
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's Canning.......Italian Farmhouse Pickled Green Tomatoes

I made these pickled green tomatoes for the first time last year.....and boy they are good!

First, find yourself about 4 lbs of green tomatoes. Wash them and then chop into about 1" cubes.

Place in non-reactive bowl, sprinkle with 2 Tbsp salt, cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.

The next day, gather some fresh basil, mint, garlic, a hot pepper or two (if desired) and some sun dried tomatoes. Re-hydrate tomatoes in warm water. Do NOT use tomatoes packed in oil.

Rinse salted tomatoes with cold water and drain.

Chop, garlic, mint, basil and peppers. Toss the drained tomatoes with these ingredients.

Pack hot jars with seasoned tomato mix layering in the sun dried tomatoes. Cover tomatoes with White Wine Vinegar, top off with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, seal and refrigerate.

The tomatoes need to age awhile before using. "The Italian" didn't discover them for a few months in the frig. But, I think a week may be OK. You may be able to process them in a pressure canner. I'm not sure though.



  1. I have made pickled green tomatoes before, but not with those seasonings. I will have to give this a try, especially since we all know it will be time to bring them all in very soon.

  2. Jane, they are really good. I hope you enjoy them!

  3. Sounds good, nice job for end of the season < I've fried all green ones I had :o(

  4. Oh that looks great. thanks for sharing!

  5. Yup, we were just talking about what to do with all the greenies the early frost is sure to come for! They sure do look pretty in the jars! (love a colorful jar!)

  6. Ginny, I haven't made any fried green tomatoes yet. I'll have to make some for lunch one day when "The Italian" isn't home. Do you believe that he doesn't like them?

    Mrs.P, They are really good, now you have something to make with those green tomatoes!

    APGal, You should try these. I also make Green Tomato Jelly and am going to make something else with some green tomatoes which I will post.

  7. I'm saving this one, it's always good to have a few good ideas for those green tomatoes! Looks great!

  8. Erin, It's a great and different recipe to use up some of those end of season green tomatoes!

  9. ...sorry to ask, but can the vinegar be put in the jars (over the other ingredients) cold, or doe sthe vinegar have to be boiled? Also, how much olive oil per jar please?
    Thanks, Lucy

  10. Hi Lucy and thanks for stopping by! I just pour the vinegar cold over the tomatoes and add about 1/4 inch of olive oil on the top. I keep them in our extra frig and let them cure.

  11. I have a feeling we'll be putting this recipe to use this season. Thanks.

  12. Another great recipe to try that will use up the "far too green to ripen" end of season tomatoes! I usually manage to ripen a bunch of tomatoes off the vine as well, but the really immature ones must be used as as green tomato. This looks like it would be quite tasty!

  13. Oooh, I'll have to try pickled green tomatoes. Sounds good!

  14. Mimi, They are great! The longer they age in the frig, the better they taste!

  15. Wow, those look delicious. I'm new to canning (and homesteading / gardening) but I'm anxious to learn and these look delicious. Love your blog by the way, I hope mine is as nice when it "grows up", lol.

  16. Do you heat up the brine before pouring over the cucumbers? How much olive oil in each jar. Do you have to keep these refridgerated after they cool and seal?

  17. I am going to try these. Should I heat up the ingredients, tomatoes included before putting the mixture in the hot jars>

    1. Hi there, No, you don't heart up the tomatoes or ingredients. Good Luck

  18. How do you typically serve this?


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