
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

An Update on the Plots

The plots are starting to take shape. I managed to get everything transplanted from the old site to the new site last week. I also planted the potatoes, onions, overgrown favas and a couple of celery plants. Then we had some much needed rain over the weekend which lasted into Monday. Monday evening I went over  and turned over the next 5' x 20' bed. Yesterday was election day here in PA, so no visit to the plots. I am an election official and was working from about 6:30 AM until about 9:30 PM.

All of the potatoes have been planted in the long bed on the left. I covered the area in the front before the rain hoping to keep the grass from growing. This will be the last area dug, prepped and planted.

One post for the gates is up. I couldn't use the supports that we used at the old site. There is no way to pound those long supports in since there are so many BIG rocks deep down in the ground. Since I had already cut the posts down to 6', I couldn't just use concrete and stick them in it. 

I am using post tie that attaches to this bolt in concrete. I didn't take any pics of it and of course did have an issue with the one which I won't go in to today. Hopefully, it is all worked out and the other post will be in place soon.

Here are some Fava Beans planted in front of the Asparagus.
I started my Fava Beans inside since I didn't have a place ready for them at the plots. Then we had that really hot weather you can see they got really big before I was able to plant them. Hopefully they will be OK. I also planted a lot of onions in the middle bed and a few celery plants.

The Blackberries have been moved from the old site to the new site and seem to be pretty happy so far.

The Strawberries have also been moved. 
I lost about half of the plants from our severe heat and droughts last season. There are more roots on the way which are scheduled for delivery today.

Monday evening I turned over the next 5' x 20' bed. This bed will be prepped and framed in this evening. Once that is complete, I only have 3 more large beds to do. The rain really did help the working conditions over more Dust Bowl!!!


  1. You have such a huge amount of gardening space now. We got a lot of rain too. Thank goodness. We seem to have gone back to normal spring weather. Maybe even a tad on the cool side. Some weather sites are predicting frost. I'm not convinced.

    1. Daphne, Even though these plots are a bit smaller then the old site, I have managed to get a little more actual garden space out of them. We aren't supposed to have any frost. Temps are supposed to get into the 30's at night though.

  2. You are just whipping this right into shape! Your energy is impressive. :D

    Looks like another great growing year is ahead for you.

    1. Thanks Laura, I sure hope all of us have a good year this year!

  3. What kind of wood do you use for your bed boarders...cedar? Looking great! Looks like I'll be putting up my fence on Saturday :)

    1. Yes, the boards are all cedar. Congrats on getting started this weekend on your plot!

  4. Looks awesome! I really need to clean out my strawberries and separate them like yours, but since they're all blooming now I'll have to wait until July to do that.

    1. Thanks Jenny, I sure hope that I get some berries this year after moving them.

  5. Robin, I can't get over the amount of space you each have in the community garden. Your space looks fabulous. I'm happy to hear your transplants are doing well. The strawberries and blackberries like their new homes. Fava beans look real healthy. Can't wait to see your aspargus popping out of the ground (one of my favorite vegetables). Onions and celery, great combination to plant in the same box. My onions are doing really good. The celery, not to well. It appears the birds love it. I'm glad to hear you got some well needed rain and not snow like other areas. Enjoy planting, I'm off baking breads today. Catch you later fellow gardener :-)

    1. I have two plots side by side. Each one is 30' x 20'. I hope that the onion plants take off. They arrived nearly 3 weeks ago and have been in storage in my basement. I'm also going to put some sets in. Most of my celery is still in the basement. I need to bring it outside and start hardening it off so I can plant it out.

    2. My onions sat in my warm garage for over a month and they took off. I think yours will take off just fine. Watch out the for birds on the celery, they ate the tops off of my celery.

    3. I sure hope they take off. I'm going to plant some sets too. Funny you should mention birds. I have a Robin that sits with me at the plots. I sure hope that bird doesn't become a pest!

  6. Your plants all look really happy at their new home. Your garden plot is a lot larger than I first thought and it is really starting to look like a garden! It is very impressive how much you have done is such a short time. :)

    1. Thanks Christy, The plots are a good size. It's hard to tell from the pictures how big it really is. I can't wait until it's ready and planted.

  7. You've worked wonders in the short time that you have had the plot. You seem further on than we are. Our beans were quite tall when we planted them too and like you we're just hoping for the best!

    1. Sue, Your plots are huge and I really think that you are in much better shape then I am! I'm not sure how those beans are going to do. Some seem OK...time will tell.

  8. So nice! And huge!! Lots of hard work that will pay off dividends later. Keep it up, for now I'm living vicariously thru all my gardener blog friends. :-)

    1. Thanks 1st Man. Yes there is a lot of space there that will provide us with some good food. You have a lot more to deal with then I do. Before you know it, you will be growing lots of good food too!

  9. Glad to hear that you didn't have to work in the dust bowl again! Your plot is looking great. I am excited for you that you are managing to get everything planted in time, especially with the extra work load of having to start from scratch!

    1. I was afraid that the Dust Bowl was going to turn into the Mud Bowl!! But, it didn't....thank heavens! I'm pleased that so far I have been able to stay somewhat on schedule!

  10. Looking good, Robin! You certainly have put in a lot of work in a short time.

    1. Thanks Granny, The strawberry roots came yesterday. So, the rest of the strawberry bed is now planted and I have extra roots!!

  11. Holy smokes,Robin--it's looking great. You'd never know you had to do it all new.

    1. I think my body knows at times that I've had to do it all new!!

  12. The plot is looking good! All your hard work is paying off, I can't wait to see your future harvests.

    1. It will be so satisfying to see these plots finished and growing with lots of veggies!

  13. Two plots side by side 30x50 feet. That's huge! You're a work horse, with brains! All those projects, turning beds, setting posts, planting potatoes, fava beans, onions... the list goes on (not to mention the elections)! We were very glad for the rain too! We've been wrestling with the question of when to put our celery out. I think we'll put it out on Saturday. The bed's ready. Hopefully the weather will maintain.

    1. Compliments may get you somewhere or something!! :) I have about 30 more celery plants that I'm hardening off. I will put them in this week or over the weekend. They are pretty hardy and will do just fine.

  14. Robin, The plots look so good! That is a LOT of hard work to be accomplished AND be sure that things are planted on time. It looks like the soil at the plots drank in the rain like fine wine. It has taken on a nice, rich dark color.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I try not to over do it at the plots and wear myself out. So far, so good. I just have to get all the beds finished and planted before we go on vacation.

      The soil absorbed the rain well and there was no run-off. It definitely looks better then before. I have been adding bagged manure, hummus and some of the good soil to the beds after they are framed out and turned. Hopefully, all this work will mean lots of happy veggies this summer!

  15. Looks wonderful, as always! Fava beans are my favorite. This past year I had to fight the crows over the seeds so starting them inside would have been a smart thing to do for me.

    1. Thanks Patricia, I sure hope those Favas are OK. They were way bigger then I wanted them to be when I planted them out. Last year, ants got into most of my favas :(


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