he's made too! :)

  3. Yep, boys do love playing in dirt - even old boys like me! It's neat that he is interested in gardening already. That should serve him well as he grows older. He will sure know where food comes from!

  4. Thanks Patricia, They do grow up so fast, my baby boy (his daddy) is 33!

    Mrs.Bok, Yes, we made mud ducks and cakes!

    Villager, I always loved playing in the dirt too! He is only 3 years old and last year he would weed the garden, put things in the compost and help plant. I think he will be a master gardener by the age of 5!

  5. He is growing into quite the looker! I do hope he gets his grandmother's love of gardening in his blood, he can be a really great help as he gets older. I'm just waiting for my 13-year-old grandson to get out of school on spring break, I have a few chores for him!

  6. Granny, Don't you just love his new boy haircut?? I think that he was born with gardening in his blood! I took him over to the plots in the rain. He looked at all of the strawberry plants, raspberry canes and inspected each and every boccoli and cabbage plant!

  7. He will remember those days when he's older..I remember mine with my grandfather ...childhood! a wonderful time with grandparents...

  8. The photos of your little garden helper are absolutely darling!

  9. How fun. You're so blessed to have such an eager gardener. It starts with farming in his blood, but you'll have to teach him how to be a green thumb!

    Why do you and other people cover carrot seedlings? The package of seeds I planted told me to plant them shallowly because they need light to germinate. I'm a bit confused about the whole thing.

  10. So glad to hear that no onions were hurt during the garden art making process! :-) Your grandson is a darling.

  11. Ginny, I hope so! My fondest memories with my grandfather were at the farm.

    Kaytee & Rachel, Thanks I think he is a cutie pie!!

    Jody, He's a natural gardener. I have to tell you, I have never had the best luck with, I'm just following Granny's instructions this year. She said to keep them covered with a board or burlap for a few days to keep them moist. Then uncover them when they start to germinate.

    Minji, There are a few onions planted in the corners of that bed and he was careful!

    Holly, We had a great time!

  12. Your little garden helper is having a very fantastic time.

  13. I was talking to my son the other day. He was telling me how wonderful it was that I let him play in the dirt when he was a kid.

  14. Awesome! How cute is he. We need to grow our next generation of veggie gardeners!

  15. He's starting early to be a great gardener.

    I wanted to invite you to the Reading Project hosted by The Sage Butterfly for Earth Day. Here's a link for more info:
    Please just let me know yes or no so I can link to your blog on my post. I want to publish my post by the end of the weekend. I look forward to seeing which books you recommend.

  16. What a darling helper! Playing in the dirt is the real passion of gardeners... he definitely has the making of a future grower. :D


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