
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........2/16/2012

I have been a bit absent from the blogging scene the past few weeks. This has been due to my Uncle's serious illness and passing on Valentine's Day. I'm sure I will get back into the swing of things in a week or so. 

I will be out of town next week for a few days. So, Jody & Belle at Spring Garden Acre will host Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard next week.   

Now on to some good eating from our stored goods! Last week Kristen at Rusty Moon Homestead posted a great recipe for Black Bean Soup. In her post she linked to where she found the recipe, here.   

Black Bean Soup           

  • 2 Cups Black Beans  - I used Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans from the garden
  • 1 Small Onion, Sliced
  • 3 Tbsp. Butter
  • 2 Quarts Cold Water
  • 2 Stalks Celery, Diced
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. Flour - I didn't need to use any flour
  • 3/4 tsp. Salt - I didn't use any salt
  • 1/8 tsp. Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. Mustard - I used some homemade mustard and put in about 1/2 tsp.
  • Dash of Cayenne - I used about a 1/4 tsp.
  • 1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice - I didn't use this much
  • Hard Boiled Eggs or Egg
  • 1 Lemon, thinly sliced - We didn't use any sliced lemon
  1. Wash beans and soak overnight.
  2. Saute Onion in 1 1/2 Tbsp. Butter
  3. Drain Beans, add cold water, onion & celery. Simmer until beans are tender, adding water if needed
  4. Then I pureed the soup with an Immersion Blender. 
  5. Add remaining 1 1/2 Tbsp of Butter, flour (if needed) and seasonings and bring back to a boil
  6. I let the soup simmer for about another 30-45 minutes
  7. The soup can be served with a garnish of Sliced Hard Boiled Egg and Lemon
It may not be the prettiest soup......But, boy was it good!

What have you been putting in or taking out of your Cupboard lately....anything good????


  1. That is a good recipe for me. If I take out the cayenne, I can eat it. Too bad I only have one jar of black beans left and I want them in tacos. I really do need to grow more black beans next year.

  2. Robin - my condolences on the passing of your uncle. I know when I saw you last summer you mentioned he was ill then. Blessings to you and your family at this sad time.

    The black bean soup sounds very good. I imagine it would work with canned black beans too. I like black bean soup with a dollop of sour cream on top.

  3. Sorry to hear about your uncle. Prayers for your whole family.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. Your family will be in my thoughts.

    Thank you so much for the mention - I was a little surprised to see my name when I read your post in my blogroll this morning. Glad you liked the soup! :)

  5. I feel like that soup is about to tell me to 'have a nice day'. It looks really good.

  6. My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the passing of your uncle.

    Thanks another great recipe this week.

  7. So sorry for your loss. The soup looks wonderful. I'm going to try this one.

  8. Robin, stopped by after being absent for a long time. So sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers being sent your way.

  9. Why is that bowl of soup staring at me? :-)

    I know I made something from my cupboard/freezer this week, but I've had so much on my mind that I forgot what it was, LOL! Oh, I did take a picture, so now I guess I'd better blog it and join in on your Kitchen Cupboard!

    Man, I hate the verification thingy now, I find most of them impossible to read, and have to click through several to be able to comment.

  10. That is not the prettiest sure I could get my boys to try it. But I love Black Beans, so I bet it is good. Sorry to hear about your uncle.

  11. Daphne, I am sure that this recipe would be great with other beans too.

    Thanks Marcia, Yes, you can also make the soup with canned black beans.

    Erin & Dorothy, Thanks for your kind words and prayers.

    Kristen, We just love this soup! Thanks so much for posting it last week!

    Jane, I thought the same thing when I looked at the pictures! I should have added a great big smile!

    Thanks Liisa, I think you will really enjoy the soup!

    Thanks Lorie, We appreciate it.

    Granny, That soup does have a stare!! I have an awful time with the word verification too! Thanks for joining in anyway :)

  12. I am sorry to hear about your uncle passing. Sending prayers and hugs to you and your family

  13. Sorry that you are going through a bad time - will be thinking of you

  14. Robin sorry to hear of the passing of your Uncle.

    The soup sounds good but nothing I could ever get DB to eat and that is who I make most of my soup for.

    Did you notice I got your name right today.

  15. Now I need to hunt out some Black Beans to try this. White beans - cannelini, butter, lima, even black eye beans are quite common here but black ones less so. I'm wondering if the black beans that you can buy dried in our Chinese grocers are a similar variety. The soup looks great and similar to one I make with lentils.

  16. That looks delicious. We've not taken the bean growing plunge yet. Maybe we'll try something this year.

  17. Robin, I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Our family sends our thoughts and prayers to your famiiy.

  18. So so sorry to hear of your loss. We'll keep your family in our thoughts.

    The soup looks delish. I think it's just missing a smile!

  19. Thanks Anonymous, You'll just have to make it for yourself one day!

    MrsP & Sue, Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. They are truly appreciated

    Thanks Wilderness, I am so happy that you got my name right this week! I really don't mind if you confuse me with Jody...they are a great bunch!

    Liz, I am sure that any type of dark dried bean would work. I was really surprised how good the soup turned out. I did let it cook longer then the original recipe though.

    Jody, I plant dry beans as a second crop after an early or mid-season crop. I will plant them after the garlic and broccoli & cauliflower.

    Thanks so much Sandy, This really set me back a bit.

    1stMan, Thanks for your warm thoughts. That soup really does need a smile! It definitely makes me smiling just looking at the picture!

  20. My deepest condolences on the loss of your uncle.

  21. So sorry about your uncle :(

    I wish I had some homegrown black beans, for some reason I've never thought of growing anything but green beans. However, they are on my list for growing this year and this recipe will be on my to-cook list.

  22. Thanks so much Rachel

    Julie, thanks for your kind words.

    I have found that dry beans are a good second planting here. I think you will enjoy this recipe.

  23. So sorry to learn about your loss.
    Yummy black bean soup. Love your presentation.


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