
Friday, July 6, 2012

The Big Day has Finally Arrived......

kind of! Today is the day that I picked our first ripe tomatoes! Here they are.....

The little red tomato on the left was supposed to be an Eva's Purple Ball. As you can see, it's not. It looks like a miniature Belgian Beauty to me. It weighs a whopping 1.25 ounces. I've had cherry tomatoes that weighed about that much.  The first small tomato of the season is a Sungold, seed from Dave

The tomato plants are loaded with nice big, come on and get ripe!. 


  1. Yahoo! First tomatoes are always the sweetest!

  2. Nice! that tomato looks very tasty to me :)

  3. Those are some nice looking tomatoes!

  4. Hooray for summer tomatoes! I ate my first batch as fried green tomatoes thanks to a storm that blew them off the vine and a squirrel ate the last one still hanging on. Fortunately, there are more growing. Yours look wonderful!

  5. The first tomatoes are better than Christmas.

  6. No matter what else you have harvested, the first tomato always seems important somehow. I am not sure why we judge our gardens by how well our tomatoes do.

  7. It might be small, but I'll bet it will taste good! I've picked 3 small ones this week, so tomato time is on its way!

  8. ha!! i knew it!! i knew it!! tomorrow should be my big day - i cant WAIT!!!

  9. I got our first Early Girls today. And once those Sungolds start, you should have lots of them.

  10. That is always an exciting day. Every single year.

  11. Just got my first one today too. Very exicitng to pick the first tomato of the season!

  12. And here I just got done saying to hubby that wow--the tomato plants got some blooms on them. Sigh.

  13. Congraulations! Your first tomato is beautiful! None ripe here yet! Nancy

  14. Hooray for first tomatoes! My mouth is watering looking at your photo. I'd say about a week til my first one, just noticed the pink blush today.

  15. Congratulations on your first tomatoes!! It will be a while before I see a red one in my garden. I hope the mystery tomatoes tastes good. I am sure the Sungold will be yummy.

  16. How wonderful....I feel like I am a cheerleader. I go out and look at my green tomatoes and I cheer for them...come on, you can do can!

  17. We have flowers but no fruit yet maybe by September!

  18. Exciting, I do love the first tomatoes. Hope you enjoyed it.

  19. Yay!!! The first ones always taste the best :)

  20. Fantastic! This is our first year growing Sun Golds and I'm just amazed that they've been able to keep producing fruit in our record heat in Tennessee (temps as high as 109!)

    The other tomato that is producing really well for us so far this year is Riesentraube. It's a little behind Sun Gold in terms of producing ripe fruit, but it's loaded with grape tomatoes and we've gotten about four ripe ones so far.

  21. That red tomatoe looks perfect!

  22. Yay for the first tomatoes! May oodles more follow in their footsteps :)

  23. Congrats. I just got back from vacation and didn't check my one tomato plant. I did check the beans, the squash, and the corn though.

  24. All I have is sungold's so far. Waiting for tomatoes seems to take forever :)

  25. Robin, I'm with you. Come on and get ripe. I have a couple that I'm watching. They are right on the verge of turning. I can see just a hint of blush on them. I've had to start watering heavily since we haven't had a drop of rain in nearly three weeks and the temperatures have soared above 100 several days and the other days have been in the upper 90s. Hopefully, the tomatoes won't split on me from the dry weather and watering. This year has been quite the challenge. The bell peppers are starting to recover from their somewhat weird start this year. They just sat there with wilted leaves looking pathetic. Everyone that I talked with had the same issue this year. The bell peppers are just now starting to grow and put on buds. Ususally we have peppers by this time of the year.

    The pumpkins are the star of the garden this year. They have all but completely covered a 30' by 30' area. Several pumpkins are now beyond the basketball size with no hint of turning yet. They are going to be huge pumpkins. The corn is tasseled and putting on ears. The wild turkeys have taken to eating the tops off the later plantings so there won't be sweet corn after the first planting.

    Have a great day in the garden.

  26. I'm just now seeing this post, Robin. Sorry I'm late! Congratulations on your fist ripe tomatoes, though.

  27. I just can't wait for ours to be ripe. We have had cool and wet weather until recently. Now my greenhouse tomato plants are taking off. Beautiful site you have! -Wendy


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