
Monday, August 29, 2011

Harvest Monday.............8/29/2011

Due to me not being very organized last week and the storm preparations, I didn't take many pictures of the harvests, here are a few.

I picked a lot of MWC tomatoes on Saturday before the storm. They will be dried for use over the winter.

A basket of goodies harvested from the plots before the storm.

My backyard harvest on Saturday

This is the kitchen island this morning.

Harvest total for the week: 42 lbs.

Beans, Purple Pole - 24 oz.
Cabbage, Red - 24 oz.
Cantaloupe - 73.5 oz.
    Slicing - 23 oz.
    Burr - 5 oz.
Eggplant - 20 oz.
    Bell - 31 oz.
    Hot & Spice - 42 oz.
Pumpkin, Fortna White - 152 oz.
Spaghetti Squash - 48 oz.
Sweet Dumpling Squash - 62.5 oz.
    Green - 42 oz.
    Red - 125 oz.

Stop by Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday, to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the globe!


  1. Lightbulbs...HA! Had to throw that one out there again to make us smile, huh? :0D

    Not bad under the circumstances.

  2. LOL! Love the light bulbs, Robin. Wow, that's an awesome display of winter squash.

    Hopefully the storm didn't affect your garden too much. Most of my plants are leaning at a 45 degree angle right now but I think they'll right themselves with some help from yours truly.

  3. I bet you needed more than some Tums after Saturdays harvest :)

    Those winter squash are gorgeous!

  4. I love all that winter squash. It's so colorful and fun for kitchen. I'm thankful you weren't hit hard by Irene. We had some heavy gusts, but minimal damage. The groundhog on the other hand... grrrrr.

  5. What type of sauce do you put on the light bulbs :o)

  6. Those baskets of squash are gorgeous! Don't you just hate to cut into them? I'd like to use all of mine to decorate the kitchen or something ;-)

  7. Beautiful squashes, the sweet dumplings are so cute, I got some seeds for next year can't wait to plant them.

  8. I agree with everyone! Your squash look fabulous! I am picking quite a few MWC's too! Gave some to neighbor and sending a whole box to work with DH for his coworkers! Kids are getting sick of cherry tomatoes! ;)

  9. APGal, I just put that one harvest back!!

    Thomas, The home garden did well. I did find one broken branch on a pepper plant here at the house today.

    Allison, The harvest on Saturday was a little, I put it back today!

    Jody, Oh no...a groundhog! You better get out a trap or the 22!!

    Ginny, I decided to put that harvest back, I won't need any sauce!

    Granny, I will put the Sweet Dumplings in a basket and use them for decoration in the house until we use them. One year, I left a spaghetti squash on the island all winter and it was fine.

    Mac, Those sweet dumplings are so so good!! I just cut them in half and bake them with a little butter. I have never eaten such a sweet squash and they are just the right size!

    Shawn Ann, the MWC produces like crazy! They are really good to dry. The little ones would love them for a snack. They are so so sweet!

  10. Do you have a vegetable drier or do you use an oven?

  11. So what kind of fertilizer do you use to get your light bulbs so Great harvests otherwise! How do you dry your MWC? I am thinking of trying to dry them this year!

  12. Love that display of winter squash, very pretty, and delicious too!

  13. Looks like you got a light harvest on Saturday.....

  14. Winter squash looks great. I sure could use some of those light bulbs. I will have to grow some of those next year, I'm always running out. ;)

  15. So do the light bulbs grow (glow) from a "current bush"? :D

    The MWC tomatoes are really uniform and nicely ripened. They look like candy in that metal colander.

    What a lovely harvest of melons, squash, and pumpkins! I am going to have a melon and squash less season yet again this year - too cool sadly.

  16. What fantastic squash! I can hardly wait for mine! And those light bulbs! Absolutely amazing!!! ;-)

  17. Great variety in your harvest this week. The squash especially looks very colorful.

  18. A great looking harvest. And of coarse, I think the squash are the best part of it all:)So glad that Irene has left you all.

  19. Nice harvests. Well except that third one. It doesn't look too tasty to me. Though it was good to get the bulbs down before the storm.

  20. Thanks everyone! I dried the MWC in the oven on low heat as I don't have a drier. It does take awhile ...but, they are definitely worth the time spent!

  21. Lovely harvest. It really shows that fall is on its way!

    Lightbulbs! Do you prefer to dehydrate them or pickle them? :)


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