
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard...........4/26/2012

This week we had one of our favorite meals, Fish and Cauliflowerslaw. A few years ago "The Italian" created Cauliflowerslaw. It's like coleslaw.....but, much much better! I'm also going to share his Rub Recipe with you. This rub can be used on fish or pork.

Rub for Fish or Pork
1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Salt (I'm not sure if he uses this much salt)
1/2 Cup Chili Powder
1/2 Cup Paprika
1/8 Cup Ground Allspice
2 Tbsp. Black Pepper
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
2 tsp. Cumin
2 tsp. Garlic Powder
2 tsp. Celery Seeds

The recipe is a lot. We keep a batch of this rub in the freezer and use it whenever we need it. You could cut the recipe down and make a small amount for one meal.

Season Fish and Fry in Butter....that's it!

These ingredients are approximate since we don't measure when making, you may have to adjust them a bit.
  • Cauliflower, cooked al dente and then chilled
  • 1 1/2 Cups Mayonnaise
  • 2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 1 tsp.Celery Seed
  • 2 Dashes of Worcestershire Sauce (this is his secret ingredient)
  1. Cook and chill Cauliflower.
  2. Mix remaining ingredients together, pour over cauliflower & mix
  3. Refrigerate until ready to use. I think this is better after it sits overnight. But, it's great when fresh too.
This Slaw is wonderful! We like it much better then Coleslaw!

What's been going in or out of your Kitchen Cupboard lately????


  1. These both look really interesting. Cauliflower should be coming into season here shortly (although my plants look a long way off) so not long to wait to try it, as long as I buy one.

    1. We really like this much better then using cabbage. Hopefully your cauliflower will do well for you. It can be quite temperamental to grow at times.

  2. That sounds like an interesting use of cauliflower. Not sure this household would go for it. No post for me this week. Sorry.

    1. We just love cauliflower around here and particularly love this slaw. I should try using "The Italian's" secret ingredient in regular coleslaw and see how it is.

  3. When I could eat peppers I used to make a mix like that to season chicken or shrimp. It was nice and spicy and so easy. I too made up a big batch to use whenever.

    1. We keep this rub in the freezer. One batch seems to last a very long time!

  4. I've never had cauliflower slaw! The rub sounds interesting. I love to put a blackening seasoning on fish

    1. Both the slaw and the rub are wonderful! You should give that slaw a try some time.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Vanessa, It's definitely a favorite around here.

  6. I'll have to try the rub. It sounds tasty!

  7. Look great! We have some cauliflower growing in the garden this spring so we will have to give this one a try when it's ready!

    1. Please let me know what you think. We just love it.

  8. I'm not too sure about the cauliflower slaw, but the rub recipe looks great!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE Cauliflower, but have never seen it prepared this way. Will definitely have to try it. And I'm always on the lookout for a new spice rub. We have a few we use but this has some different stuff in it, looks yummy. Not big "fish eaters" around here but I bet it's great on a pork roast!

    1. Just remember to tell 2nd Man that the measurements for the slaw are approximate since we are dumpers around here. Enjoy!

  10. Yummy!! I am going to have to try both for sure!

  11. Gotta give the rub and the slaw a try, they sound delicious, I have 2 heads of cauliflower in the frig :P

    1. The first time "The Italian" made the slaw, I though...hmmm. But, I like the cauliflowerslaw much much better then coleslaw any day.

  12. The slaw recipe is a keeper! If we can get our cauliflower to grow this year, we'll make this for sure.

    1. Hopefully we will both have a good cauliflower harvest this year. Mine was a complete failure last year.

  13. Interesting way to enjoy cauliflower and so simple, thanks for sharing.

    1. Your welcome Norma, This slaw is also more nutritious then the traditional made with cabbage.

  14. Never heard of making slaw out of cauliflower.. sounds good.. if only I could successfully grow cauliflower!

    1. It was a creation by "The Italian". I really hope that you and I have some success with cauliflower this year!


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