
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ooops......look what I did!

Yesterday while I was at the plots, I picked up this little funny looking Moon & Stars watermelon to move it only a few inches.....and Ooops, it fell off the vine! It's small weighing only 2 lbs. 4 oz. I have no idea if it is ready. No, I have never grown watermelon before and I did not look at the tendrils. The bottom where it was lying on the ground is yellow.

So what do you think?


  1. Well all the signs are there. I say it must be ready. Let us know.

  2. I say open it up lickity split :o) yield to the temtation on this one :o)

  3. Crack it open! At this point, nothing to lose, right?

  4. Well, duh. It's not going to ripen any more, now that it's off the vine. Cut that sucker open and check it out! (Granny's keeping her fingers crossed for ya)

  5. I'm growing Moon and Stars too!!! OMG open it up quick! Inquiring minds want to know!ou

  6. I'm dying here. What are you waiting for?

  7. @Jody, she went out to dinner and just left us all hanging! The nerve!

  8. Well, you need to cut into that baby and see. Please let us know soon, ok :)

  9. I agree with everyone else. Open that sucker up!

  10. OK, OK....I will crack it open tonight. Sorry to make everyone wait. But, "The Italian" and I went out last night. I will post the results as soon as we know...I promise!

  11. Well, I got here too late I see.
    But the signs were all there-falls off the vine easily and yellow where it laid. Hope it's delicious!

  12. I hope it's ripe for you - at first I thought it was a green potato

  13. Well if you're waiting until this evening I hope you are chilling it so if it is ripe you can eat it nice and cold with a sprinkle of salt. Yum. That's how I like my watermelon.

  14. It's in the frig awaiting the big slicing tonight after dinner!

  15. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN! Can't wait to see inside!

  16. It looks good enough to eat to me :-)

    God bless and have a great weekend :-)


  17. Don't you just hate when that happens. I'm dying to hear how it turned out? Is it the red or yellow variety? The rind is so pretty.


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