
Friday, July 27, 2012

The Big One!!!

Yesterday when the storm was moving in, I rushed out to the garden to harvest The Big Paul Robeson Tomato that I have been eyeing for awhile now. I didn't want to risk loosing it in the storm

Look at that Big Paul! 
The coloring in this picture is not quite right. It really is dark like a Cherokee Purple. I got these seeds from Jeff last year and we just love this tomato! It has a great flavor! Thanks Jeff for the Big Paul!!


  1. Wow - what a big beauty! Enjoy it!

  2. Nice tomato. Still waiting for mine to ripen. I grew PR several years ago and was so impressed that it's earned a yearly spot in my lineup!

  3. Robin,

    What a gorgeous tomato! I bet it tastes sweet too.
    What are your plans for the tomato?

  4. Hope you did not sustain any damage from the storm. I got caught in it driving home, many downed trees and branches, fortunately I got home OK. There are still homes without electricity.
    That's a gorgeous tomato, still waiting for my first one to ripen.

  5. Gorgeous! I hope it taste as good as it looks. Next year I will definitely need to plant this variety. So far only 1 tomato has been 1lb but they're all much smaller than I was expecting. The storm hit us hard and blew out latice out of the side of the arbor. it also flatened my tomatoes once again so many more green ones were riped out. let's hope it was the last storm for the season.

  6. Very impressive. So glad you were able to harvest it before the storm. I hope it tastes divine.

  7. What a huge tomato! Did it taste good too? Glad you got it before the storm hit! Nancy

  8. Reminds me of a large Costuletta Fiorentina that we once grew which was a monster!

  9. Pretty. I picked two Cherokee Purple tomatoes. Since I can't eat them I just can't get excited about them. My townhouse mates are though.

  10. Very cool! And very impressive indeed!

  11. That is one georgous tomato! Hope the winds weren't too bad there. I have a couple corn stalks leaning and a snapped off sunflower and that's about it.

  12. superDUPER! great work! and great work saving him also... i ran around grabbing up all my big maters when the rain was coming too.

  13. Beautiful tomato! I bet it tastes delicious! No biggies here yet, except one red brandywine from my husband's garden. So tasty! Hope you didn't get any damage from the storms.

  14. That tomato looks amazing! Wowsa

  15. Wow!! That is such an amazing looking tomato!!! So jealous! My tomatoes are a completely busted in our first year garden. Oh well, there is always next year:)

  16. Yum, I'd have my eye on that one too! It can't be a full pound and a half!

  17. hey baby! talking about you over here.. i'll see your paul robeson and almost meet it with my oxheart!

  18. Robin that is one big tomato. I should cover that bacon and lettuce mighty fine. I have some big ones too but I think yours is the champion. I will have to do something with the glut of tomatoes this week. The first wave is starting to build. I am harvesting about 10 a day right now. I'm reluctant to heat of the kitchen in 100+ degree weather but it appears that I will have to do something. The one thing that everyone grows in there garden is tomatoes so it's really difficult to give them away.

    Have a great tomato day.

  19. Big tomatoes like that are next to impossible to grow in my region - so I am totally impressed and a bit jealous too. :D

  20. I am salivating! Fantastic tomato! AT my end of the continent, I am fighting the crows for every tomato. There is risk to leaving any ripening tomato on the vine "just one more day!"

  21. Nice! I bet it tasted awesome :)

  22. Robin,

    Hey girl, I've nominated you for some well deserved awards on my blog.

  23. That is a big baby! We got one Vinson Watts so far that was about the same size. Birds have been pecking at the ripe tomatoes so it's not safe to leave them on for too long.


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