
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's else is Canning..............Mint Jelly!

This is just a warning that I am in full "fun canning" mode! Not the staples kind of canning like tomatoes and sauce. So there may be a lot of canning posts coming up!

Since I had about 3 1/2 Cups of Mint Infused Water left from the Mojito Jelly, I thought I would make some plain old Mint Jelly.

After a little research, I came up with this.

Mint Jelly
  • 3 Cups of Mint Infused Water
  • 2 oz. Creme de Menthe Liquer
  • 1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1 Pkg. powdered pectin or 6 Tbsp. Ball Real Fruit Pectin
  • 4 Cups Sugar
  1. Combine Mint Infused Water, Creme de Menthe Liquer and lemon juice in large pot.
  2. Gradually stir in pectin and bring to a full boil
  3. Add Sugar, bring to a full boil and boil for 1 minute
  4. Ladle into sterilized jars, cap and process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes
This jelly came out a pretty shade of green from the Creme de Menthe Liquer!

As you can see, the sun is finally, I better get out there and get some gardening done!


  1. looks like you are on a roll. Can't wait to see what is next.

  2. Mrs.P, I sure am. I have been working on my pears for more then a week now. That's going to be a big post!

    Hi there DrMomi, ALMOST!!

  3. Well, hello Robin! Long time no see ;-) The jelly is gorgeous!

  4. Hey Granny, thanks for stopping by! We think it's purdy too!

  5. just beautiful! but i'm still wondering - what DID you have for supper the other nite?

  6. That is really pretty and I know it will taste good too. It's fun to do some of these more interesting canning projects to add some variety and interest to the menu as the days grow darker and colder.

    Could you send some of your sunshine my direction please?

  7. OFG, I made the most wonderful dinner....but, didn't take any pics! How can I post it without pics??

    Laura, I make a lot of jellies, jams and some condiments. That's what we give for Christmas gifts.

    I hate to say it....but, I'm keeping this sunshine! We had nothing but rain for weeks!

  8. Even if I did not absolutely lovelovelove mint, I would be tempted to make this just for the color. How pretty.

  9. Praire Cat, I hope that you get to make some. If not this year, you can make it next year!

  10. Great looking jelly. Love to make jelly and jam but no one eats it so don't do much of it anymore.

    I think someone should start a putting up of our harvests like Harvest Monday to see what everyone is doing and maybe sharing recipes.

  11. Wilderness, We give canned goods as Christmas presents or I wouldn't be making this much jellies and jams.

    I think that is a great idea! If you don't mind, maybe I should start a What R U Putting Up Wednesday..or Watchu Putting Up Wednesday. What do you think?

  12. dinRobin I think it would be a great idea that you start the blog for Wednesdays. I am not a very good blogger. Just learning. I do better at actually writing websites.

    Maybe you can hook one of those gizzmos like Daphne has on hers so everyone can add their blog.

  13. Wilderness, OK, I will start it this Wednesday. I think that "What's Canning Wednesday" is better. What do you think?


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