
Monday, April 11, 2011

Green Harvest Monday.....4/11/2011

It was a greens week in the harvest department. All of the harvests so far this year have come from the cold frames with the exception of some herbs. I am so grateful that we managed to get them built last fall, especially with the spring weather we have had.

Nice basket of Kale. I just love the blue/green color.

Some Rainbow Chard and Collards.
This is the first time that I have grown chard or even eaten it. None of the pretty pink or red ones were ready to pick, just the yellow and white. I'm sure that it will get much bigger....but they really looked like they needed to be cut a little.  I also love the color and look of Collards. The blue/green is just so so pretty!

I also harvested some more Arugula this week. It is so wanting to bolt. I keep snipping out the buds. It may be the last week for those plants as the temperature today is supposed to get into the 80's.

Total Harvest this week: 1.375 lbs

Arugual - 3 oz.
Chard - 8 oz.
Collards - 7 oz.
Kale - 4 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Lovely greens harvest. The Bright Lights swiss chard as such a great splash of color to the early spring greens harvests. I think they are such a pretty plant - not to mention good tasting!

  2. Nice harvest Robin. I was just thinking this weekend how different this year has been compared to last. This time last year, I was harvesting a ton of greens. Due to the weather - not so much this year.

  3. Your Greens look delicious, I've neve planted Chard, maybe this is the year to try them, yours look so good :o)..Enjoy them, seems the first of the season is always the tastiest :o)..

  4. Beautiful Robin - I can't believe you never grew or had chard. It is a staple for my 12 year old daughter. The colors are beautiful. You are already so ahead of me in everything.

  5. Yumm, I love the cooler months and the greens that accompany them. Your veggies look beautiful, and I'm sure they taste even better!

  6. Your greens look fabulous. All my kale has bolted and I wish I had some to harvest after tyring a amazing kale ceasar salad at a restaurant last week.

  7. Your collards look great and I hope you like the chard. We mostly grow the green ones in our garden because they seem to do better than the other colors for some reason. When did you plant your greens?

  8. Beautiful harvest of greens, Robin!

  9. Lovely looking greens! Our cold frames are keeping us supplied too. The overwintered kale is bolting here, I need to pick some before it's too late!

  10. great harvest - since it was your first how did you like the greens?

  11. That's it we've decided to do it. We're putting cold frames in next fall. What a beautiful harvest. Yum, yum!

  12. Everything looks so nice. I only tried Chard for the first time a few years ago. It's always nice to add new things to your diet! Your page looks really nice, it has been a while since I have read my blogs!

  13. Laura, I can't wait to taste the chard! It is such a pretty plant! I'm sure I will just love it!

    Thomas, Boy, what a difference this year! Last year everything was a month ahead of usual.

    Ginny, I am excited to try the Chard. I will let you know how it is.

    johanna, It's just one of those things that I wasn't brought up on and never got around to growing until now. I am sure that I will love it...I can't think of a vegetable that I don't love.

    Mary, The cool weather greens are just so pretty and good tasting too!

    Michelle, The kale ceasar salad sounds great! I have a wonderful ceasar dressing recipe and am going to have to give it a try.

    Mr.H, The greens were planted in the cold frame at the end of November. They did very well for my first year cold frame growing.

    Thanks EG, We just love greens around here!

    Villager, We are just loving the cold frames! That was only the second time I harvested any of that kale. I hope that the unusally warm weather we had yesterday doesn't make it want to bolt!

    Barbie, this wasn't my first harvest, just the first with the chard. I think that we will be cooking it tonight. I'm sure that I will love the chard as much as the other greens!

    Jody, You really need cold frames. I didn't get mine planted until late in November. This year I will be sowing some veggies in them earlier.

    Shawn Ann, Thanks a bunch. Life can be quite busy and it does take some time to read all the blogs.

  14. It has been a cold spring. Well this week excepted. What a wonderful harvest. My kale didn't take off last fall because of the caterpillars. Yours look wonderful.

  15. Nice baskets of greens, I'm growing some collards, but the leaf miners got into the leaves, I covered them with tulle but they still manage to get in and laid eggs.

  16. Nice harvest. After looking at your kale and chard, we got so excited and can't wait for our first attempt at growing them this fall. I have never eaten them. Hope your family enjoyed it very much.

  17. Daphne, It definitely has been a cold spring. Too bad about the caterpillars...those darn pests!

    Thanks Mac, Somtimes you just can't win :(

    MK-girl, Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I really think that you will enjoy kale & chard. We just love them!

  18. Lovely harvest of hardy greens, Robin! If you develop/try out some good recipes for those greens, please share!


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