
Saturday, April 14, 2012

We've Got Dirt!!!

Yesterday my load of nice good dirt was delivered to the plots!! There's nothing like a big pile of good dirt to make a gardener happy!

Look at that dirt...isn't it great??? 
Now I can get my potatoes and onions in!!

Wednesday, I marked off and turned over the 3' x 25' potato bed. The bunny fencing was also installed along this side.Today I will put the boards together, they are just laying there. Then I will amend the soil with some good poop and soil. Then it will be ready for planting.

After the soil was delivered, I put the fencing up along this side. I started to pound in the post supports for the gate. But I broke the piece of wood and dinner was, I went home. Those post supports are 2' long and take a lot of pounding! I plan to finish putting up the gates today. Hopefully, "The Italian" will be able to come over after work and install them correctly!


  1. Such a big pile of potential.

  2. It looks like really nice dirt - I am a little jealous! :)

    1. It's a great mix. This is from the same place I got my dirt to start my beds at home. Our soil at home is solid clay and I used this on top. It's the only source that I trust.

  3. You have been incredibly industrious. How are your muscles after all that work? Sore or not? Do you feel a sense of deja vu sometimes since you went through this just last spring?

    1. I'm fine Marcia. I really haven't been over doing it. I don't want to wear myself out. This is a little different then last year. I do get deja vu with all the hard work though. I was hoping to be able to enjoy the garden a bit more this year. Next year for sure!

  4. Replies
    1. It's nice and clean. Hopefully it will be enough to give this soil a little needed boost!

  5. You can always tell if one is a great gardener by the way they celebrate their "dirt"! You have inspired me!

    1. Thanks Lynda, Good dirt and good poop can really make a gardener happy!!!

    2. That just made me spew coffee all over my laptop, LOL!!!!

    3. It's true Granny, You know how happy you are when you get a good load of poop!!!

  6. Is it weird to say that I am jealous of your dirt?

    Since moving out into the middle of nowhere, sourcing some quality soil is difficult at best. Then when you do find some, it costs an arm and a leg to deliver it!

    1. Not weird at all. It's hard to find good dirt that is trustworthy and doesn't cost an arm and a leg! When I lived on the farm. I had the biggest and best compost pile in the world to start just about anything.

  7. We use that type of post support too much better than trying to use concrete

    1. I agree, you just have to make sure that they go in perfectly straight and square.

  8. That dirt looks excellent! Is it compost or just "soil"? I need to get some good dirt to fill up my new beds.

    1. The dirt is a mixture and very clean. I have used it in the past here at the house.

  9. Replies
    1. There's nothing like pretty dirt for sure!

  10. I love a good batch of soil. So much potential!

    1. Hopefully it will give the gardens that little extra it needs.

  11. Like a pig in ... clover.

    I bought a sledgehammer this year, as a treat. (No one else would buy me one for Christmas.)

    1. It was a very exciting moment when the dirt arrived. I have to say that the other gardeners were admiring my dirt!

      I can't believe that Santa wouldn't get you a sledgehammer for Christmas! I think my sledgehammer is older then me. It is definitely too heavy though! I could really use a lighter one.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Daphne, I am definitely pleased with it.

  13. YAY for new dirt, and the nutrients it will bring!

    1. I think between the dirt and bagged manure & hummus I bought last fall on sale.....the garden will have a good start!

  14. The dirt is lovely (only a gardener would say this) and the fencing and bed construction is really progressing. Sorry you hit a hitch with the gate post supports but I am sure you will recruit some good help and soon be back on track to completion of the fencing.

    1. Yes, us gardeners love good dirt! I haven't even bothered with the fence gate. I did decide to move it a bit to the right though. Getting these beds built and amended is a long process.

  15. Nice pile of dirt! It's Sunday now... how's your back LOL?

    1. My back is fine. I can only build, sift through the dirt and amend one bed at a time. With this drought it takes a long time to water your dirt, add manure, water dirt again, mix, add more dirt, water. You get the picture!

  16. The soil looks really great and will greatly contribute to a good gardening year.

    1. Thanks Karen, I think the dirt will help a lot!

  17. Robin I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogging Award and was asked to to do the same. I named you and you have won also.



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