
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........3/29/2012

I was planning to do a post today on how to freeze greens. I will do that next week. Instead I will share a couple of great meals we had this past week from our nice harvests of Greens & Spinach.

One wonderful meal was Paprika Pork Chops w/ Spinach & Raisins. I didn't take any pictures of it and I thought that I had posted it last year. But, I can't find it on the blog. I have to say that this meal is a winner and it's a great way to get the "little" ones to eat their spinach!

Paprika Pork Chops w/Spinach & Raisins

  • 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 4 Bone-In Pork Chops (about 1" thick)
  • 1 - 2 Tbsp Paprika
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1/4 Cup Stock or water
  • 4 Green Onions, chopped
  • 1/4 Cup Raisins
  • 10 oz. Spinach
  • 1 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice
  1. Heat oven to 400° F. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Season the chops with the paprika, ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper and cook until browned, 2 to 3 minutes per side.
  3. Transfer the chops to a rimmed baking sheet and roast in the oven until cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, return the skillet to medium heat. Add a little stock or water, about 1/4 Cup, add the scallions and raisins and cook, stirring, for about a minute
  5. Add the spinach and Cook, tossing, until just wilted, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in the lemon juice. Serve with the chops. 
This next recipe is how I cook a Pot Roast with greens. I did take some pictures of this!
Braised Beef w/Greens

  • Roast of choice, it could be Beef or Pork. I used a Beef Chuck Roast
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Onions
  • Wine - I use Red Wine for beef
  • Lots of fresh chopped Greens from the garden

  1. Slice an onion or two and salt & pepper roast
  2. Heat the olive oil a nice big pot over medium/high heat. Then Sear the meat on all sides.
  3. Add the onions while searing the meat
  4. When you are finished searing the meat, remove to plate and de-glaze the pot with the wine. 
  5. Return the meat to the pot and add some more wine and a little water.
  6. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to medium or low. Then cook for about 2-3 hours. I like to cook my roast until it falls apart.
  7. When your roast is cooked to your liking, add chopped greens to liquid and cook until tender.
This is not the best picture...but, it sure was yummy! I served the roast and greens with some mashed cauliflower....yum!!

So, What have you been making from your stored or fresh harvests....or putting away for another day??


  1. Both of those sound delicious. The greens from the pot roast must taste divine with all the red wine and meat juices.

    1. Thanks Daphne, I often cook the greens in juices. They really are good that way.

  2. Thank you! I want to raise more greens this year!

    1. Greens are great to grow. They are easy and very nutritious.

  3. Oh, you just can't beat a good pot roast. Great idea to put in greens at the end. Looks yummy! I look forward to the greens post later.

    1. I agree Lori. We just love a good pot roast around here. Freezing greens is easy peasy!

  4. Robin the meals sound great. I only wish DB would eat greens. I too love a good pot roast. I even make them in the summer even if they are not considered summer food. I am looking forward to how you freeze your greens. The only greens I do are beet greens when I thin them and am considering canning them this summer.

    1. I usually only make pot roasts in the winter. It is good comfort food!

  5. I want to come and eat at your house.

    1. Well....what's stopping you....3000 miles??? Guess what, the plots are tilled and I am heading over there right now to help stake them out again!!! Yippeee!!

  6. Wow looks delicious. We can't get our kids to eat cooked greens so we will have to save this one for some time when we are just cooking for the two of us!

    1. You should try the spinach and raisins for the kids. It's really good when made with fresh spinach. Who knows, they may like it!

  7. I was wondering what you were going to do with all those greens. The spinach and raisins dish sounds great.

    1. We've also been drinking some wonderful Kale & Fruit smoothies!! They are wonderful!

  8. I never would have thought of the combination of raisins and spinach. Its great that you and your family eat so many healthy greens!

    1. I found this recipe last year and we just love it! It's a great flavor combination. I think that the lemon juice added at the end makes it too!

  9. Red wine and roast! What could be better than that? Oh yes, to add greens! That sounds delicious. Unfortunately, for us rookie gardeners, we're still waiting for our greens. But we'll be sure to try this recipe when they finally come in!

    1. Jody, I put wine in just about everything! That open bottle also makes the cook happy while cooking :)

  10. Delicious meal, love pot roast, never thought of using greens in it though, gotta try next time, thanks for sharing.

  11. Thanks for the great recipe to try. I am using up the greens in the freezer plus using the fresh greens from the garden - so I could use inspiration on greens! :D


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