
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gifts for the Gardener

I had another Birthday this week and received some great gardening gifts! "The Italian" surprised me, as always. I had given him a list of a few things that I needed for Christmas and he got them for my BD!

One of Eliot Coleman's books that I did not have. This wasn't even on the list!

My first Soil Block Maker....I can't wait to use this!

I've been wanting to make cheese and heard this book has some good recipes.

I really needed a more precise scale for weighing the harvests and cooking. This is a small lightweight inexpensive scale that had good reviews.

I also found a surprise on the front porch!

This pretty box.....

With the cutest card....from my garden helper Sophia! Sophia has been my buddy since she moved here from Ghana. She has a natural talent for gardening and can tend to the plants growing in the basement and greenhouse better then our house sitter when we go away!

What a thoughtful gift! Now I have something to wash my dirty gardening hands with!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day and the Italian is "a keeper" based on his enthusiasm in making the day extra special for you. I am switching to soil blocks myself this year. Already gotten started with some of my winter sowings and so far it is going very well.

  2. How nice! My birthday is tomorrow. I have that book already. Never seen the soil block maker before. I definitely would love a cheese book and the soap looks really interesting. Enjoy your birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday.:) What great gifts, I especially like that Eliot Coleman book, it is the only one I have yet to read as well.

  4. Thanks Laura, Yes, he is a keeper for sure! What mixture are you using to make your soil blocks?

    Hey Becky, Happy Birthday to you!! Everyone seems to like the soil blocks for growing. So, I thought I would give it a try. It should make my life a lot easier instead of using pots.

    Thanks Mr.H! Eliot Coleman has the best books! I'm sure that there is a lot of good info in this book...just like all of his books!

  5. As they say in the "old country" Buon compleanno! Looks like your Italian knows the way to your heart. I saw a soil blocker demonstrated at an urban farm last summer and it is a great tool for seed starting!

  6. What great gifts! I cant wait to see that block maker in action. I have wondered how well they work. Give us a review.

  7. Those are great gifts. And a Happy Birthday to you! Just think how good homemade cheese will be with all those mustards. ;-)

  8. Happy Birthday Robin. What great gifts. I am not familiar with the soil block maker. Let us know how it works. I guess I need to check it out.

  9. What lovely prestents, here's another belated "Happy Birthday" you don't look a day over 20 :o) How blessed can you be with your own soil blocker wow!

  10. Patricia, My Italian always gives me the perfect gifts!

    Jane, I have been putting off the soil block maker for a couple of years. I have seen nothing but positive comments from other garden bloggers about them. I am hoping that they will save time and soil. I will definitely post a review.

    Thanks Dave! You are so right! Homemade cheese with homemade mustard...yum!!

  11. Thanks Wilderness, I was very surprised and happy with all of my gifts!

    Oh Ginny, I don't know about that day of 20 thing....maybe not a day over 50! I am looking forward to using the soil block maker!

  12. Happy Birthday Robin!! What wonderful gifts you received. You are going to love the soil block maker.

  13. Happy belated Birthday!Wishing a birthday year full of nothing but smiles, laughter and nice growing weather

    Looks like you got some great gifts! Love the new look to your blog too.

  14. Happy Birthday Robin. "The Italian" sure does love you! We have a soil blocker, but I didn't have the courage to try it last season. Let's have a go of it together this year!

  15. Happy Birthday! You got some great gifts! I bought a cheese book this past summer. I want to give it a try, too, but so far have not been brave enough! Loved that gift from "Ononymous"! :)

  16. Thanks Rachel, I am so so excited about the soiler block maker!!

    Mrs.P, Awhhh, thanks for all you kind wishes! Yes, I finally had to change the block to a winter look. I'm happy with it.....much better then my fall pic.

    Jody, He sure does! He is a good hubby for sure! We will have to find the right mixture for the soil blocks and we will be good to go!

    Thanks HolleyG, Hopefully I'll get to try cheese making after the holidays. I so loved that "Ononymous"!! I call her my other daughter....she is just like me a bad speller!

  17. Robin, Happy birthday. I'm so envious about the soil block maker. I've been thinking about getting one but just can't justify the cost. I'll probably end up getting one before spring. My gardening has expanded and I must start thinking about seed starting as opposed to plant buying. Even though seeds can be expensive they are not as expensive as plants on a medium large scale.

    I just finished reading the Ruth Stout book on No Work Gardening. Her method probably doesn't look so pretty but it's very functional and seems to be a lot less work. It requires a lot of mulch.

    Wishing you many more happy birthdays. May you live long and your garden always prosper.

  18. Happy Birthday to you! You'll love that soil block maker! Make sure you keep it wet when using it so the material won't stick to it and break apart. I love mine.

  19. Thanks David, You are going to need to set-up a germinating area in your basement. I hope that you already have that in your plans.

    I really think that the soil block maker is going to save me a lot of time.

    VP, I am really looking forward to using the soil block maker. Thanks for the tip!

  20. Happy belated birthday, those are very nice gifts, now you have to show us how to use the soil blocker. I bought one last year but was afraid to use it, you go first, k.

  21. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Those are my kind of gifts! Hope you had a magical day!

  22. Thanks Mac! OK, I'll go first....after I ask some of these experienced soild blockers users out there for some tips!

    BeeGirl, I had a great day....they are definitely great gifts for the gardener!

  23. Happy Birthday! What fantastic gifts!

  24. Thanks Erin.... there's nothing better then gardening & cooking gifts!

  25. You are going to love Elliots book! I have some articles published on Squidoo about making and using the soil blockers with some decent photos. There is a list of my articles on my blog. What a fun birthday!

  26. Thanks Mary, I'm going to check out those articles!

  27. I love Eliot Coleman's book and my soil block maker too! You'll get great use out of both.

    I'm thinking of getting a 1 1/2 inch soil block maker as well. The 2 inch is just a bit too big for lettuces and other greens that you can set out early. I'm hoping that it will converse shelf space.

  28. Thomas, Now I just have to find some time to read it! I'm really looking forward to using soil blocks this year. I think it will save me a lot of time and space!


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