
Monday, July 30, 2012

Harvest Monday ........................07/30/2012

My Harvest Monday post is a little late in the day. It was a busy weekend preserving the harvest. The harvests are getting much better. But, I am still way behind last year, especially with the tomatoes. Hopefully the tomato glut will start this week.

This isn't everything that was harvested this week....but, it will give you an idea of what is coming out of the garden.

A few of my celery plants died and a few weren't looking too well. So, I harvested and froze the celery that wasn't all that happy. There are still about a dozen plants in the ground that are doing very well.

The eggplants are coming in and the peppers are starting.

Some nice pretty tomatoes.....and

some more pretty tomatoes.....and

more pretty tomatoes and also the first Chinese Red Noodle Beans. I think those beans are just gorgeous!

The zucchini are coming in at a steady pace

The first heads of cabbage this year. I was pleasantly surprised at the large head of Savoy Cabbage. There are still several heads that are doing well in the garden.

The cucumbers in the Home garden are producing like bunnies! The cucumbers at the plots are dying off. There have been plenty of cucs coming in to finish up our pickle needs for the year.

While I was doing the Can-Can on Sunday, Sophia found at least a dozen tomatoes and some more beautiful cucumbers in the Home Garden. We thought this guy was pretty cute!! After his photo op, he went straight into the sauce I was making since he was a bit over ripe.

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in gardens around the globe!


  1. you are sooooo far ahead of me with tomatoes and peppers! I had to move a few pots of peppers to a sunnier spot, they were getting shaded by the tomatoes. Love the big nosed tomato :-)

    1. Granny, I have only harvested 30 lbs of tomatoes so far this year. Last year I was probably at 200 lbs by this time. At least I'm getting some of the time consuming canning done before those babies start coming in!

    2. That surprises me. I've picked 27 pounds, which is a pitifully small amount, but better than last year at this time (13 pounds!). Last year was my lowest tomato yield, with only 168 pounds compared to 379 in 2010 and 442 in 2009.

  2. Goodness, your tomatoes are fantastic! I wish mine were ready!

  3. Your tomatoes look amazing! If that is behind then I want to be behind like you.

    1. Vanessa, I should be getting at least 50 lbs of tomatoes in a week by now.

  4. wow great looking harvest your tomatoes really are pouring in now!!

  5. Great looking harvest and great that you are getting things canned! Nice variety! Nancy

  6. Robin,
    Now that's a beautiful harvest! I've never seen chinese red noodle beans before. Interesting! How would you cook them?
    How was your first day at the new job?
    Have a lovely evening.

    1. Sandy, I started my job last week. Things are going very well. It feels good!

  7. Your harvest looks amazing! I love the bright yellow (orange) tomatoes and purple beans! Cabbages are very nice too. And I'm behind on my tomato overall totals also - only 45 picked so far and doesn't look like I'll hit the 200 lbs mark that I hoped for tomatoes this year.

    1. Thanks Jenny, If I don't hit 300 lbs in tomatoes, I will be in trouble. Last year I expected 500 and only harvested 320. I sure hope they start pouring in!

  8. What is this nonsense about not having tomatoes to harvest? Ummm... some of us are lucky to get that much for the entire season! You have some beautiful items this week in your harvests.

    1. Thanks Laura, The tomatoes have been so slow ripening from that long hot, dry spell. I hope that I am complaining next week about too many!!

  9. We haven't even begun to think of tomatoes and peppers--how lucky you are. Those are some BEAUTIFUL harvests.
    We did get our first cabbage, a savoy like yours. It had a black spot in the core, but other than that-perfect!

    1. Thanks Sue, Those maters are pretty! You have a much shorter season then us. Congrats on your first nice cabbage!

  10. Those are some georgous tomatoes. Very nice.

    1. Thanks Chili!! We are enjoying them for sure!

  11. Our harvests are still hanging around on the starting blocks.

  12. I love all the colors of the tomatoes! Celery is pretty too, that doesn't grow well here so I love looking at yours! My tomatoes are starting to fizzle out already and I admit I'm glad since I have been in overdrive the past month getting them all canned, it happened so early this year here.

  13. Wow, that's a SMALL amount of tomatoes? I'd feel like I was in a glut if I got that many! No matter how many plants I put in, I only get a trickle of tomatoes and this year looks to be worse than usual. What you have look gorgeous! Happy canning! I hope we get enough to can and get us through the year.

  14. So many tomatoes! Amazing! How many plants do you have going???

  15. You've got some lovely tomatoes there. How is it to be back at work?

  16. Wow your gardens are really starting to produce now. You will be all done canning by the time I start. BTW my paprika peppers are doing great. How do you hang them to dry?

  17. Wonderful harvests. And what colorful tomatoes. I've only got Cherokee Purple this year. Not nearly as colorful.

  18. The tomatoes look great. I feel for you though, my tomatoes are struggling this year too. I should have been picking the earliest ones since the end of June, instead my very earliest tomato is just beginning to blush this week. The trade off is that I've been rolling in peas all summer!

  19. Hope my tomatoes start to produce soon. Great harvest, nice looking cabbage.

  20. Beautiful harvests! I especially like the picture with the eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini and peppers in it.

  21. Love all your beautiful tomatoes! Don't think I'm going to get enough to make any sauce this year, but the Amish Paste haven't really started yet, so my fingers are crossed!


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