
Friday, July 29, 2011

The Slicng

Sorry, for the delay in the big watermelon slicing. We were all tied up last night. This morning Laura, from The Modern Victory Garden stopped by for a visit at the plots.

I just got home from the plots and decided that I better break that baby open and see what the results are. I figured that everyone waited long enough and that "The Italian" will get over not being here for the slicing.

As you can see, the watermelon was not ready. I'm a little disappointed...but, hopefully there will be more. I don't know why it fell off the vine like that. It must have been this crazy weather.


  1. Aw! i'm sorry that happened Robin, but the vine knew something was wrong with it and cast it off..Peach trees do that too. They know they can't support so many peaches and they cast some of them off...well, congratule the vine for knowing it's limits :o)

  2. Aw, so sorry. But, with the weather this year, maybe it just decided enough was enough.
    Hope the next one is better!

  3. Darn it anyhow. This must mean that the rest are going to be super tasty!

  4. Bummer. But you do know you can make pickles from that solid white part, don't you?

  5. Ginny, I'm sure that you are right. I just hope that we get a couple of watermelons this year.

    Sue, Me too!

    Mrs.P, I like your thinking!

    Granny, no, I did not know that you can make pickles from the white part. What kind of pickles and how??

  6. I don't have a recipe, but I made them once many years ago. Mine were a sweet pickle, and very good, if I remember correctly. A Google search for watermelon rind pickles brings up a lot of recipes. Give it a try!

  7. Emily made watermelon rind pickles last year. Email her.

    The seeds in that melon are huge! Did you taste it?

    So I'm not the only one planning to visit your plot. I'll be in touch once the time gets closer. Did you send me your phone number? I don't recall.

  8. Awww too bad. Hopefully your others will be perfectly ripe when they come off.

  9. I think I saw some documentary in some Japan prefecture that they cook the white flesh of water melon. So nothing gone to waste. Hope the rest will be so sweet. Wow I see big seeds there!

  10. Ah, I am constantly picking things from the vine too early, it's very disappointing after all that time the fruit comes to nothing.

    Oh well... NEXT!

  11. I've seen the white part used in salad/soup...;-)I've seen the white part used in salad/soup...;-)

  12. I had one like that last year, the kids were so excited to try it when it fell off, I cut it open and they just walked out of the room, LOL! Try looking up "Canning Homemade" online or on FB, they just did a watermelon/rind pickling recipe the other day!

  13. Hopefully more to come and you wil eventually enjoy some lovely ripe melon! I totally enjoyed the tour of your beautiful garden and visiting with you in person!

  14. Marcia, I don't know if there is enough rind there to make pickles with. I will e-mail her to get a recipe though.

    Yes, I did taste it and it's very good. Boy, it really would have been delicous if it had a chance to ripen correctly. I will shoot you an e-mail.

    Daphne, I'm hoping we will get a couple of watermelons. There is another variety of watermelon growing with a small melon on it. With the hot weather, most of my plants (everything) have not been setting new fruit.

    MalayGirl, I'm going to save the seeds...but, I think I better check to see if it's a hybrid.

    Ali, It was a bit of a disappointment...but, I'm hoping for more please!

    HangKebon, The watermelon is pretty sweet for not being ripe. I think it might taste good in a salad!

    Erin, I'll have to look that up. I'm not a FB fan at all. We do have an account, but truthfully, it really annoys me...too much BS on there

  15. Laura, I'm hoping! I picked a cantaloupe over there this morning! It was really nice visiting with you too! Next time you are out here, we will have to spend more time together!

  16. Shucks! Sorry you were too early but I guess now you'll be a pro at determining when the "right" moment is!


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