
Monday, February 20, 2012

Harvest Monday............02/20/2012

I had a couple of harvests this week. One tiny one and one big one. Wednesday I harvested a handful of spinach from the spinach bed that I needed for a recipe. On Friday, I finally got around to harvesting a lot of the Tatsoi. 

The spinach only weighed about 2 oz. It was just enough for the recipe.

This is one big bunch of Tatsoi! It weighed 3.3 lbs.

Boy, it was a lot! I gave about half of it to a friend of ours since there is still more in the cold frame!

There is also some news on the Community Garden move and some seedlings growing in the basement! I will post about the garden tomorrow.

Now, Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday and see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. Nice harvest of greens Robin. Unbelievable the difference in our weather and we aren't that far apart.

  2. Such beautiful Tatsoi. I keep thinking I need a cold frame along the foundation. I think it might get sun for a small part of the winter (maybe). Normally I'd be out of tatsoi already, but since I harvested it later than normal there is still some in the fridge. Not for much longer though.

  3. What pretty greens! Yes, I need a cold frame.

  4. I am growing tatsoi for the first time this year and am looking forward to trying it. Also... congratulations on the beautiful spinach! You are always saying you cannot grow it - but I think you will have to stop saying that now! :D

  5. That is a lot of tatsoi! We had some yesterday, and 6 ounces made enough for the two of us. I am looking forward to an update on the community gardens.

  6. wow lovely greens! I wish i was able to have a cold frame here

  7. Those greens look wonderful! I bought some tatsoi seeds so I can give it a try this year.

  8. Thanks Wilderness, There is definitely a big difference in our weather! I remember what it was like up there!

    Daphne, I think that you should definitely build a cold frame. We have been lucky with the weather this year. It won't always be like this!

    Granny, You better start planning those cold frames for next winter! Then you can be the Lettuce Queen all year long!

    Laura, I know, I know....but, I have only been getting a handful of spinach at a time. I want a big harvest like I have a few years ago!

    Sue, It's an Asian green that does well in cold weather. This is my first year growing it.

    Dave, That was definitely one big harvest! I have no idea why I planted that much. I'll post about the plots tomorrow.

    MrsP, I think you need to find a place to put one. Where there's a will....there's a way!

    Thanks Kaytee, This was my first time growing it and it did well. Hopefully, it will do well for you too!

  9. Wow what a healthy bunch of Tatsoi,i havn't heard of it either but reading it does well in winter I will certainly give it a go.

  10. I need a cold frame. Over 3 pounds of tatsoi, that's quite a harvest and so vibrant.

  11. Great job! What will you do with the tatsoi?

  12. such pretty greens; my fall planted spinach didn't germinate well, so just a few plants providing leaves for salad mixes and a few experimental tatsoi plants, will plant more this fall.

  13. Gorgeous greens! We have had such a hard time with tatsoi - just can't seem to get it grow! It stalls out at about 1/2 tall, and that's it!

  14. beautiful tatsoi...I really have to try that next year. it looks amazing!

  15. Hi Andrea, This is my first time growing it and it's definitely been a success!

    Norma, Yes you do need a cold frame! Then you can have fresh greens all winter!

    Thanks Becky, I will use it in stir fries or cooked in the juices of a braised meat....or any other way that I use my Asian Greens

    Mary, I hope that my fall planted spinach takes off this spring. I have only harvested a little here and there.

    Alison, I don't know the secret since it's my first time growing it.

    Thanks Team Dean, It's always fun to try something new!

  16. Nice tatsoi harvest! I'm growing Asian greens for the first time and should be harvesting sometime soon. I would love to see some recipes for what you do with so much tatsoi.

  17. Wow, beautiful greens, love the tatsoi, I'll have to try growing them in spring and see if they like our temp.


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