
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day & Plot 102

Our new Community Garden plots are 200 square feet smaller then at the old location. That means that we have 400 square feet less space then we had last year. We have been on the waiting list for another plot since last winter. I really thought we wouldn't get another one until next year. Last week, two gardens were red flagged out due to no activity. Wouldn't you know our name came up. My first response was no. Even after Dora said that we would get help clearing it and it would get tilled.  Then I told Dora I would think about it. When I told my hard working neighbor gardener Patti about it.....she said, take it and we can share. So I said yes. I think I'm going to blame my decision on the excessive heat!

Here is plot 102...full of weeds

Here another view of the weeds.....and

here's my partner in crime Patti! 

Do you see that cleared path? That's the only part of the plot that is cleared. The person in the plot to the left must have moved the marker a few feet and planted corn right on the plot line. We are going to measure the plot tomorrow and then make a decision about the fencing on that side. Wish us luck.....I must be out of my mind to take this on in this heat! Well, at least we will have enough space for our Fall broccoli and cauliflower!


  1. Robin you can do it! And lucky you: a gardening partner! I have a partner, too...but her garden and mine are separated by 25 miles! We plan our gardens together...she plants the tomatoes and peppers for canning and I plant the green beans and cole crops. She plants the eggplant and garlic and I plant the potatoes and onions. Her fruit orchard is about 15 years old and mine is only a couple years so she supplies most of the stone fruit...I have the great heirloom peaches and berries...and grapes...she has figs and avacados. Really, having a gardening partner is great! You two are going to create a wonderful garden (don't forget flowers for the bees!).

    1. Lynda, I think we are going to have a great time gardening together. She is new to the community garden and a very hard worker. We went to the old garden site this morning and got some fencing and were eyeing some abandoned gates.

  2. Oh, you're going to have it whipped into shape in no time. I have no doubts about that. Crazy to expand? Maybe. But I truly don't think you'll have one regret---once it's been prepped and planted.
    Happy 4th, Robin!

    1. Thanks Sue, We really need a little more space and having someone to garden with will be great!

  3. I bet those weeds will come out easily from the dry ground, roots and all. I envy the fact that you will have a clean plot for fall crops instead of waiting until room opens up. There is plenty of time for carrots, bush beens, or even summer squash as well. I am very excited for you. Just go easy in the heat.

    1. Rachel, I really hate the heat and will definitely take it easy. I'm very happy that I will now have enough room for the broccoli, cauliflower and fall peas!

  4. But you have a partner in crime and I think you will have such great stories to tell us about this latest adventure. Keep us updated and I love your cat photo!


    1. Lisa, I thought that cat was a real hoot! There will lots of stories I'm sure!

  5. More garden - what great 4th of July news! At the very least you will have more room for fall crops, and a head start on the 2013 garden.

    We got rain for the 4th, not much, but at least it cooled off for a bit.

    1. Yes, it was great holiday news! We got some really nice rain last night. I'm so I don't have to make the early AM run to the plots to water!

  6. Awesome! it's hard to work in 90+ degree heat but since you get to keep it year round i'm sure it will be all worth it. And you get a partner to work with!

    1. Having a gardening partner was the main reason I said yes. I don't think we will be doing much work until the heat breaks on Monday.

  7. It will be fun to have a pardner to work with but those are some healthy looking weeds! Stay hydrated! Nancy

    1. Yes Nancy, those are some very healthy weeds. We are planning to pull or cut down the big ones, weed whack and then the plot will be tilled.

  8. Great decision to take it - now we can all read about its progress..he, he, he. Looking forward to the brassica pictures.

    1. Ha want to hear all about my hot days sweating in the garden! We pulled out about half of the big weeds this morning. It was much easier then we thought.

  9. I would love to have more garden space. I think I would have snatched it up.

    1. I don't think you can ever have too much garden space. It's going to make my planning a lot easier!

  10. That is awesome that you got more planting space. That is a gardener's dream, but I am with you on the amount of work in this heat. Those weeds will certainly be a chore. Will you get to keep the plot from now on as long as you keep it up?

    1. We can keep the plot as long as we pay our yearly dues and follow all the rules. The work is turning out a bit easier then we anticipated.

  11. I think you will not regret that extra space! It sure is tough to start up clearing a new place and planting when the heat is on and the harvest is coming in, but having a garden partner will make it more fun too!

    1. Patti is great and a very hard worker. I think we are going to have a good time making this plot into a nice garden.

  12. Robin, It's nice to hear you have a partner in crime, lol....
    I believe the two of you will have this new plot cleared and growing in no time :-)

    Pssst.....I have extra space over here, if you want to grow (me) ooops another garden.
    Have a good day and stay cool!

    1. It was a killer out there this morning! I'm home in the nice cool house now!

  13. Robin, the heat here is unbareable as well. It seems the only thing that is growing really well is the weeds. They are standing tall and have lush green. Everything else is starting to look a little wilted. I've had to start hauling water to the garden in 55 gallon barrels. It's just a survival mode until rains come. Gardens will start suffering if we don't get rain soon.

    Have a great time in your new plot preparation and drink lots of water. :0)

    1. This weather has been absolutely horrible! You would think it's August. We got a little rain last night. But, I'm with you on the survival mode. That's all we can do for now!

      Stay cool!

  14. It figures that your name would come up during the hottest summer EVER LOL!! You need to be committed Robin, heehee enjoy the quiet time in your padded room :)

    1. Ha ha! I should be committed! We pulled out almost half of those high weeds this morning in about 45 minutes. It's not a big rush to get it tilled and fenced in. I think the guys will probably till it next week after the heat breaks.

  15. Excellent news on the plot. Even if it does mean lots of weed pulling. On the plus side, if the weeds are that big, the soul must be good :)


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