
Monday, May 9, 2011

Harvest Monday.......5/9/2011

This week I had my first harvest from the plots. Although that may sound exciting, it was due to early bolting. Almost of all my Pak Choi both here at home and at the plots had started to flower. Last year it was very warm and I had the most beautiful plants. I am hoping that the later planted Baby Choi & Tatsoi will do much better.

The total weight of all the tiny bolting Pak Choi was only 12 oz. I have to say that it was a real disapointment. I did make a wonderful dinner with it though...Spiced Chicken with Pak Choi. The recipe is posted here.

This is a picture from last year's post. It's a really great dish!

I also harvested a nice head of lettuce which was made into a Ceasar Salad for lunch. The recipe for the dressing can be found here.

Total Harvest for the week: 1 lb.

Pak Choi - 12 oz.
Lettuce - 4 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what is going on in veggie gardens around the globe!


  1. That dish looks really good, and it's a shame those pesky rabbits ruined the peas....

  2. Robin - your banner shows some lovely bok choy. Did you not get to harvest them? I'll have to look at that recipe and maybe plant some bok choy/pak choi(?) in the fall. we do enjoy cooking Chinese.

  3. Oh how sad that it bolted. Last year I had a lot of bolting problems when it was so hot, but not very many this year. Half the bok choy I picked was starting to bolt, but it was full sized already so it was not an issue. But at least there was enough for a good meal.

  4. EG, It's a great dish. I am hoping that the snow peas will be fine now. I do have more planted at the plots though.

    Marcia, Yes, the lovely pak choi in the banner is some that bolted and was harvested. It is spelled different ways depending on variety and where you purchase the seeds...I think!

    Daphne, It's funny that it didn't bolt last year with the high temps we had. Oh well, I can plant more later in the season and we did have a good meal!

  5. I had about 1/3 of my pac choi want to bolt, but luckily most of them got good sized before doing that. The rest appear to be getting sized up without bolting. Not sure what influenced each of them to behave differently, but in the end it makes no difference, as I eat them all - bolted or not!

  6. Laura, I agree, they still taste good bolted or not!

  7. it looks delicious...I've never grown or tasted it myself.
    There are many new veggies out there for me to try..

  8. What a delightful looking dish! I wish Mr. Granny was willing to try something different from the same-old-same-old! That's why I've never even tried growing the Asian greens.

  9. I only planted a few pak choi and most of them have bolted as well. I will try again in the fall.

    Your lettuce looks beautiful.

  10. Ginny, It's amazing how many wonderful vegetables you can discover when you have a garden blog! I think the list is never ending!

    Granny, I think that you should grow some anyway. You never know...he may like them. If not there is always Frank :)

    Rachel, I think that it is strange that it bolted this year since it has been so cool. I'll be planting more in the fall as well.

  11. We are going through a lean period mainly due to things not surviving last winter but we still have a few leeks and did manage a small cauliflower and a few springs of broccoli

  12. Robin your meal looks great. I love stir fries with all the asian vegetables but just don't have the room so grow mostly veggies that I can preserve to use through out the year. Am trying some different planting methods this year that may give me more space so maybe next year I can have some different things like bok choi. I am amazed that so many are talking about bolting this year as I know it has been cold here.

  13. Your dishes sound lovely, and your head of lettuce looks scrumptious. I've only been out of lettuce for a couple weeks and I am already 'green' with envy!


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