
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard.........5/03/2012

This past week I harvested the remaining overwintered greens and spinach and pulled the plants. A great deal of the harvests have been frozen for another day. I haven't updated my Preserving Page yet. Hopefully, I will get to it later this morning. It's been crazy busy and will continue to be that way until we go on vacation late next week.

The spring planted greens are starting to produce. Last night I made a nice Italian dinner for "The Italian" with some Arugula that I have been eyeing in the garden. I really don't remember where I found this recipe. But, I did make some changes and it was absolutely delicious!

Peppery Pasta with Arugula & Shrimp

  • 1 Tbsp. Minced Garlic
  • 1 1/4 tsp Black Pepper (I think I used about half this amount)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt (I think I used about half this amount also)
  • 5 oz. Baby Arugula (I used some larger Arugula)
  • Pasta of choice, Spaghetti, Linguine or Angel Hair
  • 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/2 lb Peeled & Cleaned Shrimp
  • 2 Tbsp Minced Shallots (We didn't have any so I used some finely sliced leeks)
  • 3/4 Cup Chicken Stock ( I used Vegetable Stock)
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 2 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice (I used half of a small lemon to make the juice, which was less)
  • Fresh Grated Cheese

  1. Combine half of the Garlic, Pepper, Salt and Arugula in a large bowl and toss.
  2. Boil water and prepare the Pasta al dente. Drain pasta, add hot pasta to Arugula mixture and toss well until the Arugula wilts.
  3. While the pasta is cooking, heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add shrimp and remaining Salt & Pepper, saute for 1 minute. Add remaining Garlic & Shallots, saute for an additional minute or until Shrimp are done. 
  4. Remove Shrimp from pan and deglaze the pan with the stock. At this point, I added the Arugula mixture to the pan, since I didn't used baby Arugula and it needed to be cooked a bit. Cook for 3-5 minutes, then return the Shrimp to the pan. 
  5. Toss the mixture with the Pasta and serve with Fresh Grated Cheese. 
We also had some nice Fresh Baked No-Knead Bread with our dinner.
It was perfect!

What have you been putting away for another day or making from your stores or harvests lately???


  1. Robin,

    Okay, I've read your post and now I'm hungry for some Peppery Pasta with Arugula and Shrimp. It's only 6 AM here, do you think this could be a breakfast dish too?

    1. Sure, why not! I'm not much of a breakfast person. But, do on occasion eat left over dinner for breakfast!

  2. That sounds really really good. I have some rocket as we call it, in the garden but I think I need to sow a bit more as I got over zealous with my weeding. It tends to self seed everywhere but I think I've gone too far the other way now. I wish I'd seen this before I ate the weeded out bits in a salad...

    1. We really enjoy this recipe. I'm sure that you will have some arugula available in the near future to enjoy.

  3. I love pasta and shrimp dishes. And with arugula, what's not to like? I'm making a shrimp pasta dish tonight with some of our roasted tomatoes.

    1. Pasta and shrimp sure is a good combination. I have made some dishes with sun dried tomatoes. But, have never made any with roasted tomatoes. That sure does sound good.

  4. It looks so delicious. But I really do hate arugula. I still remember the first time I tried it. Of course it was out of the garden, but as soon as I had it in my salad I put the salad down and went outside and tore the plants out. I don't think I've ever done that for anything else before. I find it strange since I like so many things.

    1. Daphne, I never had arugula until "The Italian" and I were married and have only had it cooked. I'm not sure that I would like it in a salad.

  5. That looks beautiful and oh so tasty!

    1. Thanks Laura, It is very tasty and seemed to hit the spot last night!

  6. Going to have to print this. It looks delicious and lately shrimp is almost cheaper than hamburger, lol.

    1. Meat sure is getting expensive. I guess it's time to get a cow! Enjoy!

  7. Looks good. Have never tried arugula. I know about busy. Seems I don't have time to keep my planting records up to date. Need to also do the harvest chart also not that I am even planted to have a harvest yet. Just waiting for the rhubarb to be ready in a couple of weeks.

    1. Wilderness, it's just been crazy busy! Things will calm down for a bit once the garden is planted....then canning season will start!

  8. Your recipe sounds wonderful. I love arugula. I have been told it is an acquired taste but I have a thing for bitter greens. Maybe because I ate cooked Italian dandelions as a child. In Italy, they serve a steak sliced sitting on a bed of fresh arugula with thin "peels" of hard Italian cheese (like Pecorino or Parmagiano)...calling the dish "Tagliata" (the Italian word for cut). We also like fresh arugula instead of lettuce on hamburgers. I think the cultivated is not as sharp tasting as the wild and it is picked at a baby leaf stage.

    1. Thanks Patricia, The Tagliata sounds wonderful! I will have to make it for my "Italian". Arugula is definitely an "Italian" favorite.

  9. That looks so good, Robin. Can I come for dinner?

  10. Sounds good. My Husband Loves pepper, so I should make this for him. It is his Birthday tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

    1. I hope your hubby has a Happy BD and enjoys this dish!

  11. I have to try making this dish as my arugula is just perfect for picking and I love it so might try something new. Never had it cooked before :) But my hubby loves his schrimp and he's always up for pasta so it will be a good choice for weekend dish. Today I'm taking easy road out - opening another jar of home-made marinara over pasta with wilted spinach as side.

    1. There is so much you can do with pasta. I ended up making a red sauce last night with sausage. I was so busy yesterday and it was the easiest thing I could think of to make my Italian happy. I hope you enjoy the recipe.

  12. OH wow that sounds great and it just about lunch time here....and guess what today is a pasta day....going to have to give this a try!

  13. That looks really delicious. I like the very tender baby arugula in a salad but once pass that stage I prefer it cooked.

    1. Norma, I only started growing arugula a couple of years ago when "The Italian's" parents brought me seeds back from Italy. We usually use it in a cooked dish. I should harvest some small leaves and try it in salads.

  14. I've never grown arugula because I've only had it has a small addition to a salad, so I had no clue what I could do with more than a few arugula leaves. Good to know that you can cook it too!

    1. Julie, There are a lot of Italian recipes that use arugula. We really like this dish.

  15. Hi Robin, This is off your subject but if I freeze some extra asparagus how do I use it or cook it? Thank for your help. Nancy at Cozy Thyme Cottage

    1. Nancy, I have never frozen any asparagus. Hopefully, I will have enough to freeze some next year though. I imagine you could cook it the same as if it were fresh. We like it steamed with a little butter or wrapped in bacon and baked. I would do a little research for some good recipes on the net. I think Norma had a good recipe posted recently. I would probably freeze some as long spears and some chopped in to smaller pieces too since your not sure exactly how you will cook it. Good luck! Sorry I'm not much help.

  16. Yum~~ I shouldn't be reading this post in middle of the night, it makes me hungry......


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