
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dang Rabbits!!!

I have really been pushing my luck with the one garden bed next door. After selling the house I had only intended to use the one small bed for some early potatoes this year. Therefore I removed all of the bunny fencing around two of the beds late in the winter. Later I decided to plant snow peas around the big bed. The peas were growing fine and I had run out of bunny spray. Every day I would watch a really big bunny in the yard and each and every time it would go right by the peas. Well my luck ran out!

Here are the peas four days ago.

This is what they looked like this morning...all 16' of them! They are all about 6" high now. Well, at least they are even!

Before we went out for Mother's Day breakfast, I put chicken wire on both sides of the peas. When we got home I made those sweet little bunnies a nice spray of cayenne pepper, hot sauce and water. I hope they enjoy that!


  1. Ugh those bunnies! They gave me so much grief last year that they encouraged me to take drastic measures by building our ironclad fence (okay, not really, but close enough for those critters) this year. That chicken wire should definitely do the trick. If not, I hope the bunnies enjoy pepper spray!

  2. I had bunny issues over our winter - into my peas and greens. I finally figured out that they were getting in under the chicken wire fencing in a couple of places. I closed up the holes and no more bunnies.

  3. The never ending battle. There is always something that wants to benefit from all of your hardwork. My nemesis is the groundhog.

  4. If things get worst we will all learn to set traps and have bunny stew, baked, fried and any other way we cook chicken..

  5. I'm with gingerbread. My first thought was that it was time for bunny stew.

  6. Those bunnies are unstoppable. Even with 3 dogs they munch on everything that's unprotected. We JUST planted a peach tree a week ago and they're eating the bark off it! UGH!

  7. I think you should estimate the number of ounces they ate and add it to your weight yield so far this year!

  8. Minji, The chicken wire and spray should definitely do the trick. I don't know why I thought I would get away without it.

    Melissa, I should have put the bunny fence back up when I planted the peas.

    Jane, There is nothing worse then a groundhog. I battled with one here two years ago for an entire season. I couldn't trap it to save my life...and you can't shoot in the city. I finally found his skeletal remains in my garage last spring!

    Ginny, I did a lot of trapping here last spring. I guess it's time to get the traps out.

    Daphne, I think rabbit jambalaya sounds good!

    tami, The bunnies keep eating my blueberry bushes here. They are in bloom now. Once they are done, I'm putting them in pots.

    Jody, You're too funny, I'm just happy that they weren't completed eaten like the groundhog did a couple of years ago.

  9. I feel your pain! I doubt I will get any scarlet runner beans this year...they keep mowing 'em down!!!

  10. Dang bunnies indeed. AND DANG CATERPILLARS!!!!

  11. That's terrible! Birds do that to my peas, and it's awfully hard to cover them with bird netting. I'm glad we don't have to worry about rabbits here, but we do in my AZ garden.

  12. Ugh!! We have the same problem, and we put up fencing, chicken wire, and bird netting. The tri-fecta of critter deterrent. If it's not the bunnies, it's the squirrels. If it's not the squirrels, it's voles. If it's not voles, it's those damn birds. If it's not the birds, it's insects. It's such an uphill battle! But worth it when you get to reap the benefits. Good luck with bunny control.

  13. Thankfully no bunny problems for us but we do have slugs and snals and wood pigeons and ...

  14. Katrina, that's a shame about your beans. Hopefully my late bunny fencing and spray will do the trick.

    Mrs.Bok, I have never had a caterpillar problem..knock on wood!

    Granny, It is totally my fault for not putting the fencing back up and not spraying. I am keeping the carrot pots covered right now as it looked like a bird pecked out a couple of seedlings.

    Mimi, it's always something!!

    Sue, I had no critter or insect problems the first couple of years that I gardened here. It seems like the longer you garden in a space the more outside attractions you get.

  15. Oh no, I'm so sorry. I just read a different blog post with an adorable pet bunny and started to feel a little fonder of them... and then I saw your post and remembered they aren't so fun outside.

  16. Dang rabbit! I had one give me grief a year ago last winter. Kept hitting my overwintered carrot patches. I finally got him blocked out successfully but not until he made a nice mess of things.


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