
Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Plots are Tilled and Ready to Go!!!!

I called Dora late this morning to see if they managed to get the plots tilled yesterday as planned. Yes they did!! She said it was 100% better and they were going to re-stake them after lunch. She didn't have much help and asked if I could come over to help. Of course, I went right over there! Four of us spent a good 3 1/2 hours staking and placing the plot markers on each site.

The photo below is before

And this is it

Boy what a difference! 

This is the upper area

This is my area

and this is Steve already working on putting up their fencing!

I am so happy with the results!!!


  1. I'm loving seeing this come together for you!
    Happy Growing!!

  2. Looks fantastic, and what a time saver (and back saver) it will be for you!!

    1. I'm not big on tilling. But I have to admit that this made me very very happy! Doesn't that dirt look great???

  3. Wow - it looks fabulous and such a lot of lovely growing space. Very jealous!

    1. Thanks Liz, I am tickled pink...well, maybe brown :)

  4. Have fun, Looking forward to watching it evolve.

    1. Hey Johanna, There's nothing better then playing in the dirt!

  5. Wow, talk about progress. Yes the garden area looks so much better.
    Are you ready to plant??

    1. First, I have to do all the hard scaping and amend the soil...then I can plant!

  6. Oh thank goodness!! I was wondering how the re-till was going. I am sure it was worth the wait! The soil looks amazing and much easier to work with. Hopefully the weather will be nice and comfortable to work in next week.

    1. Thank goodness is right! They had the equipment reserved for Wednesday and planned to do the tilling if it didn't rain. Of course, we did get a little storm on Wednesday. But, they got it done!

  7. Hooray! What a difference! Garden on!

    1. Granny, I was really surprised how well it worked. There will be a lot of plotting going on now!!!

  8. Your plot is lookimf great, what a difference! Hope you have some great planting weather.

    1. Thanks Ed, We are supposed to get rain on Saturday. Other then that, I think the weather is looking good!!

  9. And now let the fireworks begin!:)

    1. Yes sir!! I should have put a fireworks video up...that would have been perfect :)

  10. Oh Yeah!!! I know I'm ITCHING to get going and I've got dirt ready to go. You must've been going crazy lately. I'd have been out there with you doing whatever I could to speed things up. Best 3 1/2 hours you've spent in a while, huh?

    1. It was definitely worth 3 1/2 hours of time to help things move along! It felt good to be out there!

  11. I'm not big on tilling either, but for the first year it seems like a godsend. So much less work to start a new garden.

    1. Daphne, this will be my first veggie garden that has been tilled. My mother used to always till the veggie garden at the farm. But, I have always been more of a lasagna gardener. I have to admit that this tilling was really necessary and has saved me a lot of tired achy bones!!

    2. I blessed my old tiller when we dug the new area of garden this year! It hadn't been used in probably 20 years, and it performed perfectly. I never could have dug up that entire garden by shovel.

  12. It looks great, Robin! I can't imagine having to deal with what you had before. Lots of work ahead but with luck this plot will be yours for a long time.

    1. Ali, It would have just about killed me to prep the plots the way they were before. The new site is in an area that the county can't use for anything else or sell. So, hopefully they will be there for at least 20 years!

  13. yay!! i spent yesterday afternoon tilling. i cant wait to get planting! whoot! :-)

    1. Yippee for sure!! Now I have to get my fencing together and get to work!

  14. Your plot looks awesome. I am soooo excited for you. I'm hoping to get out in my garden this weekend. I would like to double the size this year and I may need to bring out the's been years...but so nice the first go round...I'm not much at double digging with a spade...

    1. Thanks Lynda, That tilling sure did save me a lot of work! I'll be over there on Sunday putting up the fencing. It's cold and rainy today...but, I'm not complaining since it hasn't rained in months!

  15. Wow, how exciting! That's what I wanted to do this year but ran out of time to start and get it finished in time, but I can get some things in the ground soon in the raised beds at the house now, and live vicariously through the likes of yours! LOL! Speaking of tillers, my grandfather bought me one today and I ordered it. Hoping it makes life a bit easier!

    1. I think you better start prepping those beds anyway! The sooner you start working on the soil, the better it will be when it's time to plant. If it's too late for summer crops, you can always plant fall crops this year.

  16. How exciting! Like a painters canvas just waiting for you to work your vegetable and fruit growing magic on it! :D

  17. Just in time! Very exciting :)

  18. Your garden looks great. I'm hoping to get mine tilled next week. I need to put a foot of chicken wire into the ground before I put up my fencing. Had a groundhog problem last year. Have you had any problems with these critters?


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