
Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Plots....finally an update!!

I have to apologize for not posting a plot update in awhile. There has been progress there this past week. However, I either forgot the camera or got hit by a sudden wind and rain storm or maybe just forgot to take some pictures. Anyway here's what has been happening at the plots. Warning....lots of pictures!!

The bed on the left is the strawberry bed. It was planted last Sunday with 3 varieties of Strawberries. 26, Jewel June bearing, 26 Annapolis Early June bearing and 30 Ozark Beauty ever bearing. That's 82 plants total. I hope that is enought to keep "The Italian" and my "Little Garden Helper" happy!! Speaking of "The Italian", he framed out the bed today.

The bed in the back to the right is one of two Asparagus beds. That bed was planted yesterday with Jersey Supreme and framed out as well. The marked off area in the front of the picture is where we are going to have our little shelter. As you can see the soil there is nice and dark. When I was digging the asparagus bed I ran into some heavy clay. I removed the clay and used some of the good dirt. I also added lots of manure, composted manure and peat to the bed. As the asparagus grows I will continue to add compost to the dirt as I back fill it.

This is what some of the clay soil looked like that I dug out of the asparagus bed. I am using this soil to put around the exterior of the beds as they are framed in. We were going to sink the framing into the ground a bit more....but I decided not to as I will be adding lots of compost to the beds as soon as I can find a good source for it.

This is bed #5 which is next to the Strawberry bed. "The Italian" framed out the bed yesterday and I planted 30' feet of English Peas on the right side of the bed. I didn't put up any type of trellis for the peas yet. I am thinking that I will use some bamboo and netting that I have available.

Here is the second Asparagus bed which is in the front of the plots on the right side. "The Italian" framed it out yesterday and it will be planted with Purple Passion Asparagus tomorrow.

Bed #2 was framed yesterday. I planted about 12' of Snow Peas on the right side toward the middle. I also put up some trellis for the peas. To the right of this bed is Bed #1.

Bed #1 was planted on Wednesday and Saturday with Broccoli, Cabbage and some Pak Choi. I wasn't able to finish it on Wednesday as we were hit with some horrible wind and rain in an instant. I will also plant Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower in this bed. I think that it looks like my pot bed right now!

Today I dug up the remaining abandoned strawberries that were in Bed #3 and the pathways. I ended up with two buckets of very old and tuff strawberries. I don't think that they were tended to in years. Hopefully one of the gardeners will want them and will be able to get some good roots from some some of the runners.

All of the raspberries that were at the plots are starting to show some green!

Even the canes that are still in the garbage can are showing some green!

That's it for now!! I will most likely do at least a couple of posts on the plots this week. The weather has finally gotten warmer and I will be over there catching up!!


  1. Gosh that was a lot of work! Can't wait for the green leaves to pop up! That makes it all worthwhile.

  2. Good heavens, those beds look HUGE! What a good job your Hawaiian is doing for you *wink*. And what a good job you are doing with all that digging and planting!

  3. I am in awe of your undertaking. Kudos to you and the "Italian!"

  4. Planted 48 strawberry plants and thought that was a lot although we do have one or two more (well six) on order.

  5. “Warning….lots of pictures!!” Silly you! That is just what we’ve been waiting for. The garden is looking so wonderful. I love watching your progress.

  6. VP, I just can't wait to see what the plots look like in mid-summer!!

    Granny, The beds are pretty big. The longest one is 34'. I am getting antsy and want all the hard-scaping done. Then I can mess around with all the finishing touches and mother the plants so they grow big and tall and give us lots of good veggies to eat :)

    Patricia, Thanks a's getting there!

    Sue, My husband and grandson go through so much strawberry jam. I need a lot of plants. Hubby also likes to have fresh strawberries for breakfast.

    Rachel, I was going to post more pics, but I didn't want to bore everyone. I am hoping for a lot more progress this week!

  7. Robin - it's all looking fabulous. You've done an incredible job!

  8. You have some garden, it's absolutely beautiful and I can l see loads of planting if it were mine :o) you will have a time come Harvest..will you can or freeze?

  9. Looking good Robin! Glad to see that everything is coming together. I'm sure that will be enough strawberries!

  10. Oh my gosh that is a lot of work you all have done, and it looks great! It will be so rewarding having all that space and the proper prep work done, I'm sure the garden will give you lots of healthy goodies!

  11. I know nothing about community plots, but I was wondering do you sign a lease for a certain amount of time? The reason I ask is I see you planted things that will take years for a reward and I was just wondering how many years you could claim that plot. It is a great idea.

  12. The plot is coming along just wonderfully and your new beds are really beautiful. The Italian is doing a great job with the hardscaping elements. Well done!

  13. Thanks Marcia...we're trying to get things done with this crazy weather!

    Ginny, I can and freeze depending upon the vegetable. I think that I will be quite busy when canning season starts!!

    Thomas, I think that 82 plants should keep "The Italian" and my "Little Garden Helper" supplied with enough strawberry jam!

    Erin, I am so far behind schedule over there because of this stupid weather. It is getting there though.

  14. Jane, We can keep the plots as long as we want as long as we pay our $20. a year plot rent before December 31 for the following year. There are gardeners that have been there since the garden started in the late 80's

    Thanks Laura, "The Italian" was saying yesterday that the beds aren't nearly as nice as the ones he built at home. I told him, it's not our house so it doesn't matter. They will be beautiful when everything starts growing!

  15. I am new to you blog, wonderful blog and your plots are amazing. I have a question with my bed, last year I haven't weeded the bed towards the season end and there were lot of weeds and now everything is dry and I cleaned all I could. But my question is should I remove the top soil and add compost and manure or can I add compost directly. The reason I want to remove the soil is I guessing the weed seeds are still in the soil and they germinate. Or do you think mulching can keep the weed seeds from germination?

  16. You have been one busy lady, Robin. The beds look great! I know you have to feel so good about all this garden space. By the way, DH just put in one more raised bed for me.

  17. Hi Sarada and thanks for stopping by! Boy that's a tuff one, it depends on the type of weeds that you had in your garden. A very thick layer of "Clean Compost" should keep most weeds under control. Good luck and let me know how you make out.

    Thanks Diana, we were planning to finish the beds today...but, it looks like rain :(

  18. Wow that's a big area to work on. I envy your climate as here we cannot do much because of the full hot sun the whole day, and it's so hot and humid. Those are good harvests you got there in your newer post.

  19. Oh wow, the beds are beautiful and neat, can't want to see them fill with veggies and fruits this summer.

  20. Oh that sounds like a lot of work. Worth it I know since I'm doing major planting up too. I can't wait to see it all leafed out in the summer.


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