
Friday, April 27, 2012

The New Cedarbrook Community Garden is Taking Shape

I've been trying to take pictures of the Community Garden on a regular basis. Hopefully we can start a blog or a website for the gardens once we are all done with this intensive labor. It's just amazing how far they have come in such a short period of time!

There are 110 plots at the Community Garden. Here are some photos taken on Monday evening. A lot more has happen since then.

These are to the right behind our plots.

This plot is a couple back from us.

The guys across from us have their tank up and filled

Jay & her hubby are doing a great job setting up their plots.

This is a group of 10 plots which is occupied by Jose and his group. They really have their plots looking good!

I just love this tool stand they put up.

Our automatic fill water system is up and running. It was a bit full when I took this photo due to the rain that day.

Another group of gardeners together.

Same group from another angel.

Frank from Sicily. Wait until you see his plot when everything is up and growing!

Some of the gardeners removed their clumps of grass and put it in the area we have to dispose of garden waste.

The County brought us some picnic tables this past week.

And Whitie's site is looking great! 


  1. Looks so good! I really wish our area had something like that, I'd love to have additional 1/2 acre for my veggies.

    1. You should check with the county and local churches to see if there are any Community Gardens in your area. Our plots are 20'x30' each and we have two.

    2. I did - the nearest one is 35 min drive offers 10x15 plot and cost $250 to rent for from May to end of Oct.

    3. That's ridiculous. We pay $20 a year for a 20' x 30' plot and have access year round.

    4. If I had that choice I'd take several too and plant everything that I don't have right now :)

  2. Amazing progress. Everyone seems to be working hard.

    1. Yes, everyone is really putting a good effort in to get their plots going.

  3. It is really starting to look like a community garden. Hard to believe it was just being plowed not that long ago! It's evident there's been a lot of work going on.

    1. We are really happy that so much work has been done in such a short period of time.

  4. What a great place to hang out and garden - perfect combo - a great garden area and like minded people nearby to visit with when you take rest breaks!

    1. This garden is set up differently then the last site with only one road down the center. It is really making a positive difference as far as being a community.

      The committee is also going to plan a few picnics. That will be fun!

  5. Wow. I love having a garden in my yard, but I think a community garden plot would be a fun community to be a member of.

    I'd love to see details of that tool rack. I need a better tool storage system!

    1. I'll take some close up pics of that tool rack for you over the weekend and either post them or e-mail them to you. I should probably build myself a smaller version.

  6. Just imagine the pounds and pounds of produce that will becoming out of those plots to feed so many. Wow! Must feel good, Robin, to be a apart of that.

    1. There will definitely be tons of food coming from the gardens. This site is going to be much better then the old site.

  7. It gladdens my heart to see lawn turned into community gardens, well done!

    1. It's really a great experience and what a nice bunch of people!

  8. Robin, the community garden looks fantastic. Everyone is working hard to getting it ready to plant. Gardeners are always so creative and unique in putting their touch on their garden. You should be very excited to see it all coming together after a frustrating start. My new property garden is coming together as well and in a couple weeks planting will begin. I'm not sure about how much I'll get the first year but it is fun just reclaiming a wild and untamed garden plot.

    Have a great day in the garden.

    1. I did read your most recent post and I think I was too tired to comment....go figure! Your place is really coming along nicely.

      It's really interesting to see how many different ways people garden and how they set up their plots.

      Happy Gardening to you too!

  9. It really has been a hive of activity!

    1. Yes, we have a lot of busy bees there for sure!

  10. That is some amazing progress you're all making! Excellent work. I'll be eager to see the progress all season long .

    1. Most people have done a lot of work. There are still a few who have not done anything so far. I'll be posting pics all season.

  11. It all looks wonderful. It will be fun seeing photos of it when it is all covered in green.

    1. I think it will be quite wonderful when it is all green and growing!

  12. It's coming along nicely. I think you're ahead of where we are, although we don't have any help from the Council. In fact, they seem to be on the side of a few miserable local residents who are complaining that an orchard will "ruin their view". We did have a visitation from some official bloke with hair growing out of his nostrils, but once confronted with a bunch of muddy oiks with forks h soon came around to our way of thinking. I told him how proud the County Council must be of him for stimulating such projects, and he got all bashful and told us we were doing a sterling job and to keep it up, and we're hoping that they might find a bit of funding to help us rebuild an old derlict field shelter.

    1. We think the reason that they moved our gardens was because some people didn't want to look at food growing. I'm happy that you sweet talked that official a bit :)It's amazing what a little compliment can get you!

  13. It really is shaping up. I bet soon nobody will miss the old plots.

    1. I just found your comment in the spam folder! Yes, it sure is shaping up nicely. I think everyone likes the new location much better. I know that I do.

  14. yay for you all everything is looking great!

  15. Robin, Now that's what I call a great community garden. How many people have participated do you know? I love the water access and the picnic tables the county added. Robin, is the food share amongst the gardeners or the entire community? It's nice to see people getting together and having something in common.

    1. I didn't know one person until I finally got the plots last year. I really don't know how many of them I know...but quite a few. I have received some gifts of food from a couple of gardeners and gave them some canned goodness in return.

      It's definitely a nice group of people.

  16. I like how even at this early stage you can see differences in the plots reflecting different personalities. Must be fun the watch what people do.

    1. I find it very interesting to see how other people garden and how they are setting up and prepping their plots.

  17. I think they all look wonderful but I really like Jay and her husbands.

    1. Jay does a lovely job with her plot. She has everything laid out on paper.

  18. So cool! Everything looks awesome, and what a tool rack! A blog would be neat, even if it's just photos so you can look back over the seasons :)

    1. That tool rack is great. A blog or website for pictures and information on what's happening would be great!

  19. What a great sense of community! and all the gardens look wonderful, Robin. You have to be commended for your hard work in getting all this going.

    1. Thanks Diana, This new site has a lot more sense of community then the old site. I think it is in part to the single road and also Dora.

  20. The gardens look great and although it is hard work, it has to be lots of fun to have a community garden.

    1. It really is a lot of fun. Gardeners are a really good group of people!

  21. How wonderful! Thank you so much for posting this. You've found a very wonderful community of gardeners. I can only imagine the benefits and blessings you and "the Italian" will enjoy there.

    1. Your are very welcome Jody. This is a really great experience for all of us to enjoy!

  22. Awesome blog! I look forward to following it. I really wish our city/county did something like that. You guys are really luck to have those community gardens.

    1. Thanks Kris, I agree that we are very lucky to have the community gardens. I was on the waiting list for two years....but, it was worth the wait. Now I am able to grow everything we need.

  23. Robin, I'm really impressed with so many who have developed their personal plots! That's some serious work!!

    Hope you get some of the rains we are now receiving!

    1. Things are definitely moving along quite well. Yes, we have been getting some much needed spring rains!


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