
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Visiting with a fellow Garden Blogger

"The Italian" and I spent the day with Jody, Belle & the two little guys at Spring Garden Acre.

We had a great time!

You can see their main garden, the chicken coop in the middle back, meat chickens to the left and the empty hill in the front is where the wonderful tasting watermelons and cantaloupe where planted.

Here are some of their fall crops in the side garden.

Look at these beautiful broccoli starts that were germinated inside and ready to be planted!

There was a lot going on!!

There were chickens.....and

a cat.....and

some great entertainment!!! and...

lots of great food! Belle made a wonderful salad of fresh lettuce and tomatoes from the garden. We also had some home grown Bar-BQ Chicken and I brought some home made baked beans. Everything was so good that I was too worried about eating it and didn't take any pictures...except for the best watermelon we have had all summer...fresh from their garden! We ended the meal with home baked shortbread, cookies and coffee!

We came home with these wonderful gifts! Two bottles of wine that they made. One bottle is Peach Wine and the other bottle is Apple Wine. We were also blessed with a jar of Belle's Cold Packed Dill Pickles and 5 hand knitted dish clothes! I don't know how she knew that I was in desperate need of dish clothes!

Thanks Jody, Belle and the boys for a Wonderful Day!


  1. What a wonderful day! I'd love to meet Jody and Belle (and Robin and Thomas) some day. Oh, you are going to love those dish cloths. I had a friend make some for me, and they are great.

  2. Granny, we had a great time with some great people! I'm still full from all that good food!

    Wouldn't it be great to have a big garden blogger get together ho-down and camp out?? We would have a blast!

    I'm sure I will love those dish clothes! I was going to buy some new ones glad that I didn't!

  3. You are so sweet! We enjoyed you and Tom so much. Thank you for coming and sharing a little bit of your life with us.

    BTW, I had know idea what a great photographer like you could do for our garden. If only you were taking pics for our blog.

    Granny, if you're reading this, I want you to know that we know about Frank. That's what happens when fellow bloggers get together. But don't worry, your secret's safe with us.

  4. Looks like a wonderful day...and I love hand knit cotton dish clothes! what a gift from the heart.

  5. Jody & Belle, Thanks so much for having us over and the great food! We really enjoyed ourselves. You have a wonderful family!

    Patricia, It was a wonderful day and I still have a full belly! I'm sure I will love those dish clothes!

  6. @Jody, that Robin, she sure likes to spread rumors about me and Frank ;-)

    @Robin, that would be so much fun. It's too bad we live so far apart!

  7. I envy you who has fresh vegetables and fruits! Especially, your watermelon looks so sweet.
    I add a small amount of salt to sliced watermelon to enhance its sweetness.

  8. How nice! Looks like you had a really great time.

  9. That's so cool that you got to meet each other. Bloggers are sort of modern day pen pals. Glad you had a great time, and thank you for sharing!

  10. takaeko, I have never had watermelon with salt....sounds good!

    Jane, It was a great time and thje weather was beautiful!

    Lori, I never thought about it that way....yes, it is like meeting a modern day pen pal!

  11. What a great day! I second the watermelon with salt, I'm not a fan of watermelon, but a friend put salt on it for me and it wasn't half bad LOL...

  12. Sounds (and looks!) like it was a perfectly wonderful day spent enjoying good food and good company. Nice to see pics of Jody's garden!

  13. That's so cool Robin. I've yet to meet another blogger. Maybe the next time I visit my family in Pennsylvania, I'll pay you a visit!

  14. Erin, I was a wonderful day! Who doesn't like watermelon??

    Laura, I have to say that Jody & Belle definitely get a lot of their garden....and the entertainment was great!

    Thomas, We would love to have you, Marc and Jonathan come and visit some time!

  15. Oh fantastic!!! So glad you got to meet up and have a great time!

  16. It is always a blast when like-minded folks can get together like that! Good for all of you!

  17. Wow, their yard and garden is beautiful! Looks like you all had an amazing time. And what wonderful gifts!

  18. BLD, I agree...they are a great family!

    Mimi, We had a blast and we really love the gifts!


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