
Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Gardens after Irene

After our walk this morning and a nice big Sunday breakfast and electricity. The electric went off for about 8 hours. We are very lucky that we only got about 6" of rain (last estimate I checked) and the winds were not all that bad. The wind did blow pretty good until about 6 PM this evening.

The home garden looks really good!

Around 4:30 PM I was bored and decided to go to the plots.

The one Three Sisters planting. The corn & beans knocked over and the Sweet Dumpling support as well. I picked all the Sweet Dumplings before the storm.

Tomato Alley....not looking all that bad, just leaning a little. The plants are still alive!

The Purple Pole Bean Tepee, laying down on the job. I don't think the plants were up-rooted. So I will see what I can do with it tomorrow.

The other Three Sisters planting. The corn and beans were blown over also.

A couple of the Bell Pepper plants were blown over. But I don't think that they are broken.

The hot & spice peppers looked fine. The leeks were leaning a bit.

Newly planted broccoli & cauliflower look fine.

The Brussels Sprouts leaning a bit too.

One of the gardeners there fence blew down

The port o potty also blew over

Some corn blowing in the wind

I thought this picture really captured the weather as I was leaving.

All in all....not that bad. Tomorrow afternoon I will get over there and start cleaning up!


  1. Glad you're OK and the gardens aren't too battered!!!

  2. Not bad at all! I was certainly expecting worse.

  3. Glad to see that the damage was not too bad!

  4. That's pretty amazing! I was expecting your gardens to look so much worse. Hope they can be salvaged without too much trouble.

  5. Not bad at all. Glad you got through it OK.

  6. Looks very similar to my garden. Nothing was lost, just all fallen over.

  7. Glad things weren't too bad.

    Unless someone was in the port o potty

  8. I echo Sue@GL's thoughts....hope no one was trapped-LOL!
    It all looks pretty good, considering those winds. How much rain did you end up with?

  9. Wow not one thing up rooted. That is great. And some of those things will upright them selves with time, so I would say your doing OK.

  10. The gardens look great despite what Irene had in store! Nothing a little restaking and trimming won't help, I'm hoping to salvage something out there also, although the 10 inches of rain has made it hard to get near the beds LOL

  11. At least a lot of things are still standing. I hope you can put your tepees back up.

  12. Oh gross! I won't want to be the one that has to move that port o potty.

    The sames things happened in my garden except that my pumpkin vine was shredded to pieces. Hopefully everything will bounce back well.

  13. Glad it was not as bad as I'd imagine, there's lots of work ahead.

  14. I am glad that your plots seem to have weathered the storm well thus far. I've been thinking of gardeners down in the storm's path and hoping for the best. I am glad most of your crops remained standing.

    On a side note, I've been to many a concert/music festival and I must say its been my worst nightmare to be in a portopotty when it tips over. I once used one on a slope and thought my nightmare might come true, but fortunately not.

  15. Thanks everyone!! I was very surprised that the damage wasn't worse. I don't think it will take much to get everything over there straightened out.

  16. You will have most everything set to right in no time from the looks of it - well... with the exception of the port of potty... which I hope someone else will tend to! LOL!

  17. I think the blown over porta potty may have invoked the most cringe!


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