
Monday, June 18, 2012

Harvest Monday............06/18/2012

I can't believe the last time I did a Harvest Monday post was on April 23! I have been weighing most of my harvests, but not all of them. Of course, a lot of the strawberries end up not making it to the house.

I started harvesting broccoli this past week. I am extremely happy with the broccoli so far. I really didn't think I would have the plots ready for spring, they had a late start. Last year my broccoli was a bust due to the weather.

The first head of broccoli from the home garden with some garlic scapes.
All of the scapes have been harvested weighing in at 8 oz total.

This is the first head of broccoli from the plots and a few new potatoes that I snitched for dinner. I planted 4 different varieties of broccoli this year. So far the Premium Crop is doing the best.

The first carrots harvested this year. These were in the big container which I started inside in the basement. They aren't the prettiest.....but, they sure did taste good!

I've been harvesting some strawberries at the plots. Most of them get eaten there. The few that have made it home to get weighed have weighed in at 1.5 lbs. total. Surprisingly the new strawberry roots are producing way more then the transplanted plants. I think the transplants were moved at the wrong time. But, I had no choice in that. I really like the Jewel variety the best so far. They are really sweet and much bigger then the other varieties.

I planted a different variety of shelling peas this spring. The variety is Alderman. They get really tall, about 7'. I'm really not thrilled with the flavor though. I like Little Marvels much better. So, far the shelling peas weigh 1 lb. 10 oz. shelled. There will be a little more to harvest and then the vines will be pulled. I am planning to sow a fall crop of peas. Hopefully, I can get them in early enough to produce a harvest. 

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the globe!


  1. I'm really struggling to grow peas at the moment. The slugs keep eating them and the plants wont establish themselves - its driving me mad. Those strawberries look divine, I have planted a few new plants this year so hopefully I will get a harvest of those.

    1. One year I had a ground hog that ate my peas 3 times!!! There were no peas that year! I'm not happy with the variety of shelling peas or snow peas that I planted this year.

      Hopefully, you will manage to get a harvest of peas and some strawberries too!

  2. Broccoli-oh you lucky thing. It looks great-I'm envious!
    And peas--are they really supposed to make it all the way to the house? Cuz, that never happens here. Something must be wrong.......LOL!

    1. I'm am so thrilled to be getting some broccoli this year! Have you been munching in the garden???

  3. I need to move my strawberry patch as the neighbour's tree has grown so large the patch is not getting enough sun. I am growing the premium crop broccoli also but no head yet.

    1. I am very pleased with the premium crop broccoli. It's the biggest I have grown in a few years. We shall see how the other varieties do and then decide what to plant in the fall.

  4. Yum! Strawberries, broccoli, peas, scapes, and young carrots. Those are some nice heads of broccoli. I am down to the last of the side shoot production on my broccoli plants and am about ready to start pulling them out and giving the stalks and large leaves to the chickens. I need to start my fall broccoli this week (need to buy some germination soil mix first though!).

    1. I'm glad you mentioned starting the fall plantings. It seems too early....but, it's not!

  5. When it comes to peas - flavor definitely trumps productivity in my book! Go with what you like. I hope your fall crop does well for you!

    1. I have yet to have a successful fall planting of peas. I'm sure going to try though!

  6. I like the Little Marvel peas too. For one thing they don't get so tall but the taste is great too.

    1. Little Marvels are definitely the best in my book. I don't know why I tried another variety.

  7. Beautiful strawberries and broccoli!

  8. Nice looking harvests! I'm still trying to find a shelling pea with good flavor and productivity.... I'll be trying out more new varieties this fall.

    1. Good Luck with the fall peas and please post about the varieties you are trying!

  9. Robin,

    Every thing you've harvested looks so good, and healthy. Can I come up there and just plant my butt in your garden and eat right from the plants??? LOL
    I'll bring the tea :-)

  10. That is some wonderful looking broccoli. Definitely something to be proud of. Looks like you will be eating well this week!

    1. Thanks, we are so thrilled to have some nice broccoli this year!

  11. Like Liz we too are struggling to get peas going but I've just picked two punnets of strawberries

    1. Every year we struggle with something. It's a gardeners dream to have one good year for every crop!

  12. Everything looks wonderful! I envy you your broccoli. I think I'll be harvesting my first this week, but the heads are so small, more like large side shoot sized than central heads. I have yet to grow a good head of broccoli and that is our favorite veggie!

    1. Broccoli and cauliflower can be very temperamental to grow. The weather has such an affect on it. Keep trying, you'll get some nice broccoli sooner or later!

  13. Hi, With produce like that there would be no need to buy chocolate!! You and others are making me want to learn about and try to grow broccoli! Great harvest! Nancy

    1. You should try growing broccoli. It's always fun to try something new!

  14. Your carrots look great to me! I am still waiting on ours. :)

    1. Thanks Christy, My spring planted carrots have a while before they will be ready.

  15. Glad to hear your broccoli is producing for you. We got our first heads this week too. Those are sure some pretty strawberries!

    1. We're happy about the broccoli too. There's also some cauliflower that's just about ready!

  16. You must be so pleased with your broccoli it looks great,did you have help shelling all those peas?

    1. Yes, we are very pleased with the broccoli. No, the cats aren't very good helpers when it comes to shelling peas. I had to do it all myself.

  17. What a great harvest. Our first broccoli was cut this week too and we are planning on enjoying it tonight for dinner. It's good to have fresh broccoli back on the menu!

    Little marvel is our favorite variety of pea as well, we have tried several others but keep coming back to them as the best tasting and most productive.

    1. We really enjoyed having some fresh broccoli this week for dinner. The rest that was harvested is in the freezer for winter enjoyment.

      I think I'm going to stick with the Little Marvels. I have a good size package of them and am going to try growing a fall crop.

  18. Robin- What a great harvest. I am so glad that your broccoli is doing well this year. That's why we garden - if something is a bust one year we have another chance the next year! I am still waiting for garlic scapes. My plants look great but no signs yet of any scapes getting produced. And I have a garlic scape pesto recipe that I want to try!

    1. Your scapes will arrive, just be patient. I know that's hard for us gardeners to do once the season has started!

  19. Beautiful harvest, that's a nice head of broccoli there, I don't have luck/patience in growing broccoli, maybe I can try for a fall crop.

    1. A lot of gardeners say that it's much easier to grow broccoli in the fall.

  20. I always have trouble with fall peas. They never grow well in the heat and by the time it cools down the sun just isn't high enough for them to grow well. I want to try again with some snow or snap peas.

    1. I think that I start the fall peas too late. I'm going to try the Little Marvels this fall and a variety that I have that is supposed to do well in the heat. We shall see how it works out.

  21. Wow, beautiful veggies, just beautiful!

  22. They all look delicious, pity the peas don't taste as nice as you were hoping for. Like Liz, I too am having trouble getting my peas going, some have made it all the way to the top of the frame, while others have disappeared or still struggling near the ground.

    1. The peas aren't bad. They just aren't as sweet as the Little Marvels. Good luck with yours!

  23. Your shelling peas look divine! And potatoes? I hope to be able to pull a few early potatoes this summer, but they're not near ready yet!


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