
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Tour of the Community Garden

Late this afternoon, I walked the entire Community Garden and took pictures. I took 171 pics! There are 110 plots there. Here are some lovely sights. The garden has come a long long way!

Enjoy the tour!

Click on any pic to enlarge.

I think it's just amazing to see this not so long ago empty piece of land turned into all this!!


  1. Just awesome! It really is amazing how quickly it all turned around and to see everything so lush and green.

  2. It is fun seeing all of the different gardening styles.

    I think I need a community garden plot. I think I would be more motivated to weed if I knew other people would be seeing my garden on a frequent basis! :)

    1. I also find all the different gardening styles interesting.

      We have rules about weeds. There have been a few evictions and there are still a couple of sites that have yet to be gardened.

  3. It is so wonderful to see what a group of super people can do with a handful of seeds! I am really impressed! Great Job to everyone. Lovely gardens!

    1. It's definitely an impressive site! Wouldn't it be great if more unused space could be designated for gardens??? Just imagine how much food could be grown!

  4. I can't believe how big some of the plants are there! If I didn't know I would never guess that the garden is new this year.

    1. Isn't that crazy how big some of the plants are?? I wish some of my plants were that big!

  5. You stole my word I was going to say that is amazing in such a short time!

  6. So impressed with the Community Garden, Neat, clean and not a weed in sight. I bet any slugs/bugs are soon moved on.
    The different crops looked really healthy, the broccoli amazing!!

    1. The County Garden Coordinator and The Garden Committee is really trying to stay on top of things. There are a handful of plots that are a bit weedy or messy.....but, not many.

      I wish my broccoli looked that good!

  7. You're right . It IS amazing. Love the arch and the beer sign LOL. If you could grow beer that easy, everyone would have a garden in their back yard.

  8. So pretty. I walk by a couple of community gardens on occasion, one just half a mile from my house. They are much smaller (not surprising since they are very urban), but also much messier. Or maybe you just didn't take photos of the weedy ones.

    1. Daphne, I took pictures of each and every plot this time. There are only about 6 that have any issues. All of those plots have been given a notice. We are really trying to make this garden a "Model Garden" for the county. Then maybe more community gardens can be created!

  9. Robin,

    The pictures you took are amazing. This community garden look as if it's a professional nursery. Everyone involved with this garden must be proud, job well done!!!!

    1. Thanks Sandy, There are definitely a lot of very proud and hard working gardeners gardening there!

  10. What a beautiful place! It must be so wonderful to be surrounded by fellow gardeners who are so serious about growing their food. Absolutely lovely photos.

    1. It's definitely beautiful! We all like this location much better then the last. As you can see, the soil is good too!

  11. Truly remarkable that in that short time the changes made and gardens growing. I can see where you've been spending your time and it time worth spending at that. Congratulations!

    1. Marcia, I really enjoy going to the garden much more then I did last year. This place feels like a real community!

  12. That is a community garden?! The ones I usually pass don't look this neat and organized at all. In some cases, they look like a hot mess. Your community is to be commended!

    1. I have to agree with you. A lot of community gardens are a hot mess. We are very proud of our new garden!

  13. Wow I can't believe how far along everything is! You can tell all the gardeners have been working hard. It seems like last week it was all a large dirt pile.

    1. I was just looking at the photos from 3 months was just a large empty dirt pile! I'm really amazed at the progress!

  14. That is just absolutely amazing. I can't believe it is a new garden. Amazing.

    1. I really can't believe how far it's come either!

  15. WOW everything sure has taken off!!!

    1. It sure has! We are hoping for a good gardening season for all!

  16. OK, Robin, where did you take those photos? That cannot be that rough plowed field of ...what, two months ago? What a difference! You and your fellow gardeners (plotters?) should be very, very proud of your accomplishments. You truly are "Gardeners of Eden"!

    1. Thanks Granny, It's really mind boggling how far the garden has come in such a short period of time! I think it's fantastic!

  17. A lot of busy bees you have in that garden, looks like it's been there for years! Very pretty photos :)

  18. Thanks Erin, I am really impressed with all the hard work everyone has put into their plots!

  19. Robin, you've really done a wonderful job with your plots! Kudos to you!

    It's really exciting to see how many people are interested in growing their own food. Imagine all the vacant city-owned land all over the country that could be turned into something like this. It could even be done with no rental fees if a city wanted to. If people put in a garden in those places, look at how that would not only improve the appearances of neighborhoods everywhere, but get fresh food to hungry folks as well.


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