
Friday, March 2, 2012

My Seed Stash

Since Granny and Ed have showed off their seed stash and storage.....I thought I would show you mine. Here's how I store my 220+ varieties of seeds.

All of the seeds are kept in this large container with a lid.

I keep all of them separated in different categories. I also keep my seed mats, toilet paper, glue, pre-sprouting containers and little homemade envelopes in this container.

Unlike Granny's Chinese take-out, ours comes in these great storage containers with lids. I also use these to grow veggies with shallow roots......don't tell "The Italian" he thinks that everything he can't find is being used for the garden! I have no idea where he got that idea :)

So how do the rest of you "Seedaholics" store your seeds?????


  1. I've joined the crowd and have posted how I keep my stash.

    1. I just hopped over and took a look at your nice organized seed stash!

  2. I keep my seeds in a box and I keep the giving garden seeds in a empty coffee can with a lid on it. I actually do not have large quantities of extra seeds as I periodically give them away - either in an online seed give away, or more recently I give them to the Giving Garden to use. The result is that I have relatively reasonable stashes of seeds and they are fairly young in age. I only have a few varieties that I am keeping in reserve that are older seed.

    Your system is very neat and efficient and I bet the seeds stay viable for a longer time with the double container system you are using.

    1. This seems to work for me so far. I keep the big container in the basement where it is cooler.

  3. Robin,
    Good morning, I love your stash container. I have some of my stash in my freezer sealed, the rest are in a dry plastic container in my cabinet. Soon all will be planted, just waiting for some nice weather and a little assistance from Bulldog man (I'm not suppose to lift for a couple of days from surgery I had). I need hubby to lift straw, dirt, water hose.... that kind of thing. Hopefully, ya'll are having some nice weather to do some planting.
    Catch you later,

    1. I hope that you get some help from Bulldog Man and nice weather too!

      Be well and get better soon!

  4. Robin you are so neat. I do have my stored in 2 containers, one for flowers and one for vegetables. Nothing fancy except everything is alphabetized. One of my little quirks. They are in little envelops or little plastic vials that I have gotten seen in before. I have large index cards marked with each letter and the are threaded on skewers to hold them in place.

    1. Thanks Wilderness, It sounds like you are very very organized too! I have to make myself or everything would be all over creation!

  5. Oh dear I feel really guilty now of not looking after our seeds correctly. Mine are stored in an old shoe box with a card separating the main varieties of vegetables. Should I admit to this - maybe I'll delete this comment - well in my defence it works for us!

  6. Oh, I'm going to have to go buy more seeds. You and Ed make me look like a novice, LOL!

    I just gave away a large 2-drawer filing cabinet. I should have filled it up with seeds, then I'd have been the winner!

    1. Granny, It just looks like I have more seeds then you because of those nice big plastic chinese take-out containers :)

  7. Replies
    1. I have to make myself stay organized or everything would be every where!!

  8. I am now very embarrassed by my old biscuit tin with the envelopes just stuffed inside. I have been meaning to get more organised but somehow it never happens....

    1. Liz, Don't be embarrassed. What ever works for you.

  9. I posted on this same topic on Jan 29th

    Looks like I'm in good company!

    1. Thanks Liisa, When I was writing this post, I kept thinking that there was someone else who posted on this. It was you!! My memory...that is why I have to keep my seeds organized!

  10. Re Martyn's response - It is a nice shoebox with all the dividers labelled up really neatly with printed labels and we have some metal fliptop boxes for the flower seeds

    1. Sue, I'm sure you have a great system! You are very organized!

  11. Well, you already know about my seed binder, but I love your system too! Plus all the matchy-matchy containers please my OCD personality LOL!

    1. Erin, I love your binder. But I have to admit that it probably wouldn't work for me. I wouldn't put them back and they would get lost! The containers are much easier for me!

  12. I think your system is great, very organized. Some day when I have the extra time (a full day or two, LOL) I'll organize mine. I used to keep a master list in excel, but stopped when the total was nearing 1,000!

    1. Ed, I think that you are the "King of Seeds" for sure!! 1,000 + seed varieties is amazing! I feel like a novice now!!

  13. Robin, your seed box is just as organized as Daphne's. Am I the only one with a messy system?...or lack there of? haha. I'm gonna steal your tubes within a tube idea.

  14. I can't believe that you don't have a well organized seed storage system :) I do like my system, it is easy. I hope that it works for you too.

  15. Man, your Chinese place is awesome. I would love to get containers like that for free. Sometimes I buy things at the grocery store just because I like the container they come it, and it is cheaper to buy it with something in it than to go and try to find an empty one!

    1. Yes, these containers come in handy for many things!

  16. Much tidier boxes than mine! I have sealed containers for them but I tend to leave them in piles when it is planting season... big mistake since some got wet this year. Most of the wet seeds were brassicas so I just direct sowed a ton of them out back.

    1. It's tough to keep them organized and dry when it's planting season. I'm sure that we all have managed to get some packets wet when planting. I know that I have!

  17. Love the way you are so organized. It gives me inspiration.

    1. Thanks Karen, It's always nice to be an inspiration to someone!


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