
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........3/01/2012

I woke up this morning and realized it was Thursday and I hadn't done a post for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard! Boy the week and the month just flew by! I can't believe that is March already. Before we know it the gardening season in this part of the world, will be under way! Then there will be lots goodness going in the cupboard too!

I found a great recipe a couple of months ago for a Stuffed Flank Steak here. It is supposed to be rolled. But, one flank steak makes three meals for "The Italian" and I. 1/3 is used for regular marinated broiled flank steak. 1/3 is used for a stir fry and the remaining 1/3, I have been stuffing. We love this recipe so much that I made a whole one for il secondo at "The Italian's" Birthday dinner this past Sunday. Yes, the Italian has reached "the speed limit age"!

Stuffed Flank Steak

  • One Flank Steak
  • 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce (We use the good stuff from the Asian grocery store. It really makes a big difference in the taste. You can actually find labeled non GMO food at these stores!)
  • 1/2 Cup Olive Oil
  • 2 tsp. Steak Seasoning or a combination of seasonings of your choice
  • Thinly Sliced Provolone Cheese
  • Sliced Bacon
  • Fresh Spinach
  • Mushrooms (one time I used them)
  • Sliced Bell Pepper 
This is just 1/3 of a whole Flank Steak
  1. If you are using a whole flank steak, cut through the meat horizontally to within about an inch or so of the opposite side. If you are using a piece, you will have to cut it the opposite way to create a pocket. You can also have your butcher butterfly it for you.
  2. Mix the Soy Sauce, Olive Oil & Seasonings together. Then marinate the steak with this mixture. You are supposed to marinate it for 4 hours or overnight. I have made it after only marinating it for about 30 minutes and it was great!
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C)
  4. Layer the Provolone Cheese, Bacon, Spinach, Mushrooms & Pepper inside the pocket.
  5. Roll the meat (if you can) and then tie it with kitchen twine about every 2" to keep it together.
  6. Place in a baking dish and pour what ever marinade you have left over the meat and bake..
  7. The directions say to bake for one hour. I have found that with a small piece it only takes about 15-20 minutes. When I made a whole one it baked for about 30-35 minutes. We do not like out meat well done and dried out.
  8. Let the meat rest for about 5-10 minutes, slice and serve
This is the best Stuffed Flank Steak ever!

I served it with Mashed Cauliflower. If you have never had don't know what you are missing! Just cook some nice cauliflower. Place it in your food processor (or you can mash it with a mixer or by hand), add some Butter, Adobe or other seasonings like garlic, Cheese of your choice and a little milk, if needed and mash. I like Mashed Cauliflower much better then Mashed Potatoes. It is also much better for you and a great way to get the little ones to eat more veggies! They will never know it's good for them!

So, What goodies have been going in or out of your Kitchen Cupboard Lately????


  1. Replies
    1. It's the best stuffed flank steak that I have ever made!

  2. What a yummy looking meal! I might have to try that-I need to make it allergy-friendly so I could cut it up into smaller portions and leave out the cheese and soy sauce for my allergic kiddo. Thanks for the idea!!!

  3. Sounds great. We did a smoked stuffed flank steak this summer that was wonderful, and it lasted the two of us quite a while. My post this week is english muffins

    1. A whole flank steak is way too big for two!! I need to get over to your site and check out those english muffins!

  4. That is some lovely looking flank steak! It makes for a pretty presentation. I've stuffed round steak before, but never flank.

    1. I just love flank steak. I have been eating it for fifty some years....way before it was popular.

      You should give this recipe a try. The marinade is great and I'm sure you could stuff it with just about anything.

  5. That looks scrumptious! I have some flank steak in the freezer, I will have to try it.

    I managed a nice all local from the stores meal the other day, finally I can participate!

  6. Robin you were eating flank steak when it wasn't fashionable and very affordable. We very rarely find it around here and the price is prohibited most of the time. I like to make braciole with it.

    1. You are correct Wilderness! Nobody knew what it was or wanted to eat it. It was the poor man's steak. Now it's expensive. I bought a couple when my beef & pork butcher had his Black Friday Sale! I got a great deal on them.

  7. Oh wow, delicious!
    I use flank steak for stir fry regularly but never stuff one, gotta try it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope you like it. Let me know how it turns out

  8. Oh that looks so good! Sorry we can't participate this week. We sure do like your new spring blog picture and background!

    1. Jody, I thought that the blog and I needed a nice sunny spring boost!

  9. I do like the idea of cauliflower mash - now I just have to wait for my newly planted seedlings to grow.

    1. Liz, I really really love cauliflower mash! You can add whatever you want and it is always good and healthy too!

  10. Robin, Now your stuffed flank steak looks delicious my friend. Once my mouth heals (had oral surgery) and I can eat solids, I must try making it. Mashed cauliflower is heaven. I agree if you havent' tried it your missing out on something that is amazing.
    Have a good evening, I look forward to your next text.


    1. Thanks Sandy, I hope your mouth heals quickly! Oral surgery is no fun.

  11. Wow! Those look great. Bet they taste that way too.

    Today I was doing an internet search for pickled cabbage and your blog popped up. Think you made some for the Italian. I have some purple heads I picked this week and looking for good things to make. Did the Italian like the pickled cabbage?


    1. Yes, it was yummy! That's funny that this blog popped up for pickled cabbage.

      I made pickled cabbage and spiced cabbage.Yes, liked it.

  12. That stuffed flank steak sure looks delicious and so easy to put together. Agree, mashed cauliflower is wonderful.

    1. Norma, It's a great and easy recipe. I'm happy to hear that others love mashed cauliflower too!

  13. Well that looks really delicious! I should soon have some fresh spinach to use in recipes like this. Looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks Laura, I'm sure you'll have some nice fresh spinach to harvest soon!


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