
Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Plots at the end of April

Although our weather has not been cooperating, the planting at the plots is up to date. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised how well everything is growing over there.

The weather finally cooperated on a day when "The Italian" was home and the final two beds were framed out this past week! Hopefully we will be able to get the rain barrel system and shelter set-up this coming week.

Bed #1 (The Pot Garden) is completely planted. I finally put in 30 cauliflower plants yesterday and filled any extra space with more onion sets. This bed is full of Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onions & some Pak Choi. This is the weediest bed that I have there. If you remember, the plot to the right was full of 7' high weeds.

Broccoli & Cabbage
I did loose a couple of broccoli plants, but overall everything is growing wonderful!

The Snow Peas are coming up OK. The English Peas (Little Marvel) are very sporatic in germinating. I think that a lot of them rotted from all of the rain. I also feel that some much needed organic matter in the beds would make it easier for them to grow.

All of the Kohlrabi is growing great! I planted some Celery at the end of this bed and in another bed yesterday.

Both varieties of Asparagus are coming up. This is the Jersey Supreme. I couldn't get a good picture of the Purple Passion due to the sun and location of the bed.

Many of the strawberry plants have flowers on them!!

The potatoes are coming up quicker at the plots then here at home.

The Raspberries and Blackberries are growing like crazy over there! Now I need to get working on the paths, compost bins and amend the soil in Beds 3 & 4 to get them ready for the warm weather veggies.


  1. Your gardens are looking great, can you tell me more about the containers around your it to keep certain insects out?

  2. The brassicas are growing really splendid. Other vegetables are sprouting happily too.

  3. Mr.H, It is so windy up at the plots. I was told by the seasoned gardeners there to put pots around them until they get big and strong enough to withstand the wind. I think that I will be able to remove some of them now. I did remove them from the Pak Choi yesterday since they were out growing the pots.

    Malay girl, I am very happy with how well everything is growing there.

  4. Looking good, I love the pot garden! (although it made me giggle reading it :)

  5. Erin, I think that it's funny that the pot garden is the weedy garden!!

  6. Looks amazing, Robin! You have NO IDEA how jealous I am that you can grow broccoli, cauliflower and celery. All on my favorites list, too hot for here.

  7. The garden is really coming along. Great news that the last beds are now framed in. That is a major milestone behind you.

  8. Lookin' good, girlfriend! You're going to have enough produce to feed the entire town.

    I should have "potted" my broccoli. I had to stake up a couple of mine after last week's strong winds.

  9. At least things are finally able to start growing. Now if we could just get a little more sun we would be in business.

  10. Wow! Everything is looking great! You are going to be able to feed an army with all of that food!

  11. Love your pot garden, everything looks great, you've done such good job. I'm growing brassicas in pots as well.

  12. tami, There has to be a way to grow it down there. You would have to start it in the winter and put it out under cover....I would think

    Laura, Yes, that is a milestone. Now I just have to figure out what is going on with my tomato plants. I'll post on that later.

    Granny, I'm probably going to put the pots around most of the plants until they get big enough to take on that wind! Now I know why there were all those bottomless pots there. "The Italian" had to cut another 30 pots for me the other day with the jigsaw.

    Jane, A little more sun would definitely help. It's very warm today but kind of cloudy.

    Megan, I am hoping that I will be able to grow enough for us and some of our family. It's going to be busy around here during canning season!!!

    mac, Thanks a's coming along nicely despite the weather.

  13. It looks like everything is coming along nicely. I had some sporadic pea germination last spring when it was so wet. I still got a good stand though. I probably plant too closely as it is.

  14. "The Pot Garden"...ha! Wow, your garden looks huge! How big is it?

  15. Looking fantastic Robin!! Watch out for those awful white butterflies. Do they plague you too?

  16. Daphne, I am sure that some of the peas rotted over there. Time will tell how many more pop through. I plant my peas real close too.

    EG, So you like my weedy pot garden?? The plots are 38' wide by 44' deep on one side and 47' on the other.

    Mrs.Bok, I haven't seen any over there but have seen a couple here at the house.

  17. Wow! Robin! Everything is looking very good over there at the plots! It won't be long before you're filling your car with the harvests.

  18. Beautiful, large gardens! Your 2011 haul will be huge! I'm very interested in seeing your rain barrel system. Where will you gather the rain water from and how will you create pressure?

  19. Marcia, Everything is growing much better then I expected. My wine giving neighbor wanted to know if I was going to come around the neighborhood with a fresh veggie cart and sell veggies!

    Jody, We are praying for a good harvest this year! The gardeners just put up a little structure with a down spout hooked up to the barrels to collect water. The barrels will be raised up on block to create pressure. We should have had it set up awhile ago to collect all this rain. Some of the older men there have pick-up trucks with barrels in the back and pumps. They go down to the creek and get extra water if they need it. They said that they would be happy to get me extra water if I need it...nice!


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