
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard..........4/12/2012

This week's Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard is all about Herbs & Spices. As many of you know, I grow and preserve a lot of our herbs and spices.

This is our blurry Spice Cabinet

Top Shelf

Bottom shelf with some of the jars in the front removed.

I grow and preserve the Herbs & Spices that we use the most, with the exception of Pepper. A lot of the herbs are perennials. So, once there in the garden or container,.you don't have to plant them again! Herbs are easy and boy what a savings! I'm sure you've seen the prices in the store!

The Oregano & Chives are growing nicely right now. 
Yes, I do grow the oregano right in the garden. It does get trimmed heavily many times a year. I have never had a problem with it getting out of control. Since I'm married to "The Italian" you can never really have too much Oregano!!

This is Chocolate Mint grown in a container.
We have several varieties of mint. They are all grown in containers.

This Thyme is really taking off! 
I have 4 varieties of Thyme. I'm not sure if the Lemon Thyme made it through the winter. Thyme can be funny like that. Sometimes it will be around for many years and sometimes it just dies.

This is a Rosemary plant that I grew from seed last year. 
I can't believe it survived the winter inside and has new growth! That's a first!

The Tarragon is coming up. 

The Sage bush is greening up nicely too!

I've done some detailed posts on how to preserve Herbs & Spices in the past. If you would like to read more about it just click here and here and here.

How's your Cupboard these days?? Anything good going in or out??


  1. I had a post all prepared for today for a change!

    1. Yippee! I'm happy that you joined in! The garden keeps us very busy this time of the year.

  2. Your herbs look great (both the live plants and the stored jars). I need to replace several perennial herb plantings that are getting old/woody and or are just getting tired.

    My kitchen cupboards are in the stretch of using every last thing up from last season to make way for the 2012 garden harvests that will begin in earnest very soon. I have a some canned goods and some frozen items that I am purposefully structuring my meals around to get them used before the fresh fare makes us turn our noses up at them. Nothing new has been going in for a long time.

    1. Thanks Laura, Our potatoes & carrots are gone, the tomatoes & puree are very low and some of the jams are also low. It looks like we may run out of Paprika powder too if I'm not careful.

  3. I'll have my post up later today. I grow a lot of my herbs too. What I really want to grow is cumin. Supposedly it can be done. Last year I was unsuccessful. It bolted when the plants were tiny. I'll try again this year, but I'll most likely start them in blocks and plant them as soon as they are an inch tall. They didn't seem to like growing indoors, but their season is so long I might not have time without starting them early. What I ought to do is transplant half and direct seed the other half. That might work. Or at least will give me more knowledge. But cumin is a very well used spice for me. Oh and this year I'm growing epazote for the first time. I'll see if I like it or not.

    1. I've never tried to grow cumin and we do use it around here. Keep us posted on how it turns out. I am really curious.

    2. I've tried cumin a couple of times without success. I've got it to seedling stage only to have them die. I'll try again next Spring but will watch Daphne's attempts with interest.

  4. I have some herbs that I stored myself but way more that I bought. My thyme tends to die every year and that really irritates me.

    1. I find that Thyme can be temperamental and just die for no reason.

  5. I love having my own herbs on hand at all times and come August that Oregano gets fully used in Marinara -our choice of tomato sauce :) And I dry it for winter uses in soups and stews. Can't have too much of it!

    1. We are almost out of dried oregano. I gave a lot to my sister in-law this year. It's a good thing that my oregano plant is in full swing. I'm going to have to dry some very soon.

  6. I also love growing most the herbs I use!

    1. Everything home grown is so much better....and what a savings when it comes to herbs and spices!

  7. I really ought to try preserving herbs. We have a few varieties of mint although not all seem as good in cooking. We have a variegated one that doesn't have much flavour.

    1. You really should Sue. It doesn't take a lot of time to do. I don't dry mint. We just use it fresh in the summer for drinks. I think maybe I should dry some this year though.

  8. I am starting small this year. Basil, Parsley,and Cilantro. And my favorite - Garlic. Maybe next year I can a few more. I am going to go read some of your other posts about herbs!

    1. That's a good start on growing your own herbs. Preserving herbs and spices is very very easy....much easier then canning and freezing!

  9. Thanks for the links. We've only ever made half-baked attempts at growing our own herbs. But, we've got high hopes for this year!

    1. I'm sure that you will be successful in growing your own herbs. I have my herb garden very close to the kitchen. It makes it very easy to go fetch!

  10. I'm transitioning from fresh herbs to preserving my herbs this year, have a lot to learn.

    1. Preserving herbs is very easy Mac. You will do just fine. Last year I even dried some Parsley & Basil in the microwave....I forgot to mention that!

  11. I love growing herbs too, I was trying not to grow Rosemary though as I really don't use it but despite digging the plant out of the ground it still reshot from its roots.

    1. It's too cold here to overwinter Rosemary. We don't use a lot of it. So a small plant or two is enough for us.

  12. Your spice jars look so pretty. So far, it looks like my thyme and sage are not coming back this year. Makes me sad especially since I didn't start any replacement seeds. Ugh!

    1. Thanks Rachel, Thyme is temperamental sometimes. I am surprised about you sage though. My bush is from a small clipping from my mother's bush and just keeps getting bigger. It did have a hard time late last season from the rain that rotten a lot of stuff. Hopefully your plant will survive.

  13. What a nice herb collection! I have chocolate mint and oregano and thyme in a small bed. The oregano and mint are battling to take over the bed and the poor thyme is clinging to a tiny corner. Any suggestions on what to do with lots of chocolate mint. I love it as a tea, but just don't use enough to keep up with its growth.

    1. Thanks Julie, Oregano and mint can do that. I keep my oregano under control. But, I do not trust mint in the ground! I keep it in containers. We use most of our mint for Mojitos in the summer and I do make mint jelly and use it in my canned Pickled Itlaian Green Farmhouse Tomatoes. Maybe you should dry some and make some tea! I think I'm going to try making tea this year for "The Italian". He is a big tea drinker.

  14. Agree with you on thyme. Had my clump of thyme for years, but it decided not to come back this year. Will have to replace. Always grew mint in container but decided last year to put it in the ground, sure am sorry. Need to plant a piece in a container and try to get rid of the rest.

    1. Norma, I can control the oregano...but not mint. There was a little patch along side of this house when I purchased it. It took me years to get rid of it! Good luck!!

  15. Mr. Linky didn't show up on my screen yesterday, linking it today, sorry for the delay.

    1. Mac, Mr Linky was being blinky for awhile yesterday!!

  16. Belle keeps pressing the herb garden. We've found a spot now. Just outside the back door. I'll plant arugula seeds under lights tonight. What kind of herbs would you recommend for a beginner like me?

    1. You have to plant an herb garden! The perennial herbs that I would start with are: oregano, thyme, chives, sage, winter savory, marjoram & tarragon if you use them. Then plant annuals like: parsley, basil and rosemary. Too bad we weren't going to see you soon. I could give you many of the perennials. You can probably find them pretty inexpensively at a stand or garden center though. I also have flowers in my herb garden. It just makes it pretty. Lavender is a nice herb that flowers.


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