
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Community Garden Update

I had not heard from the woman at Farmland Preservation who was in charge of the gardens for some time. I sent her an e-mail and did not hear back, which in itself was strange.

So, I decided to call Dora, who is also on the Garden Move Committee. Dora is a very experienced gardener. She does a lot of work for Penn State and also took care of Mrs. Rodale's gardens until her passing. 

For some reason our county has had some budget cutbacks. This in itself is strange to me since our county in very much in the green for several years now. They eliminated the woman's position. But, they hired Dora on a very part time basis to take care of both of the Community Gardens. This is good news since Dora has a great understanding of gardening!

The game plan is that the soil will be disked  by the woman who runs our county seed farm within the next two weeks. Then Dora and her crew will mark off all the plots. Our plots are in the first section. So, hopefully I will be over there working on the hardscaping within a few weeks. 

My plan is to install the fencing and gate first. This will probably take two days....maybe one, if I'm lucky. Then I will work on each bed and the soil as needed for the crops that need to go in first. I am not planning on being able to plant Spring Broccoli & Cauliflower at this time. But, you never know! I guess that it won't hurt to start some extra plants for over there.

I also changed the garden layout for the plots after talking to Dora. The road is at the end of the one plot and the path at the front. The paths will be tilled soil in the beginning. So, I figured it would be much better to have the gate at the end. This will also make it easier for me to load and unload.
This is the new layout for the plots. The shaded areas along the end are for pole beans and popcorn. I also have detailed layouts for each individual bed and the home gardens. I will try to get them posted soon. 


  1. That's a big garden! You'll be fencing for days by yourself. I'm thinking the Morrises would enjoy a day trip to Reading... if you know what I mean.

  2. Jody, It can't take that long! It's 40'x 30'. We'd be happy to have some company and help for a day! I'll keep you updated!

  3. Oh Robin, it sure sounds like a big run-around. I bet you'll be glad to finally get in there.Hopefully this will be the LAST move?

  4. Sue, I am happy that a gardening is now in charge. Yes, this will be the last move. There were better sites available. But, the county put us on a piece of property that they can never sell or use for anything.

  5. I guess it will be bunny fencing - to keep out the bunnies before they catch on that there is something to eat!

  6. Sue, It will be regular fencing with a locked gate. I will also have to put up some bunny fencing. It will be a lot of work!

  7. looks great! I hope your fencing goes quick and easy!

  8. What a huge plot. That ought to grow a lot of veggies come summer. Good luck with your fencing.

  9. I still can't believe you have to do all this prep work all over again. I know it will be fantastic, though! I just noticed the photo you put up of your Garden Helper, what a cutie!

  10. Thanks MrsP, I do too!

    Daphne, I don't know what shape the soil will be in this year. It really should have been disked in the fall and again in the spring.

    Erin, This time I will be starting from scratch. So it will be more work. I can't believe you just noticed that picture. I need to get a new one up since that pic is a year old already. I miss my little guy :(

  11. Wow! What a big plot! I can't wait to see how you are going to fill it.

  12. How exciting to have all that space! Fabulous stuff, enjoy your fencing - or should that be I hope you survive the fencing....

  13. Ed, It's actually two side by side. It's going to be a lot of work getting that new soil in shape!

    Lia, The new plots are actually smaller then the old ones. But, I made my paths smaller in order to fit everything in. I'm sure I will survive. I am a tuff old farm girl!

  14. Great layout Robin. Room for lots of garden goodies that you grow so well.

  15. I'm glad they've got a gardener in charge at last. It is a shame you have to do all the prep over again, but it will be worth it if you don't have to move again.

    Good luck with the fencing. What type of fencing will you use? We have welded wire and it worked pretty wekk to keep the bunnies out -- the one that got in last year was coming under the pretty gate. The one I didn't want Dan to make ugly by stapling hardware cloth too. Oops.

    I hope you can get started, soon. Up here we got snow overnight, but spring is on the way.

  16. Thanks Lorie, Let's pray that there aren't too many rocks once they till!

    Ali, I have to put at least 4' fencing along the road and path to keep the 2 legged critters out. Hopefully my neighbors to the back and side will put up fencing too. Then I can put a 3' fence on those two sides. We may even be able to do those sides together. It will save some money!

  17. I so enjoyed watching you *whip* your garden into shape last year, I for one am looking forward to what you do this year with the new space! I know you are going to do a wonderful job and have TONS of produce and blog posts!

    1. I think that the new plots are going to be a lot more work to get ready. I do think that they will be better in the end though.

  18. Robin glad things are finally coming together with the new plot. That is about the size of my garden here at the house. However mine isn't nice and neatly shaped. It dodges around large boulders and trees. In fact there are 2 large boulders just about in the center of it and also one underground about 3" so I can't plant there. I am trying to do a layout on it for this year now and nothing is square or exact so it is difficult to figure how many plants you can get in.

    1. It's tough to set up a garden when you have to dodge boulders! If anyone can figure it's you!

  19. Huge plot you have there, lots of work, hope everything works out at the community garden.

  20. I am excited for you that you now know what the plot is going to be and where etc. so you can get moving forward with planning and growing the plot garden this year! It's good you tracked down the new coordinator so you have the info and can plan accordingly.

    1. Laura, I am so so happy that Dora is the new coordinator!! There's nothing better then having a gardener in charge!

  21. I handed in my application and the parks person said that there were plots available at one of the local sites but I haven't heard anything yet. I hope I get assigned a decent plot!

    You must be anxious to get set up again. I know I would be. Hopeful you'll have as much luck with growing in a space as you did last year. I have know idea what to expect with mine.

    1. Thomas, I think that you are very lucky that there are plots available. We had to wait two years to get ours.

      I'm sure you will have a magnificent new garden as always!


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