
Saturday, July 16, 2011

This is the way to water at the Plots!

We have been having an extremely hot and dry summer. I really can't remember how long it has been since we had a good rain. Although I have been trying not to water too much at the plots, I have been hauling 20 gallons of water over early every morning this week and taking turns watering different plants. Yesterday I decided that the entire garden needed a good watering today and that would require at least 100 gallons of water.

So, I headed out with my water this morning and starting watering the beds. I figured it would take me several hours to get the entire garden watered. Each bed would easily take 20 gallons of water. After watering 1 1/2 beds I went down to the water truck to fill my containers again......low and behold Steve (one of the gardeners at the plots) showed up with his truck, water container, pump and a hose! He said "hey lady do you need your garden watered??? I can take care of that in a minute!"

Here's Steve filling another gardeners water barrel with water. He pulled up to my plots and I stood on the back of the truck and watered down the entire garden in no time! He has an adjustable  sprayer that you put on the end of the hose. I have to say that I felt like a fireman! It was so cool and saved me many hours of watering! Now we have some very happy plants! Thanks Steve!


  1. I'm so thankful for my never ending supply of irrigation water! I'm probably guilty of overwatering though, just because it's there and handy.

  2. That was awesome of Steve to give you help watering! What a nice guy.

  3. Granny, I don't do a lot of watering, even at the house. My grandfather (the farmer) always said, "if you water too much, the roots won't get deep". That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Rachel, It was such a life saver being able to water the plots like that! Now I can enjoy my Saturday with "The Italian"!

  4. How wonderful! Talk about being in the right place at the right time. :o)

  5. Now that would be a great way to water the garden...hmm...thinking...

  6. APGal, that's for sure!

    EG, it was pretty cool! I could reach all the way to the back of the plots when I adjusted the pressure! That is almost 50'!

  7. What a lucky break that you were at the plots at the same time Steve had his water truck.

    I rarely water---but had to this morning--16 days of sunshine, only 3/4" rain and warm temps meant the hose got a workout. Usually my thick layer of leaves/grass clippings saves me from that tedious chore, but not today.

  8. I've been hauling water on a small scale for a small community garden plot - using the tank, truck, and hose is sure the way to go. What a lifesaver he was. I can't imagine hauling 100 gallons of water anywhere!

  9. Sweet! I can't imagine having to haul all that water.

    Side note: The "Hey Lady" made me laugh. Whenever I get a telemarketing call and they ask for the "Lady of the house" I'd always say "There ain't no Ladies living here." And hang up. (I'm so evil.)

  10. Wow, what an incredible experience. Were you amazed at how quickly the water level drops even in a tank that size? We're amazed by it here.

  11. I can't imagine having to haul water...just dragging a hose wears me out...I'm so glad you *found* Steve!

    I have to tell you...I love your new's very pretty.

  12. What a good samaritin he was to help you out with that. We had a heavy rain last night and this morning, so my garden beds are all thoroughly watered for the time being. They dry out fast though.

  13. Ugh, right there with you. I dont have grass anymore, just straw. What is going on with this year? I though at least your way was getting some rain. Glad you you got a fill up from the truck.

  14. i also loved the 'hey lady!'.... hee hee hee what great team work! i love it that folks like us really in it together.

  15. I have to say that there is a great group of gardeners at the plots! Steve is part of a bunch of guys that has at least 11 plots there. They have been there since the community garden opened and are a real good group! They are always willing to lend a hand and give me a hard time too! They would help me with watering every day if asked!

  16. Robin, I would love to see your garden plots. Where in PA are you? Might have to make Dan swing by there as we head north to NH next month. It can't be much out of the way.

  17. Hey Marcia, I'll send you an e-mail

  18. I like your part of the world where people care and help each other out...

  19. We could use rain too. We probably aren't as behind on rain as you are, but we are behind for the month. I'm really hoping the thundershowers predicted on Monday night will drop at least an inch.

  20. SO glad to see that Steve came by and saved the day! After all, gardening is suppose to be fun :)If you could please send some of your hot weather my way and I will be glad to send some rain cloud your way!

  21. How nice! That's one thing I hadn't even considered for you, a water source - I feel like such a dummy since I'm a gardener and hadn't given it a thought LOL. What a great guy and a very cool setup he's got!

  22. Oh, I never even gave watering a thought at your plots! What a life (or back) saver he was. All I have to do here is turn on a faucet and walk away. Most of mine are on timers, too, so I don't even have to turn anything on. I guess I'm spoiled?? So glad you were able to find Steve to help you out.

  23. Hi Sande and thanks for stopping by! This is our first year at the plots and have yet to get our water set-up more efficiently.

    Ginny, there are a lot of really good people out there!

    Daphne, We are supposed to get thunderstorms Monday as well. I sure hope that we do!

    Lexa, Please do send some rain this way and then I can complain about how much the weeds grew!

    Erin & Lori, We really haven't had a chance to get some barrels over there for water storage. I'm sure that when we do...we will have enough rain! They are also supposed to be putting a well in at the community gardens next year. That will be great!

  24. Wow, that's very nice of Steve.


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