
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard.........12/01/2011

My goodness, I can't believe that it's already the first day of December! I really hope that the long days of winter fly by this fast!

All of the mustards are finished and ready to be put in jars! In addition to the mustards posted here, I made a Horseradish Mustard. This mustard was made on 11/21/11. The mustard had aged to a good flavor yesterday. The only problem is that was it was too thick. So I added more vinegar to it. The recipe below is adjusted accordingly.

Horseradish Mustard
  • 2 oz. Mustard Flour or Dry Mustard (I used Dry Mustard)
  • 3 oz. All-Purpose Flour
  • 3 tsp. Salt
  • 1 oz. White Sugar
  • 3 oz. Fresh Grated Horseradish
  • 1 Cup Cider Vinegar
  1. Sift the flour
  2. Add all of the other ingredients and mix thoroughly for a few minutes
  3. Cover and let it stand for 1/2 hour, mix again
  4. Put in a covered glass container and let it age for one week in a cool dark place.
  5. When it's ready, put in jars and refrigerate

Here are all of the mustards ready to be put in jars.
From left to right: My Coarse Ground Mustard w/Beer (needs a new name), Yellow Mustard (made with ground mustard seeds), Yellow Mustard (made with dry mustard) Horseradish Mustard & Spicy Brown Mustard.

Coarse Ground Mustard w/Beer - This mustard was aged perfectly at two weeks. The flavor was OK...but, I wasn't completely happy. The recipe was adjusted by adding some Dry Mustard, Apple Cider Vinegar & a little Honey. The recipe has been adjusted and you can find it here. I really like this mustard now. We shall see what all the mustard lovers think of it after Christmas.

Yellow Mustard (made w/ ground mustard seeds) - This mustard was aged perfectly after two weeks also. It takes like a basic yellow mustard. The only difference is it is a little coarser due to using ground mustard seeds instead of dry mustard.

Yellow Mustard (made with dry mustard) - This mustard only needs to be aged for one week at the most. This is a perfect basic yellow mustard for those who aren't mustard connosiuers and just like plain old yellow mustard. The recipe can be found here.

Horseradish Mustard - This mustard was great after only one week of aging. I think that it will be a hit! You could even add a bit more horseradish if you love horseradish.

Spicy Brown Mustard - This mustard was perfect after aging for two weeks. It was almost everyone's favorite mustard last was definitely my favorite! The recipe can be found here.

All of these mustards will be put in various types of jars and many will be given for Christmas gifts.

What's been going in or out of your cupboard lately?


  1. How interesting to make your own mustard. How long will these last in your house?

  2. A batch of pretzels and you have a mustard tasting on your hands.

  3. I would love the horseradish mustard. I need to check your recipes out further. However do you find you are saving by doing this or do you do it just for the fun. I just ordered yellow mustard seed the other day while I was ordering my breakfast tea. It is much cheaper on the internet and I use it in the fall for pickles. I am looking for a good honey mustard sauce. Do you or anyone else have one.

    Mr. Linky is being difficult today will check back later to see if he decided to post my link or not.

  4. Marcia, We give a lot away for Christmas gifts. I still have a couple of small jars of two varieties left from last year.

    Jane, We do have tastings around here. We did a tasting appetizer with new varieties of jellies and jams this year for Thanksgiving. Everyone just loves it.

    Wilderness, I don't know what the cost of making the mustards. I really should figure that out. We try not to eat any processed foods from the store and just love everything homemade! I purchase my mustard seeds once a year from a spice shop in Philadelphia. They have great prices and also have a website. thespicecorner dot com

    I guess Mr. Linky liked you after all!

  5. I'll have to try that beer mustard when I get more seeds. I think I might like it even better than the Dijon Mustard I made with white wine. The Spicy Brown Mustard is great though, a real keeper. Thanks for giving me the inspiration to make some mustard!

  6. What a nice selection of mustards you now have! A little mustard goes a long ways here so I am afraid I would be swimming in it if I made up a batch.

  7. Dave, The original beer mustard recipe had an odd taste to it. I'm not sure if it was the beer or malt vinegar, or a combination. The addition of cider vinegar, mustard powder and honey...sure made it great though. I think that I would use all honey next time instead of using brown sugar. Happy to hear that you are loving making the mustard!

    Laura, All of the mustards shown in the jars are either 2, 3 or 4x's a single batch. A single batch of the yellow mustard is relatively small. I just love mustard....can you tell?

  8. Every time you post about your mustards I wonder how much garden space it would take to get a lot of mustard seed for making it.

  9. Daphne, Me too! If I get the third plot. I think that I'm going to give it a try!

  10. Jane,

    This is a great post. Now I have another project to tackle!


  11. I love all your mustard recipes and I'm going to use them, they all sound delicious.

  12. I just checked out your spice site. They have some good prices depending on what they charge for shipping. However some things I can get cheaper at

  13. Mustard sounds like fun. If only my husband liked it :)

  14. Thanks Erik....but, I'm Robin!

    Ginny, I don't mind if you steal my recipes :) They are wonderful!

    Wilderness, I'm not sure about their shipping charges since we go there and pick them up. I'll check out your site...Thanks!

    Emily, My husband is not a big mustard fan either. But he does it eat it.

    Stoney Acres, Homemade mustard is much better then store bought....for sure!

  15. A DIY project using your own ingredients to make mustard from scratch? I LOVE YOU! Ha. :-) Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to do this!!!

  16. 1st Man, I really think that you will LOVE homemade mustard!! Let me know if you give it a try.

  17. The mustard looks great!! I am a day late for linking up, but better late than

  18. Thanks APGal!!

    Mrs.P, A day late is AOK!!

  19. Horseradish mustard reminds me I have some horseradish out there ... somewhere. Right, where's the fork?

  20. IG, I hope that you found that fork! You wouldn't want that horseradish to go to waste!


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