
Monday, March 26, 2012

Harvest Monday............03/26/2012

There were some pretty good harvests this past week here at the home garden. I finally got around to harvesting some more overwintered Collards, Kale, Lettuce & Spinach!

Overwintered Cold Frame Vates Collards, 14.5 oz.

Overwintered Cold Frame Lacinato Kale and a few leaves of Winter Red, 10 oz.

Overwintered Cold Frame Squire Kale, 8.5 oz.

Overwintered Spinach of mixed varieties, 13 oz
This is my first good Spinach Harvest since 2010!!! And there is a lot more out there!

Total Weighed Harvest - 3 lbs. 4 oz.

Collards, Vates - 14.5 oz.
Kale, Lacinato - 10 oz.
Kale, Squire - 8.5 oz.
Lettuce - 6 oz.
Spinach - 13oz.

Stop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the globe!!


  1. I am so glad I don't know where you live. I would have to resort to being a criminal.....that spinach looks heavenly.I would steal it. Sorry. It looks so good... I can almost taste it!

    1. We had some with dinner the day I picked was heavenly!

  2. Those were some lovely greens!

    1. Thanks Marcia, The overwintered veggies are really paying off right now.

  3. All those greens look so good. I have to go out and pick some spinach. It really is growing well right now. I'm worried that it might bolt prematurely, but I really hope not.

    1. I'm going to plant some more spinach after this weather settles a bit. Then it won't matter if the overwintered spinach bolts. I hope yours doesn't bolt

  4. I am with Sue. I do know (approximately) where you live but luckily you are too far away for me to come visit that spinach patch. It looks delicious though and since I once again did not have a successful overwintered spinach crop, I am looking at my tiny spring crop that is emerging and cheering them to grow on as fast as possible. :D

    Your collard and kale harvests are amazingly abundant and varied this week too.

    1. It looks like I may need to change my address :) I am so proud of that spinach!

  5. Oh show off. I know you are way ahead of me but. I will change hard freeze with you tonight. We are to be 17. Am having a difficult time keeping one greenhouse warm. Won't get much sleep tonight checking on it.

    1. I just had to show off that spinach Wilderness. It's been a long time since I had a real spinach harvest. We are supposed to get down to 26 tonight. It's so windy right now that I am expecting to see Dorothy & Toto any minute. I hope that you get a little sleep and everything makes it through OK.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Norma, I think we will have enough greens for a while.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks MrsP, We are in the green right now!

  8. All of your greens look amazing. I think I need to bump up the manure on my soil; some of my greens were stunted and I think it's a lack of nitrogen.

    1. Nitrogen could be the issue. I work the beds at home pretty hard. I add compost to the beds at least twice a year and add some manure occasionally. Poo is a gardeners best friend!

  9. Wonderful greens harvest and I am especially envious of your spinach. Were all of these grown in the cold frame?

    1. The greens were grown in the cold frame beds. The spinach was overwintered uncovered in a regular bed and did well. The winter was mild though.

  10. I love the new background! Beautiful harvest!

    1. Thanks Jennie, I think that a green blog theme is very welcome at this time of the year.

  11. I love the colour of lacinato kale - a beautiful slatey green (or that's what I'm calling it anyway.)

    1. I do too. The color of the greens vary so much and are so me anyway!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Barbie, The garden is really starting to produce!! Yippee!


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