
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trellises at the Plots

I've been building some trellises at the plots this past week between the daily storms. I have to say that I am very happy with them and the plots overall.

Sophia's stepfather and his friend gave me some great bamboo!

Some pieces are 2" in diameter and were as long as 11'.
It's really nice and free!!!

I put two 8' high trellises in the front of the plots for two different varieties of yard long beans.

I really love the way they turned out!
And see that umbrella......Bill (another gardener) gave it to me! Boy, it's nice to have a shady spot to sit! Nope, the gate isn't in yet!

I also put up two trellises that I had at the other site. 
One is for Beans and one is for Cucumbers.

This bamboo trellis is at the end of the bed where I have the Raspberries and Blackberries. It's for the Dean's Purple Pole Beans.

I still have 4 or 5 more trellises to put up. This will depend upon whether I decide to trellis the little pumpkins that I planted. 


  1. looks awesome! I love the long bamboo idea for beans - currently i planted mine around my fencing to let it climb but i think for next year I'll do a trellis.

    1. I am so happy with the look of the bamboo trellises! I would love all of them to be made from bamboo. But, it's not practical for everything.

  2. Robin, Hey Girl!!! Your community gardens are awesome. Everything is looking real healthy. I love the trellises, you gave me an idea for my beans. Now that is some really nice looking bamboo. I love when you get things for free to help with the garden/property. Don't work to hard, catch you later.

    1. Thanks Sandy, Free is always good. Those pieces of bamboo would have been a bit pricey if I had to buy them!

  3. They look great. I have my bean trellis in but not the strings for the beans to climb. I tried putting it up today, but it was just too wet. The beans are just starting to run. Not much yet, but those strings have to get up soon.

    1. Thanks Daphne, I really wish this rain would ease up a bit. The plants aren't going to be able to fend for themselves when it gets dry.

  4. Very lovely trellises! I made 10' trellises and didn't think about being able to reach the top whereas the beans have almost made it to the top already. Guess I'm gonna need a garden ladder!

    1. I have a garden ladder over there. It used to be my easy household ladder. My peas at home are at least 7' tall and it's a real joy trying to harvest!

  5. Your trellises look fabulous! I was just using my fence for my pole beans, but the bugs ate the beans.... so that's how it's going at my garden :-(

    1. Thanks Granny, I've been having bug issues here at the house. I sure hope you get some beans growing somewhere!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Jane, I really like them too. The other day when I got to the plots, there were birds sitting on the top. I thought it looked so nice. I probably won't feel that way if they start after my plants!

  7. Great looking trellises and the price was right! It looks like you have been busy.

  8. The plot is looking amazing Robin. I bet you feel much better now than you did when you were first told of the move.

    I think I'm developing webbed fingers with all of this wet stuff!

    1. Sue, I have to admit that I like this location better then the previous one. I'm definitely feeling much better about the move now that the hardest work is over.

      I'm with you on the webbed fingers! We have had way too much rain here too.

  9. I do like how trellises work to give a garden height as well as supporting the plants. They look perfect.

    1. Thanks Liz, They definitely give the garden a nice look!

  10. The trellises look great. I would love to get some bamboo for free and the umbrella is nice too. When I go to my garden there is just me there, no social interaction, which is nice sometimes but I don't get anything given to me either, lol.

    1. Free is always good! There is a lot more social interaction at this site then the previous site. I also get a lot of quiet time, which I enjoy.

  11. Nice job on the trellis work. I just don't know how you can manage your gardens at the plots AND your yard at home!!! It always looks so nice & neat.

    1. Thanks a bunch Dorothy, I have no little ones around anymore!! Just the cats and "The Italian" and I only have gardens at grass to speak of.

  12. Hi Robin. Things are sure looking great. I haven't been blogging in about a month. Just no time lately it seems. Hope to get here more often as time goes on.

    1. Hey Wilderness, I have been so so busy too. It's that time of the year for us gardeners. I haven't taken any photos of my harvests and have been missing out on Harvest Monday.

  13. Nice AND free is just the best! They all look great and I bet you are excited to see all this little plants start snaking up them towards the sun!

    1. Thanks BLD! It will be great to see the plants growing up the trellis!

  14. I had never thought of making trellises out of bamboo. What a wonderful idea! My garden won't know what hit it!!!!!

    1. They really do look nice. Let me know if you make some for your garden.

  15. I love the way the trellis turned out but it looks really tall. Are you going to need a ladder for harvesting?

    1. I'm definitely going to need a ladder for harvesting! I'm only 5' tall and the trellises are 8'. The beans that I planted can grow to 10'. I sure hope that they don't!

  16. looks great!!! I keep telling Mr.P what kind of trellises I want but he doesn't get it...I am going to make him read this post :)

    1. These are really easy to make. I used zip-ties to hold them together at the top.

  17. Replies
    1. I am so grateful for the wonderful free bamboo! I don't know what I would have used if it wasn't given to me. I looked online and it was kind of pricey.

  18. Wow your plot is looking fantastic! Free is my favorite price. I've been dreaming about an umbrella at my plot, I'm hoping to find one at a yard sale. Your trellises look great too!

    1. Thanks SG, I was going to try to find an umbrella at a yard sale or on free cycle. When I mentioned it, Bill said he had an old one for me!!

  19. Great job on your trellises! Enjoy your rest under your free unbrella! That is great! Nancy

    1. Thanks CTC, It's really nice to have a place to sit in the shade at the plots.


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