
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The State of the Plots Mid-June

Everything at the plots seems to be growing by leaps and bounds this past week! It seems like every day the plants are bigger. I took these pictures 3 - 4 days ago and everything is much bigger when I went over there today. I'm extremely pleased to say the least.

click on any pic to enlarge
The plots from the road
Bed #1
The potato bed is totally out of control! 
Some of the plants are about 4' high!

The front tomato bed. Bed #2
You can't tell from the picture how stocky and sturdy these plants are. Some of the branches are an inch wide. The plants in this bed are bigger then the other tomato bed. I'm certain it's due to the mixing of the soil. I was too tired and lazy to mix in the soil in the other bed.

Bed #3

"Three Sisters Planting"
The corn, beans and squash have doubled in size since I took this picture.

Bed #4
This is the second tomato bed. The plants are very happy and healthy even though they aren't quite as big as in bed #2.

Bed #5

Bed #6

Strawberries in Bed #7
The new strawberry plants are producing much more then the ones that I transplanted. It must be due to moving them.

Bed #8
The onions seem to doing well. I sure hope that we get enough for the year.

I was pleasantly surprised to see these blossoms and berries on the transplanted blackberry bushes. They won't produce much....but, it's a good sign of years to come!

This head of cauliflower has doubled in size since taking this picture. looks like we are going to have some nice spring cauliflower!

There are 27 Celery plants at the plots. All of them look great except for these 3. They are all twisted and deformed. I was going to pull them this morning. But, I changed my mind when I saw they had ladybugs on them.

The eggplants have some beautiful flowers.

The Fava Beans survived the attack of the ants. I picked 3 this morning and they are wonderful!

The first pepper of the year is "Happy Yummy Sweet Pepper".
The seeds were given to me by Dave as part of the "Happy Acres Happy Yummy Pepper Experiment".

This is a Sweet Banana Pepper.
There are quite a few peppers on many of the plants.

There are also a lot of tomatoes everywhere at the plots!!
That will make for one "Happy Italian"!!!


  1. The way the plots have taken off is just sinful! It puts the rest of us to shame. As many years as I've gardened, I've never seen a garden take off as fast as this one...great gardening!

    1. Thanks Granny, The garden is really doing well. We are supposed to have 2 really hot days starting tomorrow. The temps are supposed to get near 100! It's been cool the last couple of days staying in the low 70's. I wonder what the garden will do after that heat???

  2. Wow! That's an amazing garden! Great job!!!

    1. Thanks 1st Man, Initially I thought the garden move was going to do me in! I'm still here and the garden is thriving!

  3. Everything looks wonderful. I hope everything will do well in the coming heat. My garden really needs a bit of heat to jump start the warm weather crops after a very cold early June.

    1. Thanks Daphne, The garden could definitely use some warm weather. I'm just concerned about what the quick jump in temps will do to some of the veggies. I know that I won't like it one bit!

  4. Very nice. I am amazed at how you have cold weather crops-cauliflower with warm weather crops-eggplant. We just can't do that here. Even the warm weather crops are looking a bit--weathered--now that the heat is here.

    1. Becky, The only reason the cool weather crops are still OK is because it has been pretty cool. I wasn't planning on putting any broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower in this spring as I didn't think I would be ready. They were started late. I just hope that this 2 day heat wave doesn't ruin them.

  5. Robin--this is amazing. I love it when the garden starts to burst.

  6. I'm with Granny, for a first year garden it is doing great! Your hard work is obvious in how well things are growing. You should give yourself a big pat on the back.

    I've got some green Happy Yummys too. They do seem to be fairly early, as peppers go. Time will tell how they color up.

    1. I have some Happy Yummys too. Unfortunately, someone has removed my tags, so I don't know which pot is sweet, which is hot or which is jalapenos! I do have a couple of others marked....if someone hasn't been removing those tags too :-(

    2. Thanks Dave, It looks like all the hard work is paying off! That pepper was the first one. We shall see how long it takes for it to turn yellow. The race is on!

      @Granny, Was some little blonde hair blue eyed cutie moving your tags around???

  7. Robin,

    Wow, the community garden looks like a professional nursery!!!! Amazing, totally amazing!

  8. Replies
    1. I try to give the garden lots of love to keep it happy!

  9. What a gorgeous and well organized garden you have, all that hard work in the beginning sure is paying off, congrats.

    1. Thanks Norma, Hopefully we will get some great harvests this year!

  10. Every thing is looking really great. I love those beds, we hope to have our whole garden in raised beds like that some day.

    1. The beds keep the garden and me organized!! I think you will really like having raised beds. I think they work out very well.

  11. Your gardens look wonderful! I don't think you are ever tired or lazy!!!! Nancy

    1. "The Italian" thinks that I have a ton of energy. He should have seen me 20 years ago. I do get tired and lazy at times. We all do!!

  12. These pictures look like a trumpet sounds!!! wonderful, green, lush! Brava!

    1. Thanks so much Patricia. I just love to sit under my umbrella at the plots and just look at the garden.

  13. You garden has really taken off, everything looks so lush and pretty.

  14. Soil that hasn't produced veg before should be full of nutrients. When we first took on a derelict plot our plants were so huge we couldn't believe it!

    1. That is so true. I really have to get compost bins set up at the plots. Then I can replenish the soil like I do at the home garden.

  15. Oh my goodness, that looks like enough to feed you for the whole year. How very productive it all looks!

    1. That's the plan. We buy very little produce. Last year we only spent about $30 on produce and herbs. Everything else came from the garden.

  16. Gorgeous! So neat!! I like that in a garden!

    1. Thanks Sue, It's not as neat as I would like it to be.

  17. I am really in awe of those beds - those plants look fabulous, you must be so excited.

    1. Thanks Sue, Yes, we are really excited about how well the garden is doing.

  18. Your vegetables look so good- wow on the tomatoe plants! Do you have a fence surrounding all your beds?

    1. Hi Gracie, Yes there is a fence and additional bunny fencing around the entire plots. I don't like to share!

  19. Wow! What a great garden!! Would love to have you link to my garden tour party!!

    1. Thanks a bunch! I'm going to have to check out this garden tour party. I think I have seen others doing it.

  20. That's a lot of hard work - but great to see the rewards starting to roll in. It seems you go straight from winter to summer, but you are ahead of the game. Impressive!

    1. Thanks Mal, We really didn't have much of a winter and our spring was very strange. Now we are having a heat wave...go figure! You just can't predict the weather any more.

  21. Looking very good, Robin! Someday I will grow a cauliflower head that is respectable. Yours looks great!

    1. Last year I didn't have one single respectable head of cauliflower or broccoli! We're loving these!!


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