
Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Harvest Labor Day Monday.........09/03/2012

Since I have been busy catching up on my preserving this past week, I only went to the plots to harvest yesterday. I really didn't think I would have too many tomatoes. But just in case, I brought all of my containers and some bags too. It's a good thing I did!!! This is everything I harvested yesterday!!!

Some Asparagus & Chinese Noodle Beans and tomatoes..... 

and some more tomatoes.....

and more tomatoes......

and even more tomatoes......

and yes, tomatoes.......

and tomatoes......

and my first little Pumpkin. I think I planted Sugar Pie and a huge Butternut Squash.....

and some more tomatoes......

and some lovely sweet peppers.

The tomato total for the day/week was 75.38 lbs! I guess I'll be laboring on this Labor Day for sure! I hope everyone has had a safe and enjoyable Labor Day Weekend!

Harvest total for the week: 88.95 lbs

     Asparagus, Red Seeded - 7.1 oz
     Chinese Red Noodle - 5.6 oz.
Peppers, Sweet - 36 oz.
     Butternut - 99.95 oz.
     Pumpkin - 68.55 oz.
Tomatoes - 1206.05 oz., 75.38 lbs.

Hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions, our host of Harvest Monday to see what's going on in Veggie Gardens around the Globe!!


  1. What a load of tomatoes! I hope that will help fill up your shelves. Happy Labor Day!

    1. Happy Labor Day to you too Dave! Yes, this haul of tomatoes is definitely going to help fill our cupboard!

  2. Goodness gracious, that haul of tomatoes is quite spectacular. How will you process them?

    1. Hi L! I'm presently making some tomato ketchup. Most of the remaining tomatoes will be canned or made into tomato puree and then canned.

  3. That is a LOT of tomatoes! And what pretty squash! How exciting. Did you ever figure out what that ruffled gold tomato was? I haven't seen...

    1. Shawn Ann, no, we never did figure out what that tomato is. The plant is very prolific. But, I'm not real impressed with the flavor.

  4. The tomato haul should make the Italian happy! I would be in heaven personally - so many beautiful vine ripened tomatoes. We are hoping for just a bit of our crop of tomatoes to ripen before the cold fall rains arrive.

    1. Oh yes, we have one happy Italian around here. It looks like we may get enough tomato products canned this year after all!

      I would be so so frustrated with growing tomatoes in your region!

  5. 75 pounds of tomatoes!! That's wonderful. Congratulations.

  6. That's just totally disgusting, Robin! Here I sit with 20 perfectly healthy and robust tomato plants, absolutely loaded with green tomatoes. The weather is perfect for ripening. They just sit there and stare at me in their greenness. I'm really thinking of ripping out half of them, as I think they are just too crowded this year. My peppers have been underperforming, too. Maybe it's just not my year for tomatoes and peppers?

    1. Oh Granny, just have a little patience. My tomato plants were load with green tomatoes for forever. I didn't think they would ever ripen. Now that the plants are dying, the tomatoes are pulling through.

      Nope, it sure isn't a good year for peppers here!

  7. Wonderful harvest! Love how many gorgeous tomatoes you were able to pick in one shot. the peppers are very lovely too.

    1. Thanks Jenny, you should see the kitchen right now. There are tomatoes everywhere!

  8. Wow! You'll have plenty of tomatoes, even for catchup! I'm somewhere between you and granny when it comes to ripeness. Ours are ripening, but ever so slowly! I've still got to go out and harvest the weekends new growth.

    1. Jody, this sure has been a crazy tomato year. The tomatoes should be almost finished by now. I usually have my tomato glut starting mid-July through maybe mid-August. Now go out there in the rain and start picking!!

    2. That's exactly what I did. Yuck

    3. I was going to go to the plots and harvest some hot peppers in the rain. But, I decided to get the dust bears under the bed and make some ketchup instead!!

  9. What a great tomato harvest! Wishing my big ones would kick in, but we keep having heat waves that are causing blossom drop. maybe if the weather cools off soon...

    1. Mary, we had a lot of hot weather this summer too. It really causes problems with the tomatoes. I'm usually about done with tomatoes by now. Hopefully your weather will cool off and make for some happy tomatoes!

  10. Hello, Robin... been mia here but keep thinking about your writings. I cannot believe the amount of tomatoes you have_ wonderful display. We on the other hand were unfortunate in having a cold and wet June, plus part of July. Our squash are coming on slowly and in some cases have few specimen at all. Hope the weather has been treating you well... it has been a strange one for many across the country.

    1. Hey Diana, that Butternut Squash is from the seed you sent me. I have only harvested 3 from one vine....but, they are huge! I miss reading your posts. All is very well and I'm back to working in my field!

  11. That's an amazing tomato harvest! And a cute pumpkin too.

    1. Thanks Julie, I'm excited to use this variety of pumpkin since I have never grown it before

  12. Tomatoes and tomatoes! Great job on all you do! Yummy preserving for sure! Your butternut looks good! Nancy

  13. Wow what a great haul of tomatoes. I love the sugar pie pumpkin. We planted them for the first time this year too and our first is getting really close!!

    1. I can't wait to try that pumpkin. There are a couple more out there too!

  14. Your tomatoes are impressive, but I can't get past that gorgeous shot of varied peppers! Fantastic!

    1. Thanks, The peppers sure are pretty. But, they have been few and far between!

  15. Wow! What amazing tomatoes you have, I will be happy if my plant produce that much in a month.

    1. Michelle, my tomatoes are so so far behind this year. I should be done by now!

  16. You could open a bottling factory with that lot!

  17. Wonderful harvests. I have to start looking to see if I should pick some of my butternuts. I have lots that look ripe, but are they. I always question that when I see them. I'll do the fingernail test. I'd rather not leave them out in the fall if it isn't necessary as we often get drizzly weather.

    1. Daphne, I only have one more butternut out there. This one was getting a little marked up on the bottom and I didn't want to leave it out there any longer.

  18. That is amazing! You will have to paint your kitchen walls red so the spatter doesn't show LOL!

    1. That's a great idea! I have always wanted a red room!

  19. Hello Robin,
    Greetings from New Delhi, India!

    I was delighted to read about your harvest and, moreover, seeing the pictures! We get so busy in city life that we forget about the basic things in life, the small things that make us happy and agriculture is certainly one of them. Keep up the good work :)

    1. Hi Jayant, thanks for stopping by!! Yes, life can get a bit hectic and we sometimes forget about the real important things in life.

  20. 75 pounds of tomatoes, you are going to be BUSY.


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