
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard...........07/05/2012

The preserving season is just beginning around here. I have been adding frozen broccoli and cauliflower to our stores. Some herbs have been dried. The spring peas are finished and some have been frozen. I am hoping to have fall peas to freeze as well. The garlic harvest was good and is now curing for storage. We will have plenty of garlic for the year and enough to plant in the fall.

The one thing that has been a hit around here lately is homemade ice cream! Ever since the little guys at Spring Garden Acre were here for a visit and showed me how to make a good ice cream. We just have to make it once a week. Thanks to Granny's great & easy recipe. We have made vanilla, strawberry and most recently vanilla ice cream with Heath Bars. Although it's not going in or out of our cupboard....just in our bellies! I want to share this wonderful homemade summer treat with all of you!

Vanilla Ice Cream

  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 2 Cups Whole Milk or 2% Milk
  • 1 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla
  1. Combine sugar, egg yolks and milk in blender. Process until completely blended.
  2. Pour into saucepan and heat to boiling, stirring constantly.
  3. Remove from heat and place waxed paper over the top of the custard to prevent skin from forming.
  4. Chill several hours or overnight.
  5. The next day, stir in heavy cream and vanilla before adding it to your ice cream machine.
  6. Follow the ice cream machine's directions to freeze ice cream.
Note: If you want to add some fresh fruit from your garden. Chop about 2 Cups and add to ice cream toward the end of it processing.

This is the Vanilla Ice Cream with Heath Bar.
I cut the vanilla down to 1 tsp, smashed 4 candy bars in to pieces and added them to the ice cream while processing.
Yes, I had two was a Holiday!

What goodies have been going in or out of your Kitchen Cupboard lately???


  1. 2 scoops is very restrained you know - very impressed you kept it to that. On TV here there is a cooking contest show called Masterchef and one of the contestants made a white chocolate and cauliflower icecream. When I read the first line of your post I was thinking - oh dear you too, but I'm very glad you stuck to vanilla. Although perhaps the cauliflower could be nice??????

    1. I don't know if I would like cauliflower in ice cream. I think we will stick with more traditional flavors!

  2. Yum... homemade ice cream. My parents made is when I was kid from fresh, raw milk and a crank arm ice cream maker. Everyone took a turn cranking the thing. It was sooooo good, like yours looks.

    1. My mother always made homemade ice cream at every picnic. All of the grandchildren had to take turns cranking it. It was a fun time for them!

  3. I've NEVER had homemade ice cream. I always meant to, but.....

    looks delicious-I don't know how you show restraint. And yay adding candy!

    1. Sue, I can't believe that you have never had homemade ice cream! Oh, you will love it! It's much much better then store bought. I think you need to try making some.

  4. I love homemade ice cream! I made Basil Lemonade yesterday for the first time. So good!

    1. Your lemonade recipe sounds wonderful! We are definitely going to give it a try!

  5. Nothing quite like homemade ice cream - especially if your own hens contribute the eggs too! I have yet to make a batch of it this year. The weather is warming up (finally) so I may feel like doing just that soon.

    1. Happy to hear that it's warming up out your way. Now you have a good reason to make some homemade ice cream!

  6. I haven't had homemade ice cream in a couple of years. I have made frozen yogurt quite a bit though. I'm with Laura, nothing better than homemade ice cream!

    1. I've never made frozen yogurt before. I think that's something we need to try. Did you post a recipe for it some time ago?

    2. No, no recipe yet. I guess some tasting and a post is in order!

  7. Robin, icecream looks a whole lot better than canning right now. One of the reasons I've shied away from canning was that it happens in the hottest part of the year. Canning when it's 100 degrees outside just doesn't make sense to me. Menard's has tear out appliances at their store for $69. I'm thinking a gas stove converted to LP gas would be a great asset to can outside. The 100 degree temperatures would only add fuel to the process. Ah, yeah, maybe next year.

    1. We have an LP burner to steam clams, lobsters etc. We used it one year on the porch and did the corn. It was much easier then canning inside. If all goes well with the tomatoes and I get a lot at a time. I'm going to use it to can tomatoes this year.

  8. I have never tried to make ice cream but your post is tempting me!

    1. Patricia, "The Italian's" parents gave us the ice cream maker. I bet you could find one at a yard sale. Then you can make some wonderful homemade ice cream!!

  9. I've also never made homemade ice cream, but I've been thinking about buying an ice cream maker. I need to watch my calories, but I could definitely make some delicious summer sorbets. Or basil ice cream to use up all my extra basil? :)

    1. Liz, I hadn't made it in years until a few weeks ago. This recipe has much less cream then most and isn't heavy. I think sorbets would be great. I guess I'm going to have to find a recipe for that.

  10. I've been using 1% milk in the ice cream, which lowers the calories even more. It still tastes rich and creamy. You showed a lot of restraint with only two scoops. After I had eaten four bowls of my coffee ice cream, I begged the kids to finish it off before I ate it all! But....I'm going to the store for more cream today, which means another batch or two :-)

    1. Granny, The next time I buy milk, I'll get 2% or 1%. I really need to make some coffee ice cream. Maybe I'll whip up the base tonight! I'll have that all to myself since "The Italian" doesn't like coffee ice cream :)

  11. yum! I wonder if i could convince hubby to buy icecream maker :)

    1. We got our ice cream maker for free. "The Italian's" parents bought it years ago and never used it. I bet you could find one at a yard sale or on Craigslist.

  12. okay ice cream maker is going on the must buy list!!

    1. Homemade ice cream is a real treat on hot days!

  13. We made homemade icecream yesterday for the first time in 5 years. I used a mix though. I had totally forgot that we bought an ice cream maker until I seen it Sunday cleaning out a closet! Nice surprise.

    1. That was a nice surprise! You should try this recipe. It's really good and easy to make. If you have a big ice cream maker, you may want to double the recipe/

  14. Oh How i dream of having enough broccoli to freeze !!
    I'm another one who hasn't made ice-cream before either, I do have memories of my mum making it as treat.
    Your recipe looks great/easy so maybe its time i had a go, i suppose once you have made your own you never want to buy store ice-cream again.

    1. Andrea, It has been years since I made homemade ice cream. Now I'm wondering why I didn't make it for all those years! Yes, this is a very easy and delicious recipe.....thanks to Granny!

  15. You certainly have been busy stocking up your produce! The ice cream sounds so wonderful! Guess I had better add ice cream maker to my Christmas list or go garage saleing! I am afraid I could not stop at two scoops. I love ice cream and homade would be even more tempting! Nancy

    1. Nancy, I have been making a single batch of ice cream. We have been pretty good about our portions since we want it to last a few days!

  16. I need to get an ice cream maker. The problem with having ice cream in my freezer is everytime I pass by the freezer it calls my name. Will need to excercise greater self control to avoid looking like the goodyear blimp.

    1. We have been trying to make it last for several days. That's our self control!

  17. Hi Robin, when I told C. James that you taught him how to make ice cream he said, with his inquisitive and hopeful voice, "really"! I said, "Yes, really. Robin even said so on her blog."


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