
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Look what I found!!

An itsy bitsy teeny weeny cherry tomato!

It's on the Matt's Wild Cherry tomato plant.


  1. Matt's wild cherry was my first to produce and made a billion tomatoes all last summer. It really gives you the most bang for the buck.

  2. OMG, that's crazy! My Matt's hasn't blossomed yet. I do have some blossoms (Bloody Butcher and Cherokee Purple), but I was expecting them to drop because of the cold weather. Maybe I'll luck out and get an early tomato.

  3. I've got to more to a warmer climate. My tomato plants are still in the greenhouse and even the ones to be potted up are only 5" tall.

  4. Congratulations! My best tomato plants are just starting to form blossoms ....

  5. ::clap::clap:: Congratulations on your first little tomato!!

  6. Yeah!!! I have lots of blossoms on most of the tomatoes but no tomatoes yet, I don't think. RE the White Tomesol seeds you gave me: they seemed to be the slowest growing early on... healthy, but took their good ole time, likely thinking, 'hey, I'm not in PA any longer'. But now they are setting blossoms and look great.

    One other thing: the zucchini 'cocozelle', 2 inch long zucchini. I can't believe it, and it's beautiful! Can't wait.

  7. Oh Yeah! There's hope then! I have 2 Matt's WC's. no blossoms yet though. You GO girl!

  8. And so it begins, the first of many more to come!

  9. Jane, The Matt's is a very heavy producer, that's for sure!

    Granny, I have blossoms on several of the early tomatoes out there. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Wilderness, it will warm up for you sooner or later. Our weather here has been much colder then normal. That little guy was a surprise to see.

    Deb, Thanks, I'm sure that you will have tomatoes setting soon.

    Rachel, thanks, it was a surprise to see!

    Diana, The White Tomesol does seem slow to get going. I am happy to hear about the zuc....keep me updated.

    tami, with 2 Matt's you will have little cherries coming out your's a heavy producer.

    Villager, oh yes...I'm hoping for a good crop again this year.

  10. That's amazing! Nothing but blossoms here yet (I think!), congrats!

  11. Oh how exciting. The first tomato forming. I think I'm still quite a ways off of that one. I'm thinking that the first will be Sungold this year, but you never know.

  12. We're not at the flower stage yet - just starting to plant out our young plants

  13. Hurrah! I have Sun Golds that have had blossoms on for quite a while, but no fruit yet (at least not that I have seen). I noticed yesterday that the Market Miracle tomatoes are also about ready to blossom too. If we would just get a little warm up in our weather, I am pretty sure I could manage a few early ripe tomatoes this year.

  14. Congrats on the first green tomato. I have flowers on the cherry I bought from the Amish nursery but I don't hold out much hope that they will develop since they have the shock of transplant to contend with.

    How did the peppers and eggplants do with their transplanting and the cold temps?

  15. Marcia, The eggplants and peppers are just fine. It's so windy at the plots that there are a few wind damaged leaves...but, they have to get used to the wind there.


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