
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Proud Day for Sophia

For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis, you have heard me talk about my neighbor Sophia. Earlier this evening Sophia was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society and Honors Program at school!!!

You Go Girl!!
We are so so Proud of You!!

Next step......Harvard!
That's her goal!

I will tell Sophia that I posted this when she comes home from school today. I'm sure she will appreciate all of your comments!!

She has come a long way since arriving here from Ghana just 7 years ago! I'll never forget that day. She was very tiny and had on the most beautiful dress! She just looked at me when I talked to her, since she didn't speak one word of English. In a few short months she was very fluent in English and is now learning German, Japanese & Spanish!


  1. Robin,

    Sophia is gorgeous and smart as a whip! Congratulations Sophia, may you achieve all you set your heart to achieve. God Bless!

  2. Congratulations Sophia. You're doing great. You'll be at Harvard before you know it!

  3. Congratulations Sophia. Your beautiful smile tells the entire story! Maybe you and my niece will be friends in college. She wants to go to Harvard too!

  4. Congratulations and best wishes for the future!

  5. Excellent Sophia - really well done.

  6. What a beautiful smile ! Congratulations to dear Sophia.

  7. Congratulations on all you have accomplished and will accomplish in the future, Miss Sophia! :)

  8. This is fantastic! Sophie...we are all so very proud of you. Never lose sight of your dreams and just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will be in Harvard before you know it.

    And Robin...applause to you for caring about your neighbors and forming meaningful bonds! Sometimes watching the accomplishments of neighbor children and sharing in their lives brings as much joy as your own children.

  9. Great work Sophia! One of my dear friends, Sonya, is married to a wonderful man from Ghana. His name is Stephen Abu. He was the first in his family to graduate from high school and then he came to America to get a bachelor's degree and then a Masters. Now he helps build schools in Ghana with World Joy - our valley even had a fundraiser and built a medical center there and a school - Sky View KG. It's amazing what you can do when you work hard and smile your beautiful smile. And there are so many you can help when you are educated and providing a good income for your family. Keep up the good work!

  10. Fantastic! What a beautiful girl and smarts too, well done!

  11. Robin, please give Sophia my congratulations, snd tell her is she ever wants to visit Colby, Bates of Bowdoin Colleges in Maine for backup schools, I'd love to help out.


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