
Monday, May 2, 2011

Harvest Monday........5/2/2011

It is another week of overwintered cold frames greens and lettuce, with the exception of some herbs and scallions. I am really ready for something a bit different......but I'm not going to complain.

The chard and kale were flowering so the plants were pulled yesterday. I had so many collards, kale & chard on hand that I froze a few packages this past week.

There has been more overwintered lettuce then the two of us can eat. I gave some lettuce to our neighbors across the street. The husband recently retired and collects wine. He is always bringing over a bottle or two for us. I told him that if he keeps us in wine, I will keep them in veggies :)

I also made a large salad with lettuce, chard, scallions and some fresh herbs for my father in-laws BD celebration yesterday. 

One basket of lettuce that was harvested this week.

Total Harvest for the week: 2.625lbs

Chard - 12 oz.
Kale - 4 oz.
Lettuce - 26 oz.

Please stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what is going on in veggie gardens around the globe!


  1. Wine for veggies, what a great deal! The way things should be, sharing with others! I think our world would be a much better place if there was more wine and veggies to go around LOL!

  2. Erin, I agree!! I have turned in to a red wine lover over the winter :) It's supposed to be really healthy for women to have at least one glass of red wine a day :)

  3. That lettuce lucks amazing Robin! I'm still waiting on mine but hopefully we'll have some large heads in a week or two.

    I love it when neighbors share home-produced food. It's how it should be!

  4. Robin your over the winter greens has sure done well by you. Our winters are too harsh here so have to wait until the end of May to even start planting.

  5. Lovely greens harvest this week. Every year I hunger for the start of the greens season, and by the time the other crops start producing, I am getting heartily sick of them... but then they go away for a long enough period that I am back really wanting them again. Right now, I am in the total enjoyment stage but I know it will not be too many more weeks before I once again grow weary and start wishing for something else to be ready for harvest. ;D

  6. Your lettuce looks just scrumptious! Lettuce for wine also seems like a great trade. Happy Harvest Monday!

  7. I'm enjoying the first really good week of harvests so I'm not tired of it yet. I can't wait to pick a big basket of lettuce and have enough to give away.

  8. I'm ready for other things besides greens too but I'm also not complaining. Sharing with friends and neighbors is always fun and rewarding. I need to find someone with chickens to swap with! ;-)

  9. Oh the lettuce looks wonderful! I'm finally getting some nice lettuce from my's been a long time coming!

  10. I would swap wine for lettuce any day! Great deal.

  11. Your lettuce is beautiful! That wine/veggie swap is quite a nice exchange! I'd be up for that one any day!

  12. Thomas, I have to say that we absolutely have the best neighbors!! Everyone helps each other out and looks out for each other.

    wilderness, We have been very happy with what we have gotten from the cold frames this year.

    Laura, wouldn't it be nice if we could have everything that we want when we want it??? Oh yeah...that's the grocery store! I'm going to be happy with what is in season!

    Minji, It's a great trade especially when you have way too much lettuce!

    Daphne, It won't be long until you are up to your ears in lettuce...and making your neighbors happy!

    Villager, Sharing is very rewarding especially when you know that they actually eat it and enjoy it!

  13. Your lettuce looks wonderful! I think that's a great for veggies!! =0)

  14. How did you ever get in good with a wine connoisseur? We' trade vegetables for a good bottle of wine any day!

  15. Lynda, yeah for you finally being able to harvest some nice lettuce!

    Jane, we think it's a great deal!

    Thanks Marcia

    Megan, We are too....can't have too much wine around :)

    Holly, I think it's a no brainer :)

    Jody, All of our immediate neighbors are so nice. He has been giving us wine for some time now. They really enjoy the fresh veggies from the garden.

  16. Our kale has also started to flower so we are just about brassica-less now

  17. I still have a freezer drawer filled with chard, and I'cve planted two lots this year; Bright Lights (I had the seeds left over) and Fordhook Giant.

  18. Sue, I just came from the plots and most of the pak choi over there was starting to flower. I guess it is just the extreme fluctuations in the weather that is causing it.

    IG, Maybe you can find a neighbor to trade you some wine for veggies :)

  19. Beautiful basket of lettuces, I'm getting tired of my chard also, I'm pulling them to make room for eggplants and peppers.


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