
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard & More!.....08/09/2012

Today is not only Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard, it's also our 4th Wedding Anniversary! For those of you who have been following this blog for awhile, you may remember this post. For those of you who haven't, take a look at our big day!

Now on to Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard. As you can imagine, there's been a lot of canning going on around here this past week. Here is some of what's been canned this week.

Tomato Puree

Eggplant Caponata

I've been canning tomatoes or tomato puree almost every day.

Some canned goods all cleaned up and ready to be stored the cupboard

"The Italian" made the most amazing pizza Tuesday night for dinner. The pizza had a layer of garlic with oil, next a layer of cheese and topped with tomatoes and olives. I think it was the best pizza he ever made.

What's been going in or out of you Kitchen Cupboard lately???


  1. Happy Annivesary and many more years together!

    sauce and pizza looks amazing!

    1. Thanks Jenny! That pizza was just amazing!

  2. You've been amazingly busy despite going back to work.

    1. Marcia, I think I have more energy now that I'm back to work!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Time sure flies, doesn't it. We'll be celebrating our fifth here in about a month. I hope you have a happy day!

    1. Thanks Dave, I left work early and we had a really nice evening out!

  4. Mmmm, that pizza looks amazing! And your canned goods look so good too! You have been very busy!

    1. Yes, I have been one busy canner these days!!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Boy have you been busy with all the canning. The pizza looks amazing!

    1. Thanks Rachel, The Italian did a great job on that pizza. I sure hope he can make another one that tastes just as good!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Ours is coming up this weekend also!
    Everything looks so wonderful. I am especially curious about the eggplant caponata. I had no idea you could can it.

    1. Happy Anniversary to you too!! I have been canning caponata for years. I use the recipe from The Silver Spoon cookbook. It's really good!

  7. Happy anniversary, we are coming up on 19 years at the end of this month.

    We have been doing a little freezing and pickling but no canning yet. Our tomatoes are just showing the first signs of ripening so I think we will be another couple of weeks before we have anything to can.

    1. Happy early Anniversary to you! Hopefully, your tomatoes will ripen soon!

  8. Happy Anniversary. I find this year strange as I'm not canning tomatoes. I've gotten so used to it.

    1. Thanks Daphne, It must be strange not canning tomatoes.

  9. Nice stash of tomatoes, and Happy Anniversary!!!

  10. Happy Anniversary. Next month DH and I would have been celebrating our 48th but unfortunately he didn't make it. Missed 43 by a month. Oh well life goes on and I would wish anyone all those wonderful years we had together.

    Love the pizza. It sure looks good. I like green olives on mine but haven't made one in quite some time.

    Also you need to tell me how you hang your paprika peppers to dry. Mine are actually starting to turn red. I do want to try and smoke some also.

    1. Thanks Wilderness, I hang my peppers in the kitchen from the pot rack. I do put some slices in them with a knife to give them some air. They dry well that way. You can also dry them in the oven on a really low temperature or in a dehydrator if you have one.

  11. Happy Anniversary.

    Lovely canning!

  12. Replies
    1. Hi there KeriAnne, Thanks for stopping by and joining in!!

  13. Robin,

    Happy Anniversary and Best Wishes on your special day!!!

    WOW, Tomatoes.....tomatoes....tomatoes....
    Your not kidding spending days canning, you have all kinds of beautiful tomatoes. It looks like you may have enough canning for a couple of years.

    The Italian makes a great looking pizza. It looks so yummy, we will be right up with the wine, lol

    1. Thanks Sandy, That pizza was the best!! You can always stop by....especially if you have wine!!

  14. Happy Anniversary! Since I had not seen them I enjoyed looking at your wedding pictures. Wonderful canned goods and the Italian sure can make yummy looking pizza! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing our big day! I just love looking at our wedding pics

  15. Happy Anniversary Robin and The Italian!! Looks like you've been very busy canning!! Pizza looks delicious!!!

    1. Thanks Holly! That pizza was the best one ever!!

  16. Happy Anniversary!!!!! Lovely wedding photos. You both are very young grandparents.
    Would love to have a slice, no make that 2 please, of that pizza for breakfast now.

    1. Norma, we aren't that young! I think we just looked young at our wedding since we were so happy! Yes, that pizza would be great for breakfast. I had a leftover piece for an early lunch at work. It was great!

  17. Congratulations on the four year anniversary - may you both enjoy many many more to come!

    Love the beautiful jars of tomatoes and other goodness. The pizza looks wonderful too! Other than the early small varieties of tomatoes, our patch has had a hard time setting fruit this year because it has been too cool while the flowers were on. We have a bit more warmth this week so hopefully I will finally get some tomatoes set - but now the race is on to get them grown out and matured before the cold days of fall creep up on us. I may be buying boxes of tomatoes from farmers in central Washington yet again this year if things don't change very quickly on the home grown tomato front.

    1. Thanks so much Laura! Sorry to hear about your tomatoes. At least you have a source to buy them if need be.

  18. Happy Anniversary! That's a bunch of jars of tomatoes. Nice.

    1. Thanks Chili, There's even more jars now!!

  19. Wow you have been busy. Just love this time of year. The harvest is starting and your tomatoes look great. I am going to try your pizza with all our fresh veggies.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, it's definitely a very busy time of the year. Hope you enjoy the pizza!


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