
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's Canning.............Mojito Jelly!!

I found this recipe last year but didn't make it. All of the potted mint is starting to go. So I decided to make it yesterday. If you like Mojitos, you are going to love this jelly!

Isn't it Pretty??

This recipe took some time to make and used a lot of mint leaves. I didn't have enough fresh limes for the amount of juice required, so I had to add some bottled lime juice. The recipe says to boil the infused mint water to 3 cups. I only managed to boil it down to 6 cups. I also added one drop of green food coloring.

Here is the link to the recipe that I made yesterday. Guess what...she came up with a new version here! Boy, the new version sounds good too! I think that I have enough infused mint water left to make this one too.


  1. Your jars are so beautiful I don't know if I could open them!! I'll have to take a bit of time to make some Mojito jelly myself.

  2. Now that is very interesting! I do love mojitos! Never thought of using up that mint like that.

  3. Lynda, It is good and pretty too! I think that the new version will be a bit more minty and won't take as long to make.

    APGal, I always think of mojitos as a warm weather drink. This jelly brings in the warmth and sunshine!

  4. I love unusual jellies and that is a really cool one. I will need to bookmark that for next year since I pulled most of the mint. Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Jane, I make a lot of jellies and jams. I'm thinking that the revised one will be good too. I'm out of limes or I would make it today.

    Thanks Mac!

  6. First glance I thoughr it was Jalapeno mint is just about all gone for this season...but good recipe for next :o)

  7. What a great way to use your first(?) lime harvest!The tree must be doing wonderfully. The jelly looks delicious.

  8. Beautiful looking jelly. I just may have to try that next year. What would you eat with it?

  9. Ginny, You will have to try this one next year. I have a lot of mint in pots and just bearly had enough to make it. The mint is going fast this time of the year.

    Thanks Erin!

    Mrs.P, We will most likely serve it with cheese. We like to serve different jellies and jams that I make with different cheeses for appetizers when we have company.

  10. That sounds good. I must give it a crack. I've tried various 'cocktail' based jellies before, based on the thought-process that the flavours are already proven to work together. The biggest disaster was the Pina Colada; no one told me that raw pineapple and gelatine create a reaction!

  11. IG, Let me know how you make out and which recipe you use. I'm going to another jelly today with a little booze in it!

  12. Hey Jody, I just found your comment in my spam folder!! No, those limes were not from my little tree.....I wish!!


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