
Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Word is Out.......the best

bird seed in town is at our place! Well, at least the Gold Finches think so! Last week I went to the Bird Store to purchase some Nyger Seed for the finch feeder outside my kitchen window. A Finch Feeder is the only feeder I can have here in town because of the #$&!!ng Squirrels!! They had a new blend that would work in the thistle feeder which has fine sunflower chips in it. I thought I would give it a try. Boy, do we have a busy feeder!

It's tough to get good pics through the glass and screen.
The feeder is loaded with finches all day!

We also get some other visitors to the feeder. But they don't stick around long enough for me to get a good picture. The finches are quite aggressive with other birds!

There's even a waiting line on the window sill and sometimes on the screen!

This gal was looking at me like.....when do I get a turn??


  1. Wow, they are lovely! I just started putting out feeders again and am amazed at the price of bird seed now.

    1. Becky, you right about the cost of the seed! It's a good thing I'm working again with the amount of seed they are eating!

  2. so beautiful! we have hummingbird feeder out all summer and love our visitors but can't have any other feeders because of the squirels.

    1. Jenny, you could have a thistle feeder like this one. The squirrels can't get anything so they leave it alone. You would also have birds all year round! I have had this feeder up for over seven years and I enjoy them all year.

  3. What lovely visitors to your little Garden of Eden! They are beautiful. We are fortunate to have many hummingbirds, but other than that...we have CROWS...quote the Raven....Nevermore! They are aggressive, nasty, and are having a population explosion. :-(

    1. Patricia, Crows are not very nice birds! I'm so happy that we don't have many crows around here!

  4. Robin,

    The Gold Finches are so pretty, we don't have them here in our area.
    I love watching the birds at the feeder and bird bath. They seem to like to take the seed to the bird bath and soak it before eating it.
    Yes, bird seed is extremely pricey. I've been breaking old bread and throwing it out on the ground, the birds love it.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Sandy, We really enjoy the finches. There has been a lot of commotion at the bird feeder since I got the new seed.

  5. So nice to have those beauties up close.
    I planted some sunflowers just outside my kitchen window--they are LOADED with finches now since the seeds are forming. I think I'll be repeating that idea next year.

    1. Sue, My Mother In-Law had a ton of finches on her Black Eyed Susans. Birds are such a joy to watch.

    2. I harvested the heads of sunflowers last year and just ran out of the seeds. The birds ate it up both the stuff I had shaken loose from heads as well as pulling seeds from the heads I left intact. I will be doing it again this year because I feel I saved quite a pretty penny by growing my own, as it were. Its also so fun to watch the birds eating right of the plant!

  6. How fun is that?! I love the pic of the feeder - full up. It is so entertaining to watch them as they feed.

    1. Laura, they really are entertaining. My cat Miss Banana doesn't think so since she can't get to them. She just ignores them.

  7. I love the last picture. She's a debutant!

  8. We have similar hoardes of birds on our feeders but our goldfinches are different to yours. This page on my website has loads of photos of our goldfinches. Not as yellow as yours. It's strange how we have the same name for different birds isn't it?

    1. Sue, Yes, I agree it's strange. My gold finches stay year round. The males are the really bright colored birds and the females are the duller colored birds. During the winter, their colors change and become much less vibrant.


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