
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........12/08/2011

This week I finally got around to making the last jam of the year, Dutch Apple Pie Jam. If you like apple pie you will definitely love this jam! I found the recipe for this jam here.

This jam is a favorite among many of our friends and family.

Dutch Apple Pie Jam

  • 3-1/2 cups prepared fruit (about 1 lb. Granny Smith or other tart green apples)
  • 1-1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground allspice
  • 4-1/2 cups granulated sugar, measured into separate bowl
  • 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. butter or margarine (optional
  • 1 pouch CERTO Fruit Pectin
  1. Peel and core apples. Chop finely or grind. Add water and raisins. Measure exactly 3-1/2 cups prepared fruit into 6- or 8-quart saucepot. Stir in lemon juice, cinnamon and allspice.
  2. Stir sugars into prepared fruit in saucepot. Add butter to reduce foaming, if desired. Bring mixture to full rolling boil (a boil that doesn't stop bubbling when stirred) on high heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Stir in pectin quickly. Return to full rolling boil and boil exactly 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim off any foam with metal spoon.
  4. Ladle into prepared jars, filling to within 1/8 inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids.
  5. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath.
  6. ENJOY!
What's been going in or out of your Cupboard lately??


    1. Thanks for the recipe Robin, that sounds good.

      My contribution today is a recipe for Lime Curd (which is a spread that tastes a lot like Key Lime Pie filling).

    2. This really does look good but I have almost stopped making jam since no one in the house seems to eat it. I still have blueberry jam left from 2 years ago.

    3. Yes that jam does look good but way more sugar than my brother can have and I don't like the reduced sugar pectins. The jam or jelly turns weird colors very quickly.

    4. Your Welcome Emily, Your curd sounds wonderful!

      Hi Becky, My husband just loves his Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches! We also give a lot of the jams and jellies as Christmas presents.

      Wilderness, I recently purchased a low sugar or no sugar pectin. I have yet to try it though. When I do, I'm going to pay attention to the color....thanks for the tip!

    5. That looks delicious! I bet it would be great on toast and butter with coffee on Christmas morning!

    6. Look delicious, I've made low sugar strawberry jam before but never apple jam, should try it someday, yours look delicious.

    7. Jody, that's a great idea! It's also good on vanilla ice cream!

      Mac, It's definitely a winner around here!

    8. Oh wow that looks good! I wonder if it would work with crab apples....hmmm

    9. Wow! This looks so good. I bet it would be delicious on ice cream or french toast.

    10. Mrs.P, I think you should give it a try!

      Jane, It's a good one!

      Rachel, I've tried on ice cream and it's wonderful! French toast would be great!

    11. This looks really yummy and super easy! I can't wait to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    12. Your jam looks delicious, I stopped making jam when the kids left home.
      Sharing my Oriental persimmons ideas.

    13. Sounds like a delicious recipe. I have a few more jars of blackberry and peach jam to use up before I make any more jams. We go through jam so slowly that one batch lasts about two years.

    14. Hi Susan! I'm glad you like the recipe! I hope that you love it as much as we do.

      Norma, My husband, son & grandson love jams and jellies! So, we go through quite a bit around here.

      Laura, I'm lucky if a batch lasts 6 months around here. I keep waiting for "The Italian" to ask me to start growing peanuts for his peanut butter!

    15. This look good. It will be a very nice Christmas present.


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