
Friday, July 15, 2011

Blackberry Pie

Late yesterday afternoon I decided to make a Blackberry Crumb Pie. I have never made a blackberry pie so I looked around for a recipe and came up with this.

One 9' pie crust (I always use the recipe from my old Betty Crocker Cookbook)

Crumb Topping:
  • 3/4 Cup Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Butter
Mix together until crumbly. I use a pastry cutter

  • 4 Cups of Berries
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 2 1/2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  1. Pre-heat oven to 375 F
  2. Make crumb topping
  3. Cook all of the filling ingredients EXCEPT the berries on medium heat, stirring constantly with a wisk, until it is thick
  4. Remove from heat and stir in berries
  5. Pour filling into pie crust
  6. Place crumb topping over filling
  7. Bake about 45 minutes or until done (mine took about 1 hr)
  8. Cool a bit and Enjoy!
Boy, it was good!!


  1. Oh, that looks luscious. I'm looking forward to the day I have enough blackberries for a pie. Then hubby and I can get sick of them too, just like the strawberries.!!

  2. That looks lovely. One thing I'm looking forward to when I get back home is crumble...when we get a new oven....

  3. Hey where's the "mess" photo?! LOL I know there is a good mess behind that yummy lovely looking pie!

  4. Sue, I am amazed at how much those blackberry bushes are producing. Now I'm going to make a batch of blackberry jam!

    Mrs.Bok, I am in desperate need of a new stove. The oven works fine but the stove top is about shot!

  5. What's your address? It should only take me an hour to get there. ; )

  6. Erin, oh boy was this kitchen a mess yesterday! I was trying to think how I'm going to re-arrange some things in the kitchen. I don't know where I'm going to sit all the harvests when they start coming in full blast! I sure could use your help!!

  7. johanna, you have my I need to keep the kitchen door locked????

  8. That does look good, I can almost smell it from here.:)

  9. Yum! Blackberries don't come on here until the end of August but when they do it is feast time.

  10. I bet it certainly was good - I want some just looking at it!

  11. Mr.H, It was definitely yummy!

    Laura, We are really enjoying these blackberries.

    EG, You'll have to ask your baker to make you one!

  12. Robin, I like that recipe and it will fit into the menu while the kids are sure looks delicious! I can almost taste it :o)

  13. Oh my. Is there a reason we don't live closer?

  14. We picked our first blackberries today which is really early for us!

  15. Ginny, I hope that you like the recipe....let me know!

    Thomas, Oh boy, wouldn't that be great? I'm about ready for a change in scenery. As much as we love New England, I don't think "The Italian" would be up for a colder region. Even though it's not much. He likes the not so much!

    Sue, Boy, you are really harvesting a lot of fruit right now!

  16. I love the way you update your blog-title picture to match the goings on around your garden, and that blackberry pie looks delicious. Is there any left over?

  17. Yum~~~any leftover pie? I'll do the dishes.

  18. Jody, I used to keep the same picture at the top for quite awhile. Lately, I've been changing it. I really like this picture and it may stay for awhile. Yes, there is still pie left. There are only two of us here.

    Mac, yes there can come over any time and do dishes! That is one thing that never seems to end once canning season starts!

  19. I only wish I had that many berries. And blackberries were never in the plant. So sad.

  20. I've made blackberry pie before with a lattice top crust, but never with a crumb topping. Yours looks delicious, I'll have to give it a try.

    I always use the pie crust recipe from my 1975 Betty Crocker cookbook. The page the recipe is on is covered in fingerprints!

  21. Hey OFGirl, It is yummy, especially with vanilla ice cream!

    Villager, I think my cookbook is from 1977. It is a must have in the kitchen. We also have the anniversary addition, which is just like my mother's old one.

  22. I'm not even a pie fan, but that looks absolutely delicious!


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