
Monday, December 5, 2011

Harvest Monday...........12/05/2011

This week I finally remembered to take a picture of something that has been harvested from the garden!

The bottoms of these green onions were used to make a wonderful Turkey Noodle Soup. The tops wll be used in another dish this week...probably a Gumbo or Jambalaya.

We have been using fresh herbs from the garden on a regular basis. But, I have not been taking any pictures or weighing them.

Yesterday I stopped by the plots. Our one gardening neighbor Bill was there and he was digging up his parsnips. Look what he gave me.

These two parsnips weigh 3 lbs. 9 oz. before trimming. I think that "The Italian" and I will get a couple of good meals from these babies!

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Lucky to have generous gardener as your neighbours. Nice parsnips. We kept on forgetting to harvest our spring onions until they flower.

  2. Good looking green onions and the gifted parsnips are nice plump ones! There is a lot of odds and ends items that I harvest that never makes it into the harvest tallys - herbs are definitely one of those items as are most of the berries (we eat them before I get them in the house most of the time).

  3. Like the parsnips. I have never eaten them. Green onions are always nice to have. I am waiting for my onion seed to arrive now so I can get my plants started for next spring planting.

  4. I haven't been posting my harvests lately...just plain old lazy! You are one lucky lady: beautiful green onions AND parsnips! Yummy! I love parsnips! Mine did not do well this year...only got a handful.

  5. I did some cabbage/collards yesterday, they weren't bad at all. Seems we had better luck with the fall garden greens than the summer ones :o)

  6. Oh my! Almost 4 pounds for 2... That's like a small child. LOL.

  7. garden fresh veggies in the winter must taste heavenly :)

  8. You have such good neighbors. One gives food and one wine. Now you just need one to send baked goods ;)

  9. Oh my, those parsnips are big, it's so nice to have generous gardening neighbor.
    I've never grown parsnips before, it's will be something new to try.

  10. What a nice neighbor!! It all looks really good.


  11. MKGirl, We do have some nice neighbors both here and at the plots!

    Laura, I haven't weighed a single herb this year. I'm with you about the berries....who can wait to get them into the house??

    Wilderness, I just pulled another green onion today. They are great for cooking and salads! I'm anxious to try those parsnips!

    Lynda, I don't think you are lazy....just too darn busy!!

    Ginny, The greens do like the cooler weather. You will have to start some in Jan for a late winter planting and spring harvest to avoid that hot weather you get. I'm just trying to keep you busy and out of trouble!

    Barbie, That's almost the size my babies were when they were born!

    Jane, That would be great! Then I wouldn't have to all the baking! I bake a lot!!

    Mac, I have never grown parsnips either. Maybe I will next year.

    Hi MU Gardens, We have some great neighbors at the plots. I have received many a gifts from other gardeners this year.

  12. Those are huge parsnips and good looking too.

  13. Nice big parsnips! always fun to share. My Tokyo Long Whites are just sprouting up; I had intended to get them started in Sept or Oct but just got too busy. But they are coming along. Problem with onions here is daylength and heat. Best to start them in the fall so they have the longest time to grow. I haven't seen one variety yet that didn't keel over when it hits 100 the end of June.

  14. Norma, I am excited to try those parsnips!

    Thanks Jane! I hope you had a nice BD weekend!

    Hi Mary, It's always nice to never know what you will get in return! We have good weather here during our growing season for nice onions. I get better at it every year!

  15. Whoa, what big parsnips you have there! How nice of your neighbor to share. I think parsnips are a very under appreciated vegetable. What do you have in mind for them? I love them in soup. They are also great in root vegetable purees, mixed with potato or celery root. Now I wish I had gotten around to growing some this year.

    I always look forward to turkey soup after Thanksgiving. Turkey Noodle sounds really good, I'll keep that in mind for next year.

  16. Michelle, I am not sure what I am going to do with those parsnips. Maybe I will let "The Italian" decide!

  17. Very nice parsnips! They look like the ones I expected to be harvesting but never did because they just didn't grow for me!

  18. VP, it's always nice to receive a veggie gift of something that you don't grow! Maybe your parsnips will do better next year.


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